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do muscles ache with asthma attacks?

When I feel an asthma attack coming on, I feel short of breath, cant finish a sentence, chest tightness, tired, and all of my muscles ache really bad.. does anyone else have this?
2 Responses
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942934 tn?1268108382
I find myself that when I have tightness over longer periods that I get bad muscle cramps, which is due to the fatigue from your lungs working harder to get the oxygen in. I'm not surprised then that your muscles are responding to your attacks. Also think of it as when you exercise and your muscles compensate for the greater oxygen demand by building up lactic acid. The same thing happens with attacks because of the reduced oxygen levels.
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746512 tn?1388807580
I get horrible muscle cramps from using ventolin more than once in a while.  Advair also gives me muscle cramps as well (listed as a rare side effect), so it definetly is possible.  

The first symptom I get from asthma flaring is chest tightness, that happens before I notice any breathing problems or peak flow drops, plus it is the last symptom to go away.  
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