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Bipolar and need help with some questions

I'm new on this forum.
I am on the addiction site due to help with getting thru withdrawals from oxys and norcos.  All RX'd by my pain managment doctor. J never abused them or any of my other meds for that matter. I wanted to quit them because I didn't. Like what they were doing to my mind and body and also to see where my pain level was at now.
But anyway
I was diagnosed Bipolar 4 years ago by a doctor when olives in Ohio.
He put me on Triliptal which seems to work good. I have also been on Xanax 2 mg 2  a day for about 3 years now and was always on 3 daily but when my doctor left I got a nurse Practionar who I don't feel understand anything and will not up them.
I have panic attacks bad and have not drove on the highway in over 3 years due to panic attacks
I have been ddagnoses with Argiraphobia ( sure not spelled right) also depression which I take Welbutrin for.

Anyway how to I find out if I am bipolar 1 or Bipolar 2 ?

I am sure I have other issues but no diagnoses

I was hoping I could get some advice from you guys on here
I have the right to ask to see a doctor but seems up one at the clinic knows who that now that the NP does everything there and 2-3 different doctors sign off my scripts that are controlled.

I know I should find a new doctor but I am in the Ozark Mts of Missouri and not many to find unless I drive 2 hours to other towns!!!

My hubby is an over the road truck driver and have been going with him and pretty much live in the truck.. We takehome time when we want. Usually just a couple days off so I can see my doctors and back out... LOL

I love it out here. Did it before for a year so know all about it..
Oh and have our 3 dogs with us.

But back to my question... Knowing which I am
Oh and my last visit with the NP she says to me " I'm not sure your bipolar" and brought up taking me off the Trilptal and I  said NO it keeps me settled and level more then anything...
So she dropped it
See before finding the bipolar I had mood swings where I would beat someones a** just for looking at me then 10 minutes later their best friend. I'd go from racing thought and
Mania for a few months or just days then depression for months or maybe just days. I was all over the place.
The doctor before her was great we were working my meds out and then she comes along...

Oh yeah I did have her give me Visteil also for the anxiety and aggitation..

Just looking for answers and any info greatly appreciated...

Please any typos, j am on an IPhone in an 18 wheeler bouncing down the interstate.
In Iowa right now headed to Missouri..  LOL

I wasn't too confusing.

Peace Out
4 Responses
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5153554 tn?1365430705
Welcome Lesa! I've had many of the symptoms you've had. Diagnosed with Bipolar (assuming I, but not even certain, as it my general Dr treating is me).

I read a good book that said severe PMS & migraines is increased with bipolar or other mood disorders. I suffer from both. I'll message you the title if you'd like. It's not just for women but has lots of practical guidance on Bipolar Disorder & a chapter devoted to women.

I went through a 4 month go go go stage - and now I've been holed up in the bedroom for 5 days. i get on here to vent & get great feedback from my bud Bulbulous up there, and others.

This is all new to me, cannot diagnose, just pass along what little I've learned from books & practical experience from people on here. Sometimes just talking to people who understand helps sooooo much.i don't feel as alone, even when I isolate.

Hit me up anytime if you want to vent, talk, write...ok?

My sons on Trileptal - we've been like 2 ships passing in the night, but I think it's working for him. He has Bipolar I.
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1551327 tn?1514045867
I have a bad habit of trying to diagnose people that I meet on here and in my personal life.  I am not a dr and I have to remind myself of that sometimes LOL
That being said I will tell you this.  I am a type one and EVERYTHING that you just said pretty much describes my cycles and severity of my symptoms.  Also I was on trileptal and it was the first med that they put me on after diagnosing me with bipolar at the height of a major manic attack.  It worked great for a couple of days but then I started having some major side effects and they switched me to another medicine.
I hope this helps and I am going to send you something that describes what my mania is like :)
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hey there
I thought u might be on this fourm also.
Getting ready to get some sleep we got deliveies thru out the early morning hours but I'll give ya a qui k run down if I.can explain it.

Oh am Thur NP didn't take me off the Trliptal I refused to let her... Lol

When I am on a manic either long or short lived I have so much energy and a feeling like I can do anything.
I can go with very little sleep like 2-3 hours for a few days.
I have a lot of the raving thoughts and am always thinking about the next hong I am gonna do.
I also sometimes don't stay on task. I even asked if this might be aADD and was told no.
I don't think the things I do are compulsive but as I think about it maybe they are..
Like example. When I am on a manic I go thruou my house and I do mean everything and clean and it has to be CLEAL. Like hands and knees scrubbing the floors. Even rearranging the shelves closets eta...
Things like on he farm . Finding things to do outside from cleaning up to wanting to build stuff to the point that if hubby wasn't there to help I would do it myself and with my back issues I am not suppose to even lift but I have done fencing tilling gardens building new animal housing you name it.
I am just ready to xoncor he world and I feel like I am able to do it all.. If that makes any sense.
I am also bad about going on shopping sprees that I know we can't really afford but I do it anyway.
It's crazy. I know there is a ok more but just trying to give you what is popping in my mind right now.
Seems like I nver get tired and am just go go go go.
When my grinds are around me when I am like that they all say I seem like I have to do thing at 100 MPH and others can't keep up with me it irritates the Pi** outta me. I seem to think everyone else is slow. If that makes any sense. At the ime I don't really realize that I am doing these thinks because I seem to not eiher be able to or not want to slow down and think about it. Like I don't realize I'm doing it until I turn the other way so to speak.
As for the depression part I stay in bed and I mean in bed in bedroom and only come out to get something to eat and take that back to bed with me to eat.
NOTHING gets don't . I cry for no reason just feel a depression state that nothing matters anymore. I have really stayed in my room in bed for over 2 months before and I am sure more then that if I really thought about it. I sleep alot. Just think all the time that things are just hopeless.
Don't want anything to do with anyone I anyrhing
I use to have migraines but has been awhile now.
Somethigs these episodes last months on end it seem and others are just a few days.

Oh and when it's almost that time of the month I get really bad PMS. I live in my bedroom for a few days  I just can't stand peope.

I have also noticed when I am at home and not on the road I don't go anywhere or have anything to do with anyone. Just stay at home. I have social anxiety also. And when I an in the truck I am usually in the back bunk seems like I feel better back there. Like secure. Usually don't go into any place umlnless I just force myself to.

Hope that helps and not confuseing.
Hell I confuse myself.

My doctor I had in Ohio diagnosed me bipolar back 4 years after a long evalution. And he put me on the Trilptal and it started helping quickly. The dose has had to be hope over the years but I still go back and forth but nothing as bad as before I was taking it.
I guess I was a terrible person from what everyone says and I didn't even realize it!!!

We just stopped and gonna get some sleep not sure if I will be on during the wee hours of the morning for at a more normal time but will be jack to check the post
Thanks sokich really trying to make some sense outta thisi am going to also ask for a copy of my medical records on my next visit

Oh and yes I have seen a therapist and it didn't work for me. That just isn't my thing...

Will think of more stuff
Thanks again

Peace aout
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1551327 tn?1514045867
Hey bud,
Glad to see you on here for some support with this and the addiction actually plays a big part in your BP.  You NP likely doesn't know enough about your meds to make a desicions on that.  If you can I would request that dr to have a look at raising the dose.  I know giving where you live at it may be difficult but your mental health is very important.
Vistarel is a pretty good nonn narcotic medicine for controlling anxiety and it even works for me when I am manic but I don't usually have a problem with anxiety.
As far as which type you are....
From the description you gave it sounds like you are likely bipola NOS (not otherwise specified however if you can tell me a few things I can better help you to understand what type you may be but I am not a dr so I will just be able to tell you what I know about the DSM IV and what I have learned from psychiatrists and other bipolar people.
What are your symptoms of mania.....be specific not just saying lots of energy or very happy.  Some of the symptoms are extreme expecially if the mania lasts for a long time.  It is possible that what you are exeriencing is hypomania.
But anyway, you definitely need to be back on some type of mood stabilizer if the trileptal was helping you so much.

Another thing is that the pain meds will definitely have an impact on you symptoms, the severity, and the frequency of manic or hyomanic spells.  Also who diagnosed you with BP?  What was the basis for that....
If you need anything else let me know bud, I am on here often and can try to help you understand more about this.  I will needd to know a little bit more because like I said the pain meds play a part.  
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