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Pituitary microadenoma ?'s

I was told I possibly have a pituitary microadenoma based on my MRI results, but the doctor wants to do the wait and see approach.  The doctor said he was "100% sure this was not causing any symptoms."  What are the symptoms a non-secreting, non-functioning pituitary microadenoma may cause?
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I would take the current tests you have and your MRI and report (always get copies) and move on to a pituitary center. That way a neuro-endo can evaluate you. It does pay to do a lot of research ahead of time so you know if you get a good one so you know if you can stay or move on.

Lesions (which means any type of thingy) on the stalk may compromise the auto-immune system. You say you have issues but not what type.

Sadly, I know from a few of my friends that their fertility docs did not do them any favors but then again, I know so many docs in general kinda mess up too - I had to see bunches and between doc silliness, lab error, etc etc it can take forever to get diagnosed - it took me over 12 years and I know people it took 30! Hence I always advise people to get copies of testing, and read up.

If you have any questions - please ask. As well there are some resources in the health pages and some of those have doc lists.
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875426 tn?1325528416
I had apparently a microadenoma of the pituitary that was likely a prolactinoma (disappeared years later).  I had a high prolactin level once.  But with later testing, nothing pointed to a functioning adenoma and the thing shrunk.  Mine I don't believe is a typical case.

  Finding a neuroendocrinologist who can follow you for this with appropriate tests would be a big plus.  The endocrine specialist need to find out with hormonal testing if your lesion is functioning (emitting extra hormones) or non-functioning (not emitting any pituitary hormones).  Your lesion is still pretty small, which is a good thing.

Feel free to start your own post and ask questions.  Rumpled, the moderator here, has her own experience with microadenomas and is typically very reliable in responding to posts on this forum.
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3222192 tn?1346079610
Hi I was just diagnosed with a 6mm Lesion anterior to the Pituitary stal, could represent a cyst with preteinaceous material, but an adenoma is possible.
Correlation with hormone levels.

I am scared I have a big history of issues that go back almost 20 years, I am now wondering if the neglect of my Fertility doctor back then did not do the proper test.
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I hear your story over and over... Radiologists miss those dang things all the time anyway so I hope they team you find listens to your testing and not just the scans.

You could have had apoplexy - your tumor could have exploded and that was why it went away! Or it went between the slices of the MRI...

Neuros cannot treat pituitary - and as you know - most endos. I hope you keep us posted! And you get the help you need.
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I had a few MRI's showing micro adenoma back in early 90's.
First endocrinologist thought it was an FSH producing one.
Sent to neuro-opthalmologist...vision fine.
But his notes stated possible micro adenoma cause of pre-mature ovarian failure. Was supposed to see neuro-surgeon for consult...but I DIDNT.
Sure wish I had, when it was easier to see. (prob cause I was on HRT)
Down the road a few radiologists tried to downplay it..saying not sure, not evident on today's scan. And the rest followed.
I am 64 and get migraines every month...now, if it were stress...dont you think I would get them all the time?
Its SO evident...its the pituitary STILL trying to send signals...still raising FSH levels.
One dr. told me...even though these adenomas may be small...they CAN produce high amts of hormones (thus...migraines, like in my case)
My neuro has been of NO help and I know he disbelieves it exists.
I could wear a charm bracelet of all the endocrinologists I have seen.
But remember....they mostly treat diabetes and thyroid.
Do they know anything about the pituitary?
Find one that specializes in disease of the pituitary.
I am onto a new neuro-endocrinologist team out here in Rochester.
I hope all this can be put behind me and I get my life back with no more montly migraines. No more living in fear of the next one.
LISTEN TO YOUR GUT FEELING. ( and to think...I almost bought their noted sales pitch.....ITS JUST NERVES)
You know you body BETTER than any dr. ever will.
Good Luck.
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765439 tn?1292960414
i felt this should be bumped i ncase anyone else is experiencing this and needed to read this!
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