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27 Responses
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I don't think I have heard of that treatment. Since 1997, I have worked as home health and managed care nurse for 7 years and just recently I worked as a Hospice Nurse for 2 1/2 years. Was terminated for spending too much time with patients. I laso have some "mental" problems...Severe depression, high anxiety. ?bi-polar disease. It has become so bad, my psychiatrist say he doesn't know if I will ever be able to return to my nursing.

As for the fusions..I have one that needs fusing (4/5). My spine from neck to tailbone has spurs, some larger than others.I have been diagnosed with DDD an DJD. i DO SO LOVE GOING TO THE BEACH AND LOUNGING IN SUN. It seems to help joints, or maybe that's all in my confused head.

Please let me know about this treatment you spoke of. I am to have a total knee replacement when my fusion heals. I had it done 9-11-09 . I am interested in that procedure though. If it works for me, would sure beat fusions.Keep in touch.
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I have had great relief with Cervical Facet Radiofrequency. I get nearly immediate pain relief and the range of motion increase is a nice bonus.  I have herniated c4/5 & c5/6 haven't had them fused yet and hope not to need it in the future.  
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OOPS ! I wanted to add this forum to my watch and to join the community

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In "98 I had fusionof  C 4-5 and 5/6. One did not fuse, so they went ack in and posterly they repaired thebad one. I had been fine until I fell in 2/07. That's when the pain started. My orthopedic referred me to neurosurgeon, he told me he wanted myelogram--that was done.He mentioned surgered and I told hiok, thinking they would allow me to cal them and let then know I was ready. Well she called me and told me my surgery was to be on 7/9. Irefused. Wasn't hurting that bad at this time.Now that appt. was on 6/28/09, I think. She told her he wanted to do ASAP. On 9/11 I had a fusion at C 3-4. I was Steroids for swelling in hospital. Discharged 9/13 and was fine until 9/13. Soft tissue swelling at site was pressing on throat and I couldn't eat or drink at risk of it going down the wrong way.
I took it upon myself to see an ENT. When you start messing with my breathing, somethings got to be done. He put me on Prednisone. I am better with eating and drinking. Tonight it started back, It's like the airway is closing. I think I will see the ENT tomorrow if still persits. With all that's happened, I would do it again in a heartbeat. The pain is so horrible. When this heals,I have got to have C 4-5.I wish he would do it tomorrow. My husband doesn't understand the pain and sometimes I thinks it's not real. That hurts.I hope I haven't said too much. If I have you can let me know. I understand the pain and suffering each of you have spoke of. One said something about surgies would never end, I think. That's right. I have DJD and DDD. I have found that if I raise my L. arm over my and rest it there, it helps some.I am now taking Loratab 10mg (2 tabs) and Flexaril 4mg. They don't even ease thepain. Sometimes I am able to go to sleep for 1-2 hours and pain there again.I have tried just about every spray, cream and patch. Does anyone have any suggestions? A doctor once told me nothing (pain meds ) would help, but surgery to get pressure off the nerve. The pain goes down my L. arm,the bicep area hurts so bad and my fingers are numb. Again if any one of you know of something for the pain. HELP !!!

Blessings to each of you,
Mommy 52
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I had in 2001 disk replacement w/fusion surgery at L5-L6. After walking on a cane for 4 yrs it was good to finally get some relief after spending 3 months in bed after surgery. I am doing good and it would stay that way if I'd quit doing things I'm not supposed to do. I have been diagnoised with degenerative spine and have been told there will never be a last surgery for me. I guess that was a correct statement as I have just had on Sept 1st C5-C6 replacement anterior (they cut my throat) and put in a replacement disk that looks like a lifesaver and the hole in the middle is filled with bone from my iliac(hip) no donor bone for me.....the surgeon said. and I am working on recovering but this surgery was alittle more difficult because there were actually 2 disks that needed replaced and we decided to do only one so as not to put to much pressure on the spine at one time and also so that it wouldn't be so dangerous. Well since I can't listen we didn't want my head to be very unstable. I mean if you think about it once they take you apart it's like having your head on a stick...I know that sounds terrible but it's true, hence the reason for the hard neckbrace. I was in the grocery store with my husband a couple of days ago and of course I had to wear my collar when I am in a car and some lady laughed at me which made me very angry, she said, I hope you get alot of money!! Confused for a moment I looked at her and said, yeah, it only cost me $45,000 for them to cut my throat and replace my disk. Embarrased she took off down the aisle and out of sight. However, I am getting better every day, it is slow go and will take approximately a year for all of the pain and numbness to subside by then the other disk will need replaced.
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I was in a car accident with a tracker trailer about one month ago and the doctor found that I have mild stenosis of c5-6. I have full movement capability but I find that I have deep pain it radiates from the back of my head to somewhere in between my shoulder blades. I also have migraine headaches. The pain is not always there. What is my long term prognosis from the point of view of someone who is experiencing similar symptoms?
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