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flovent with pred

Should I use my flovent with a new 5 day rx of pred for asthma? Flare up a result of the flu so dr orderedpred 20mg twice a day for 5 days.
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Your doctor really should have given you instructions, but when I've been given a short course of prednisone, I've always been told to continue my regular medications, which includes an inhaler with a corticosteroid in it.  So, yes, I believe you should continue taking your Flovent.  If you're concerned about taking them together, talk to your doctor.

I hope you feel better soon!
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144586 tn?1284666164
Get off the prednisone as soon as possible. You have a "twitchy" lung. Often a single day or two of oral prednisone will "settle things down". Often, following a viral lung infection a bacterial infection develops, which covered the alveoli with a thin film.  As posted here many "asthma problems" are the result of persistant low-grade bacterial infections. These often develop after a viral infection. If you are taking oral prednisone the inhaled version is unnecessary, but won't kill you. Remember that oral prednisone shuts down the immune system and all infections, viral or bacterial, tend to go out of control. Many people develop "twitchy" lungs after a bout with the flu or a bacterial infection. The problem is self-limiting, fortunately, but can last several weeks to months.
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Thank you so much. My fault for not asking the dr when I called but I have been miserable with the flu for 5 days. I am my husband's caregiver (stroke 9 years ago) so "bedrest" is never an option and everything takes longer to get over :-) Thank you for your help!
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Do you mean that the pred could cause me to pick up this flu again since my husband is ill tonight? Feels so good to get a decent breath with the pred hate to give it up. Doesn't last all day but gives real help for a while if I don't do anything too physical.
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144586 tn?1284666164
The argument over use of oral prednisone is long-standing. The answer is yes, use of oral prednisone definitely predisposes a person to new infections, both viral and bacterial. That being said, once a given strain of flu is defeated natural antibodies prevent re-infection with that exact strain. It's like getting a vaccination. With oral prednisone the problem is risk vs. benefit. Prednisone affects different people in different ways. It can cause a flare-up of tuberculosis that is in remission or osteomyelitis. In the case of a diabetic, it can completely shut down the immune system. In a person with normal glucose levels the same dose for a person of given weight may only partially compromise the system. Prednisone has other problems. It is a polypeptide, and a signaling substance. It adversely affects the adrenal glands. In lab rats provided with daily doses of prednisone one hundred percent of the test animals developed malignancies after six months. This was a direct result of shutting down their natural immunological response and an inability to generate tumor necrosis factor. Short-term use of oral prednisone may be life-saving, however prolonged use of prednisone may be life-threatening.
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Thank you for your reply. I guess I can take the mask off when I care for him now. I appreciate your reply. I really dread illness now - caregivers don't ever get days off!
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