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finally got a diagnosis afetr years of feeling unwell

For nearly 5 years i have been feeling like somehting was off with many symptoms popping up without any answers, i decided to go see my GP for another look into what could be causing it and after i blood test i got these results back

FSH 2.1 iu/l
LH  3.8
Prolactin 4908
testosterone 6.4

I'm 24/M and never had any facial hair or body hair except pubic area and some armput hair that just came through a few months ago

I have never had a sex drive even when i was 16+
Body Dismorphic Disorder
Over Emotional and Highly Sensitive as ive got older
Overweight (despite walking for miles every day with heavy weight on back) mainly waist and chest
Bloated looking some mornings then normal others
Minor Gynecomstia, lump used to be there but has gone and left with puffy nipple
Hairloss on scalp (Diffuse with just recently some receding)
Sebboreah* really oily scalp and itch
Eyebrows falling out and replaced with very light hairs towards the outer half
Bier Spots ( first symptom i spotted, white spots all over arms and legs)

I'm really worried that even with treament for this that some of the things will be permanent like the hairloss

Do my Symptoms add up or are some of them not connected to my levels ?

Thanks Kevin
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The cause is... a prolactinoma unless you are taking meds that can cause high prolactin (there are meds that can do this).

Now, prolactin is strange. I had really low abnormal levels and yet was fully lactating out or both breasts. I know other people with high levels like you - but the tumors do not have to be large to have levels like you.

Still, you should see a neuro-opthomologist so you can get checked as the visual field changes are more subtle.

Your symptoms are in keeping with a prolactinoma and you should see a neuro-endo to get treatment - which should be medications. You may have other hormones that are off (thyroid may be one given the state of your eyebrows).

See a proper endo for this - once you get on meds, you will feel like a totally new person. Even the depression will go.
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Forgot to mention, i have no headahces or eye problems that i have noticed and im getting a MRI in a few weeks, my doc is doing a lot of other blood test as my prolactin level is really high and with no eye pain he is wondeirng what the cause could be.
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