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Is this some kind of brain illness or just im going crazy

Hello everyone im 22 year old male and i got illness which none of doctors i visited sure of.
So i will start from beginning when i started seeing some spots near to my pubic area after i had unprotected sex and once i saw them i felt like my brain went into some shock state so i remeber at night my heart was racing i was sweating and stuff which was only probably just anxiety so i went to docs got tested for hiv and other stds also go general blood test all came back nergative.
But now and i been experiencing some syphtoms for 2 mounths non stop is dizziness 24/7 non stop felling like in a dream state also i expererience extremelly memory loss for example if i meet some people which i never met before after i leave its impossible to remember how they looked like its just impossible also i get fatigued fast as well and now about a week ago i would hear my own thouths in my head and sometimes i would start speaking to my self in my head or i acually would start speaking completely non sense to my self or i would start like singing and speaking to my self! Also sometimes i fell like my mouth is burning and get some nail discolouration.
Something is happening to my head or brain after this incident but im not sure what please help me out im really desperate guys
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A lot of these symptoms sounds like neurological or psychological issues. With the racing heart and dizziness and fatigue, it could be anxiety, and the ear sound could be tinnitus,  but it's really difficult to say one way or another because there are just so many different types of symptoms. The face-blindness and speaking/singing to oneself reminds me of my father, who is in the middle stages of Lewy body dementia and also has dealt with anxiety and depression for many years. However, some of these symptoms could be side effects of drugs. Do you currently take any medications or street drugs?

You should probably see a psychologist and maybe even a neurologist if these symptoms continue.
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Well i take antideppresants which my GP prescribed to me but even before taking them i had all of these symphtoms and she said maybe its anxiety or something but now physchologicaly i fell totally fine and normal i just get those symphtoms which makes me think probably i would need to see a neurologics.
If i were you i would go to the neurologist as soon as. Possible i suffer from all the same things and lots more.   Just go see them and talk
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Oh and also i forgot to mention when its quet i can hear a sound coming from my brain its like bee sound in my head or my ears
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