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Lost Libido and Implanon

I am a 28 year old engaged mom of two, with a huge problem.  I have lost my libido, I have no interest in sex most times.  Some days I might get a fleeting time of arousal but more times than not, I'm just not in the mood.  This is a recent problem, I would say only starting after the insertion of my implanon. The only other change that has happened is that my fiance and I have moved in together.  I don't know what to do, I consulted my doctor and didn't get any answers there. This issue has been causing fights between us, he doesn't seem to understand that it is not my lack of attraction to him, it's just how I feel.  His thinking is that if I do love him, I should want to have sex as a way for us to be closer and nothing should make me not feel that way.  He's starting to believe that it's him, and no matter how much I tell him it's not, it does no good.

My first question is, whether or not anyone else has gone through or noticed this after getting implanon?  Second question, could it really be the implanon ( as in has it been documented to cause loss of libido)?  And third is if I get it removed, how long should I give it before things kind of go back to normal?  Like I said, we hadn't had an issue before with this.  In fact it took very little to turn me on... Sorry if TMI.  I'm just tired of the fighting, but I don't want to be unrealistic when it comes to getting this thing removed...  

The other side effects I can live with, but this one is making my life hell literally!!
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I would love to hear a follow up. I am scheduling to get mine (Nexplanon) removed next month and hoping my libido goes back to normal. Thank you so much for all of the recent input. Sounds like the side effects have all been the same since 2009 when the first post was submitted.
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I know this forum is a little old, but figured I'd throw in my two cents. I got the Implanon in November of 2012 and I did the full 3 years with tons of side effects that didn't really bother me at the time. November of 2015 I got a new one and it seemed the side effects increased exponentially. So I had it removed Jan 4th. I'm one month post (which seems to be the longest "post" time) and still not even a resemblance of normal. I have digestive issues, menstrual issues, and low libido that I know are all caused from the birth control. I'm currently looking into Addyi to see if it'll help with increasing my arousal. But as far as I can tell from all my research there isn't anything to be done except to wait and see if our bodies will regulate themselves back out. For those who are interested I will come back in a couple months to update on how I'm readjusting.
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Oh my gosh this explains so much. Big love out to all the guys looking out for their girlfriends who are going through this, you're all amazing! So I got the implant in 2012, I would have been 18, I was in my first real relationship. I didn't notice anything first of all, Except that I had no periods or pms: it was amazing. But the relationship got progressively more rocky, with myself losing interest. I just had no feelings at all. Since then I had a few flings but I would say it's actually got worse as time has gone on, I've now been in the implant for four years and haven't had sex in over two years. And don't get me wrong I'm 22, at university, love sport, have a great social life and have had some amazing and really sweet guys chase me down: including a race driver, helicopter pilot, army officer and surf instructor. But I honestly have no interest in that area. It's like I've gone asexual. I can't imagine what it's like for you girls in relationships going through this. It's been fine for me, I''ve just kept busy with my degree and sports. But now reading all these posts it makes sense. It's tempting to keep it in for the final year of uni so I don't get distracted! I think I'll book an appointment with my nurse. Good luck ladies and you fine gents looking out for your girls. Will keep you up to date xxx
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I'm so glad I found this! I have had the implant for 8months and for the last 3 have been going through hell. My boyfriend is so patient but I'm scared that soon he'll loose interest in waiting. I wouldn't wish this on anyone but am so glad that I'm not alone. Got my appointment to have it removed next week. I've been moody and sleepy as well as not wanting sex, my body has started to reject it. I hope so much that things will go back to how they were! Fingers crossed.
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Ughhhh my life has been ruined thank god I've found this article because now I can show my bf in let him know I've found the answer to are main problem. I'm so relieved to know I'm not the only one experiencing this!!! Because if he breathed a certain way I would get pissed.... and sex? What sex? Everyday he'd ask can we have sex today? Can we have sex today? Why can't I touch you? Why aren't you attracted to me anymore? Can we do it? NOOOOOOO UGH LEAVE ME ALONE lol the story of my life but I REALLY REALLY HOPE getting this takin out will improve and increase my libido.... Good luck everyone!!!
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