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not sure what this is?

hi, I'm 22 years old.  I have never had any problems breathing until a few years ago.  I cleaned with some chemicals at my job that didn't have breathing masks.  They were strong chemicals.  At first I would cough when I used the chemical because it was so strong.  After awhile It stopped bothering me when I used it and I started having chest pain and some stomach pains.  When I start doing any kind of exercise, walking or sometimes just sitting down I have a hard time breathing. So my doctor had me use 2 different inhalers.  Azmacort and proair.  The inhalers help a lot with my chest pain and breathing difficulties. I had 2 chest x-rays done, a Catscan done on my chest and some blood work but when the x-rays came back they didn't show anything. Though my doctor also said this could be a long term thing, but hasn't told me what exactly was wrong:  So I am wondering if this is some kind of asthma?
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372680 tn?1228161610
It could be.  Did you mention the exact name of the chemicals or your stomach pain to your doctor?  Perhaps you were allergic to the chemicals used (I'm allergic to bleach, inhaled or touched) but if it's lasted this long, probably not.  Have you seen a pulminologist or did you do a peak-flow test?
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the chemical is called Breakdown, and I did mention it to my doctor, she thought it could most likely be from it. But she hasn''t told me much else. I don't know what a peak-flow test is? and havent seen a pulminologist yet.
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372680 tn?1228161610
You've probably had an adverse reaction to the cleaned, if you still have to use it, let your boss know if you haven't and insist on different cleaner or don't use it any more.  Whenever you're dealing with cleaners at work, you should probably wear a mask to avoid any further problems like this.  Your doctor is probably having to figure out how to fix you before she figure out the cause -- she might not find out the exact cause, but will probably guess it is the chemicals.

A peak-flow test is a breathing test to see lung function; if or when you get tested for asthma, it's one of the first things they do.

I wouldn't worry too much, but talk with your doctor and if you have questions, ask them because she is there to help you, obviously.

Hope you feel better.
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