895401 tn?1302792967

not feeling well with new inhaler :(

Am recently dx with asthma already have ventolin inhaler and now also have clenil modulite...since starting it have been feeling ill and exhausted and coughing till sick  and when I take it choke on it . been on it a week don't think it's helping so have gone a day without and feel so much better....yes am still coughing but am not feeling ill or tired at all......

has anyone else got similar experiences?
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I was using an inhealer for awhile this past month, really trying to get my asthma under control. What I found works for me is getting a nasal steriod spray, like Rhinocort Aqua, Nasacort, etc., After I started using this at night it opened up my nasal areas ( which I did not realize were clogged), then I use the mouth inhealer in the mornings and that seems to work for me.
Since I don't know your situation, please make sure that you don't stop using any medication and have a attack. You do know your body better than anyone, just be careful. One poster suggested I get "Asthma for Dummies",  that book helped me understand that Asthma in most cases is caused by allergies. When I started using the nose spray I found I was able to breath from my nose better so I did not need to mouth breath as I had been doing, which seems to irritate the airways more. Yes, I do have asthma and allergies. Taking pills for the allergies dried me up too much. I don't know your situation. I am just passing along what I have found works for me.    
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I wanted to add one more thing to think about. You said you felt better without your medications, and I do understand this. But do realize that you might have been breathing more shallow before and now you are opening up airways that have not been able to get a good exchange of air for awhile...so this too might make you feel odd. Anyways, just wanted to toss that out as another possibility. I hope you feel better soon.
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I used to have becloforte as my "brown" spray but this was discontinued in the UK so they then switched me to clenil. Its supposed to be the same ingredients but It made me so ill. It  would immediately induce a major coughing fit and the taste made me heave to the point of being sick at times so I went back to my DR and said I wouldn't be taking it, and asked if there were any alternatives. I was then given QVAR. this worked the same as the becloforte and I got on much better with it but you may have to fight for it as its apparently a much more expensive option.

You do need to be taking a preventative spray so if you can't get on with Clenil ask to be switched to an alternative. Clenin and the other "brown" preventer sprays take a few days to get into your system and will also take a few days to get out.
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895401 tn?1302792967
Thanks guys, being new to this your advice is appreciated. Tried the preventer again and had same reaction so will go back to my gp  as am still coughing even with the ventolin
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One other thought -
Sometimes as the airways start to open from reduced inflamation, the congestion that has been present is loosened and you can cough more.  This may be part of the healing process for some people.

Take care.
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