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182474 tn?1223950559
I'm sorry for your burning upper back pain.

Please be advised that discussions in the patient-to-patient forums serve as general health information, not intended guide your specific treatment. MedHelp physicians can comment on treatment options in general, not specific to your case.

This forum is not intended to give advice for diagnosis or treatment of your symptoms. It's intended for general information not specific to a single patient. Please see your doctor for your concerns about your burning upper back. There's a lot more that can be done to look into your symptoms.

When patients complain to me of burning pain beween their scapula, one of the things I think of gastroesophageal reflux, especially if the symptoms also appear in front, say in the sternum or middle upper abdomen. That's because when someone with GERD lies down, the acid travels from the stomach to the esophagus and causes burning pain (which can be in front or also in upper back). PPI's proton pump inhibitors (nexium and prilosec and aciphex and protonix) are the most helpful medicines for this problem, but when they're not giving enough relief in a few weeks, I find that adding an antacid at maximal dose (H2 blocker such as tagamet, zantac, pepcid) at night helps with nighttime symptoms since the PPI has worn off by then.

Propping up the head of the bed helps. Not eating/drinking in the evening helps. Eating larger meals earlier in the day helps. Waiting on drinking fluids until after eating helps (the food absorbs the acid in your stomach). Eating smaller meals more frequently helps.

There's more on this topic at:
which I copied some of my comments to here.

Enoch Choi, MD
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I have been having these burning sensations in my upper body sometimes in the front and sometims in the back under my breast bone.  I am taking Aciphex for 7 days now has relieved some of the systoms but the buring int he back started.

Please help
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i doubt it is osteoporisis, and While the gastric reflux idea is interesting, I doubt that too. I think pateints know gastrcially if they are having that problem.

I think you are having rhomboid muscle spasm. it comes from weak mid back muscles, which in turn comes from rounded posture very common these days due to computer use. See a website by Jolie Bookspan, and Erik Dalton. Erik has a great write up on Upper Crossed syndrome which you will find by searching thru his site. The fix is to srttrengthen the mid back muscles (shoulder blade pinching exercises) and to stretch and release the trigger points of the short tight SCMs scalenes, upper traps and pecs.
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This thread is old , it's 2016  but I'm sure people will come across it just as I did .
I disagree with this comment .
I was a very strong person , especially my whole back. Practically solid muscle everywhere and not the type from occasional weight lifting or occasional exercise .
I worked physically so it wasn't just weights but flexing , bending , twisting , walking , etc . Even my off time I rarely sat , lay diwn for sleeping only . Many people I came across since I got ill were similar . Physically fit and strong
I got that burning upper back/ shoulder blade pain soon after I started having heart burn .
My Husband , same story , physically fit and strong - burning upper back out of nowhere.
For many people it's GERD , some gallbladder , hiatal hernia , digestive issues .
242516 tn?1368223905
7 days isn't long enough to take the pain away completely, keep on trying it and let your doctor know how you're feeling
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How long does it take for PPI to start working?
I been on them for 4 weeks and still have burning.
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How long does it take for gallbladder surgery to heal completey?
I did not have stones.
I had the surgery Dec6,2007.
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dear mike,
i am sure that you are on the right path!  my name is chris, i am 47 years old female.  when i say old i mean old, i do things to help my outer appearence to look better than i actually feel.  my event started 30 years ago after a serious auto accident. i cracked a few bones in my neck.  sounds bad, but it was not until about a year after the accident that by back pain started.  it felt like someone had hit me with a baseball bat, and they are still hitting me even today!  i do find, like yourself that it is muscle related.  though, all of the doctors that i have been too, told me everything from nerve damage to the best one of all " we cannot find anything so it must be in your head!". and top that off everytime i injure myself again, i cannot even heel the new part because my pain is so severe.  i for years have tried to do evrything that i can do, i am powerful, ha!  this last injury has stopped me in my tracks. i have so much to live for but yet nothing.  thank you for letting me say all that!
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I don't normally make any comments but after reading what you wrote Maybe someone will find my posting humerous. I came online to seek some help on  severe burning pain I have had for the past 6 years after my first cervical Fusion. I was told by my surgeon (haha) It would go away if I went through a second surgery! (what a joke!  )Here I am years later on a ridiculios amount of medication through pain management. The humerous part is my diagnosis is.mylofascial pain syndrome.. yup,,( a fancy name for muscle pain)  I"m not only experiencing an incredible on going burning sensation on the top part of my neck that travels into my shoulder,,Every now and then I   feel as if someone is taking a lazer gun to the top of my neck and it shoots down my spine. It only lasts a few secounds but its powerful. NO doctor in my opnion has given me a straight diagnosis.. I'm not sure Where the Doctor's are going to medical school anymore.  I am desperate for help from anyone who may have similiar pain. or is going through the same thing. please write back. I am beyond the point that the medicaton is no longer working either. Thanks  Sue
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Like many of you here, I am having severe daily burning and pain the my rhomboid muscles in my back. I don't have all of the answers but I do have a GREAT PCP and Pain mgmt doctor that are doing a lot to help me. I hope by sharing my diagnosis with you, that you may be able to find more info on them and take them to your pain doctor to discuss. First, I have osteophyte complex in the area of C3-6 and T1-4, bulging discs at T1 and C5. I have degenerative disc disease in the areas between C2 and T3 as well as scoliosis. My cervical vertebra have lost so much moisture in them, that I hear crunching in my neck every time I turn my neck. This is common with the degeneration in the cervical and thoracic areas of the back. As for cures, sadly there isn't a quick fix for this. Here are suggestions that have helped me through my personal ordeal. They may or may not work great for you but at least it is a place to start. First, I got an MRI of back and neck. After results, doc sent me to physical therapy which actually helps quite well. I began spinal injections as well as facet injections. I will caution you that I had fairly bad pain with the first two spinal injections, but the facet injections are quite easy. I got more relief in the top of my back than the rhomboid area in my back, so will go through a process of heating (burning) some of the nerves in this area of my back now to see how much more relief I may be able to get. I am currently on the following meds: Tramadol (AM) Soma or Flexaril, as needed ( I alternate) and Percocet in the PM. I also use a regular multi vitamin and recently used Juice Plus. A diet rich in vitamins AS WELL AS hydration has been very important for me. I eat lots of salads and fruits and veggies. My doctor also just told me to begin taking glucosamine  with msm, so I will start that this week. I hope some of this may help. The more research I have done on this I have found little help and mostly people saying "oh yeah I have that too." Of course I am NOT a doctor and am not offering up medical advice, but just hope that you might me able to take this info to your doctor and ask him to begin looking more into your pain. From my experience, it is just going to continue to get worse and if it is something you can begin working on now, I would do it! Best of luck to all of you!
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1339528 tn?1275960879
i have been suffering for close to a year with bloating headaches back pain and burning from neck to lower back bone affecting my hips legs i get so bloated i bend backwards yes it sounds painful and believe me it is spasms r severe i then fall down and  twist my neck turns facing up back turns toes curl my ribs twist im told im not breathing properly and if i were this would not happen i need help sitting too long and standing walking showers etc is painful can someone give me a answer im 45 and terrified this is everyday the pain and bloating stays burning also spasms come and go ive had mri scans exray they did find a crocked spine injury after having many tests done i was told i was born with it and its not causing my problems but they didnt find it before i think from spasm twisting bloating has done damage i look more than just a 10 months pregnant women i have alot of limitations believe me i wonder if its a punishment and if so its enough im begging please read this and help me i live in canada n.b anyone please give me some answers have a hard time getting up and walking feeling sick often laying down hurts please help thank u
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I have been having a burning sensation in my back off and on for the past 20 years.   Sometimes I even get it when a drink water - going down, I get the sensation.   I'm now 67 and wondering if it will ever go away.   It's not worse when I lie down and I get it sitting up.  I've mentioned this to a couple of doctors and they have said, "that's a new one".  I then take Tums and it settles down.   Do you think this is GERD.   I've never been tested.
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I have been suffering from a terrible burning sensation on the top of my right shoulder blade for the last year or so. When it gets so bad I can't stand it ( it feels like someone's jabbing me with a red hot poker). I go see my accupuncturist. The spot in question is one of the meridian points on the body. I get relief for a period of time. I also put lysine gel on it and take some l-lysine tablets. It's either a muscular issue with sciatic nerves which need to be resolved through deep tissue massage, or a nerve ending gone haywire. And then there's also the possibility that it's a shingles breakout trying to happen, which might occur if your overall autoimmune system is compromised.  You might want to take  a look at these possibilities, and alternative medicine, which won't dictate taking a lot of prescription medications which mask the symptoms, without really solving the issue, and as well, usually have their own negative side effects.
Don't you just love doctors? That's why they call it "practicing medicine", you're the guinea pig. Best of luck!
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I am 16 and I've had a semi-continous upper back burning sensation for about 2 years. It is quite annoying, and it's hard to focus on homework and just focus in general...
So today, I just decided to see if I can figure out what it is online...
I found that a lot of people talk about a burning sensation between their shoulder blades... and I thought "Hey, that's me!"
i read that it could be GERD, which sounds like it is more in the chest and then stomach acid works it's way to your back? idk exactly. I also read something about a skin problem, but my skin doesn't burn at all, it is definetly below the skin. The last thing I read was that it was due to weak back muscles, and I'm not that strong of a guy... so that could possibly be it
I also have the urge to crack my upper back which doesn't help at all... but I do it anyways for some reason...
I am yet to search for excersises, so if anyone has a good link I would appreciate it :)
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Heroin or Morphine or lots of Oxycotin are the only things that fix that in my experience!
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I feel fine and have moved on now- I feel bad for all the people who still deal with this kind of pain, I couldn't live with it anymore and had to do something.
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Have problem in my back and neck same burning sensation when to a Chiropractor found out my spinal was not properly align. Give me some 10 days session to align my bones now my problem in the back and neck was gone...  
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I am a 26 year old female and lately I have had really bad burning pains from my forhead that work all the way to the middle part of the back of my head and seriously hurt.Then the pain would work its way down the left side of my arm making it also burn and then that would make my upper back start aching and burning.Its wierd cause it comes and go's every few weeks and this time its back but really hurts in my upper spine area.I have had x-rays and cat scans and they cant find anything my next step is an mri does anyone else have this problem?or maybe could guess what it is cause its really scaring me.
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i thik its not a major problem
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My mother have Burning sensations in neck, back and shoulder from last 10 years.

Please suggest any treatment of this

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i have had a burning sensation in my back for awhile also itchiness throughout my body on and off. What is the reason for this? Could it be my posture with the back? I'm so paranoid i start thinking lung cancer and all sorts :(
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GERD can and does cause upper back burning sensations that can migrate down one side or both sides of the body to the legs.  Sometimes pain or symptoms may occur in the chest or sternum area but not always.  GERD can also cause a recurring cough and fatigue.  And these symptoms may come and go at random, so you think.  Keep a diary to see if certain foods or times of day change the symptoms.  Pain meds will not help GERD but diet and antacids will.  Drinking through a straw, decreasing spicy foods checking for food allergies and increasing water intake will make a big difference.  Also don't eat or drink at least an hour before going to bed.  See your doctor, GERD can not only make you miserable but reflux increases your risk of esophageal cancer.  
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I was benching and something popped in my lower rite neck and upper back and shoulder it put a kinck in my neck and it was there days ten years later when I go to work I use a big stihl 250r 10 hours a day most the time it started burning like fire while I cut a year later it burned worse and worse  now it burns bad and throbs like a toothach  so bad I can't sleep or move or stretch it till it quits what did i do to it and it does it the most when it rains
And what can i do to ease it alot when it starts I was told it was athrites idk but please try to help me @
If u have had the same or simular injury and found a quick ease cream or med
Type me ur knowledge of it
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I too am a sufferer of severe upper back burning, hit by a baseball bat filling, broken neck injury, years of attempting to heal my body, MRI shows nothing. . . . But here is my encouragement for all of you. It's inflamation!!! Pure and simple, focus on resolving this. . I attempt through drinking ice water with shots of apple cider vinegar (huge help) but can't seem to get enough. Changing diet is a must, I am lazy and fall back on breads and dairy, coffee. And wow I notice the pain gets worse when I eat that crap. Bikram yoga really helps but I too skip classes and notice how I eat crap if I don't go.
   I'm telling you, you are fighting inflamation folks, old injuries are hell and a daily battle. Good luck! I'm trying too. But knowing is half the battle. .
As for the guy suffering from the laser shooting down his spine on occasion, Im thinking is part due to nerve damage that occurred during your operation, but once again it could get agrivated by inflamation triggering the nerve to send this shooting pain down your spine.
That's all from me -
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I where with you %100.. Went to ER last night because of the exact problem you mention.. She started me on prednisone for inflammation..
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I also have suffered from gurd. . Participating in bikram yoga classes got rid of that. There is light at the end of the tunnel,
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