1580703 tn?1651904887

spirulina, vit d?

I still have wheezing when I exhale but I still wheeze and squeak when I exhale.  I take extra shots of my inhalers but it doesn't seem to help, maybe the nebulizer might.
I've been trying spirulina and vitamin D a little- I read one claim online that spirulina controlled someone's asthma as well as inhalers, but I don't notice a big difference in my sleep breathing problems and asthma

it's really weird I don't understand how I got sleep apnea, central apneas and now after a bad flu I wheeze all the time when I exhale
7 Responses
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168348 tn?1379357075
Hi  you may want to go back to your doctor to be re-evaluated in case you need to be on an inhaled steroid and be followed.  Welcome to our community!

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746512 tn?1388807580
vitamin D is defintely a good thing to take whether or not you have asthma.  Other vitamins to talk to a naturopath or doctor about that can help asthma are N-acetyl-cysteine (VERY good for extra mucus), magnesium (relaxes muscles), omega 3 oils (anti-inflammatory so like steriods just not as potent and few side effects) and CoQ10 (powerful antioxidant).

Hopefully you feel better soon!
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1580703 tn?1651904887
I've tried advair, symbicort, dulera and dulera seems to be the best along with singulair... I think spiriva helps and I'm not sure if I have COPD
I was starting to give up so I stopped the nebulizer treatments but am restarting the combivent on nebulizer
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1580703 tn?1651904887
I don't know why I wheeze on exhale all the time after taking azithromycin for 6 weeks and having a bad 8 week flu even the inhaled steroids don't really help

I'm on an asv and oxygen for sleep apnea but it doesn't seem to be that effective.  I've tried MANY settings- does anyone know a good ASV setting like should you go with a higher more uncomfortable epap and ps max/min to reduce AHI?
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1580703 tn?1651904887
how much vit D can you take safely daily?  I read the upper limit might be 2,000IU/day?  but doctors will prescribe 50k/week
I think it's better to divide the doses to prevent kidney damage
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1580703 tn?1651904887
anyone know good ASV settings?
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746512 tn?1388807580
vitamin D normal levels are 2000-4000IU a day depending on body mass.  Anything higher than that should only be tried with a doctor's orders.  

I don't know much about sleep apnea and thus can't help you with setting levels but hold on and maybe you will get some answers from the others on the forum.
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