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soreness in rib cage area related to asthma?

Has anyone experienced soreness in rib cage area that has severe asthma?
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Hi... thanks for your reply... my daughter who is 13 has severe asthma.  She is being referred to  a pulmonologist now due to the some of her meds not working well.  She is experienceing wheezing a bit but not really the heavy coughing this time. Its wierd. Her doctor has been closely watching her and put her on symbicort and the proventil hfa, and singulair. thanks for the heating pad tip!
take care,
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525545 tn?1293181194
I know exactly what you are talking about. If I have had a severe Asthma attack my rib cage is sore, usually on the left side near the inner side of my ribs by my breast. I also have coughed so hard I have cracked my ribs.  I found using a warn heating pad helps after about 15 minutes.

So you are not alone, but I would mention it to you Dr. to be on the safe side. I hope this has helped you.

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