1329619 tn?1275151634

need help please

this is gonna be kinda long just to warn you...
ok back in march i had a bad asthma attack, spent a week in the hospital and was almost intibated.  i got out things were good, then last week i started feeling cruddy thought it was just a cold but then at work i started having trouble breathing.  after work i went to the emergency room and i was having another asthma attack, not as bad as the first one but bad enough that they kept me over night.  i was put on prednisone for 4 days, and i started feeling better but as soon as i stopped taking the prednisone my allergies get really bad, my sinuses are almost completely clogged and the worst part i am having trouble breathing again, at work its the worst any time i try to do anything  physical i get short of breath.  im afraid i am going to end up loosing my job because i cant do the work.  im taking zyrtec, singular, advair, saline nasal spray, albuteral nebulizer and i have a ventolin inhaler that i use quite abit.  i dont know why i am having so much trouble, and since i went to the ER, ive been having pain in my chest and rib area, but the dr's pretty much just over look this when i tell them about it.   if anyone has any advice that would be great.  i am just so sick of feeling like this, im getting depressed and gaining weight and i just want to be healthy again.
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To start with, I would suggest you switch to a saline rinse twice daily minimum (up to 5 times a day) instead of the saline spray.  You can find bottles or neti pots at any pharmacy.  The bottles are a little more forceful and do a better job personally than the neti pots. That really washes the crud and allergens out of your sinuses to reduce allergic reactions and post nasal drip which will agravate asthma.

You should also talk to your dr about trying a nasal steroid and/or antihistimine (Astepro or Patanase).  You might also want to consider allergy testing and shots.  Also, you might benefit from Mucinex which thins the mucous out so it drains more easily or is coughed up more easily.  One with a decongestant might be really helpful.  Also, make sure you are drinking plenty of water which also serves to thin the mucous.

Another thought on medicines - I increase my inhaled corticosteroid dosage whenever I am in a flare.  It used to be by increasing my Advair level.  Now I add Alvesco.  You might want to talk to your dr about your options with that.

There could be several causes for the rib pain - pleurisy (inflamation of the lining surounding the lungs and chest wall), inflamed or torn intra-rib muscles or even a broken rib if you were coughing hard enough (very rare).  All of which really just take time to heal.  You could take ibuprofin or acetamenophin for the pain.  Ibuprofin would also reduce inflamation if you aren't allergic to it.

Finally, how often are you using your neb?  Do you have an asthma action plan that tells you how often you should be nebbing?  

Praying you get to feeling better soon.
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1329619 tn?1275151634
i tried neti pots and the bottles however my sinuses are sooo bad i cant even get the solution 1/2 way into my nostril.
the dr did refer me to an allergist and i will be seeing her on friday.
the doctor said i was on the highest dose he can give me which  really *****.  i had another flare up the other day and was put back on prednisone for 5 days the last 3 days of being on it i felt great.  ive been off of it for 3 days now and have had to do at least 3 breathing treatments a day.
no i dont have an asthma action plan.

honestly ive been really bad when it comes to caring for my asthma, it hasnt really been a problem until the last 2 years and the last 5 months its been the worst
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I am very glad that your dr is referring you to an allergist.  Quite frankly, that has taken too long.  I was upset when my dr referred me, but it was for the best.  I felt like he was dumping me.

If your sinuses are that bad, you might need to see an ENT as well to make sure that there aren't any obstructions.

I was diagnosed with asthma in 2000 after years of bronchitis several times a year.  I would usually wait 4 - 6 weeks before going to the doctor with a severe cough.  i abused my lungs for a long time doig that.  :(  I then ignored my asthma for 3 - 4 years.  It flared in January 2008 and has been very difficult to control ever since.  The last 7 months have been hard for me.  It started with acid reflux flare and horrible laryngitis from that.  Acid reflux can be a major contributing factor to asthma (if not the sole cause for some people).  It can even cause sinus infections and other issues.  You might want to discus that possibility with your dr.  I got that under control in Feburary just in time for spring trees, spring storms, then summer grasses and heat. I am currently up taking a neb and will take the first dose of a five day pred burst in the morning.  

What does your script say for dosing?  That would give you a place to start for forming an action plan.  Does it say every 3 - 4 hours?  When you flare, I would recommend that you start breathing treatments at the shortest time interval on your script directions around the clock.  A pain in the ___ , as I have been doing that since Thursday so I am a bit sleep deprived.  However, the treatment is very effective and has kept me off of pred many times in the past.  

Feel better and I hope you can get into an allergist soon.
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