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Recovery after partial nephrectomy for cancer

I am six weeks post-op from a partial nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma.  I have done well in the recovery period, only complication was a UTI which was treated with an antibiotic. The pain is minimal at this time, controlled by Advil if needed.  I find am unable to do physical work for more than an hour without getting shaky and sweaty......when can I expect to return to normal tolerance for activity?
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I have robotic partial nephrectomy on my left kidney on april 2010. I had 3 cm  tumor  on this kidney. What is the long time of survival after partial nephrectomy ?
thanks for the answer
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Thank God i found this, I had my surgery 7-6-2017 I had amass 11cm on my kidney they removed no cancer but after the surgery did not expect the pain,bulge,numbness,shortness of breath I look 7 months pregant Doc said thhings look good are you kidding me I was better off before can'wear my clothes i'm 63 was active now very depressed cry alot anybody there?
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I am 6 weeks post op. Right partial robotic nephrectomy. Small RCC tumor removed. Although I am doing great I am still rather weak. Cannot work out and have daily small episodes of random pains. They seem to move around but I am giving myself a good 12 weeks so I have not problems like hernia and can be sure the inside is healed. Some stitches popping out and scars have not changed much but I would be patient and take it easy. You only have one chance to do this right. Best of luck.
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I had a partial nephrectomy 12 months ago and I am almost 57... But yesterday I had blood in my pants and when I wiped myself ... I haven't had a period in 12 years and have seen nothing so far today..... Should I be concerned ?
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I had a partial nephrectomy June 3 2015 to remove a renal mass.  I am now 11 days post op and am very weak.  The incision is very tender and achy.  I am a very healthy strong female so this feeling weak is disconcerting.  How long did it take you to feel good again with no side effects?
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Patience. Rest. Exercise. Eat well. I am six weeks post op for robotic partial nephrectomy. No cancer, so that was good, but woke up with no feeling in left leg (was on that side for surgery that took five hours).  Now I can walk 3 miles but still can't run.  No bulges, so build up slowly or run risk of hernia.  Energy level still 75 percent, blood pressure elevated, hoping that adjusts back down.  For leg I still can't sleep on it or it goes numb.  So had to learn in new positions which isn't as easy as one thinks.  Adapt, take what you can and just slowly push forward.  Resist killing everyone who says your just getting old.
Hi, Tinker1959, I just had a partial nephrectomy 12 days ago. I have been reading here to see how others have fared since their surgeries. I saw your post and wondered how you were doing now. Did you get your concerns cleared up by your doctor? I hope you are well.
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It took me almost a year to workout the various scar tissue and adhesion's. Little random tweeks lasted a bit longer. Exercise and stretching is the fix. Take care/
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I had my surgery Nov. 17. Still have pain and discomfort
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I had an open partial nephrectomy on November 17th. I still have pain and discomfort. Loose pants feels better than jeans. Anyone else this far and still have pain? Wondering when pain will be gone?
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I had an open partial nephrectomy on November 17th. I still have pain and discomfort. Loose pants feels better than jeans. Anyone else this far and still have pain? Wondering when pain will be gone?
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It has been a year now since my operation.  CAT scan showed no cancer but a possible hernia in my lovely bulge that I still have. just now regaining sensation in my skin around surgical site.   I have still not turned the corner on my energy level, I still have night sweats, and still feel a lot of pain from the removal of the rib section.  I am quite angry with my doctors I don't feel like I was communicated with honestly on what to expect or what was actually going to happen.  I encourage everyone reading to ask questions before and after and never accept anything you don't feel is applicable to your situation.
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I just had a partial robotic kidney removal and I stayed in the hospital for four days and the pain has been so bad I thought this was going to be easier does anyone know how long this pain lasts.It hurts to breathe at times and it's actually hard to speak and I see people who left the hospital two nights later and are back to work two weeks later I don't understand why this is so hard.
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My mother had a partial done Sept. 2,2014. She is 74   She is still in bed probably 20 hrs out of 24   And says jt hurts to get up. Can anyone tell me is this the normal.
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I had a partial nephrectomy of my right kidney September 11, 2013.  I too have the bulge and abdominal tightness..  I had a 3.5 by4.5cm clear cell rena cell carcinoma removed.  I still have debilitating pain that they call flank pain?? I feel it internally its the same internal pain I felt post op just not that severe.  Let me tell you when I came out from anesthesia I hurt so bad I thought I was dying and tried to literally get out of bed and run.  My energy level is horrible. I still have night sweats worse than before and low grade fevers, high blood pressure.  I have since post op developed diabetes also.  My doctor says I'm not overweight and my pain is not uncommon. I am like a few of you who the meds don't help the pain and the doctors are dismissive of my symptoms and I am have sucha bad time of this. but looking for a better tomorrow.
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I had an open partial neprectomy 5 wks ago and I have constant pain in my lung when taking a deep breath, coughing, sneezing or anything that involves any type of chest movement. I also have pain in my left arm a lot of the time especially in bed or when just sat. I am waiting for an app to go for a ct scan, but all the same very worrying. Happy to be cancer free but very uncomfortable. Has anyone had the same problem.?
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Hi,I can sympathise with your frustration as I am 4 weeks post op after open partial nephrectomy and still experiencing alot of pain also.My 17 year old daughter is due to give birth in 6 weeks and now my 26 year old who is living back home now has to have heart surgery for w.p.w so hoping this pain subsides soon,all the very best to your in your recovery,blessings to you
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so glad I found this board. I had partial nephrectomy Jan. 2014,felt pretty good for about 4 weeks until post-surgery follow up.  A few days before I went in, I knew I was getting a UTI (suddenly going to bathroom all the time,or feeling like I had to) so asked surgeon to check urine, and was told it was okay except for small amount of blood, which was to be expected, but follow up with family Dr.  It got worse, and did get an antibiotic called in.  Seemed to take care of it, but now I am sore most of the time (area right below scar area -about the size of my hand.  I was convinced that something had gone horribly wrong or had developed a hernia.  I just assumed that since it was pretty pain free for a couple of weeks, I was over the worst.  But now, reading all your comments(while I was going to give it another week, before calling Dr.-which I will still do-as I can see it can be a result of other things and , now feel more knowledgable(?) about real concerns..  I feel I had a very good Dr. but , should have done much more research or been better informed of how long the recovery could take. Did anyone else have reaction like this, where they felt better and , then, started dealing with constant pain and uncomfortableness?
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My urologist sent me for a CT scan to see exactly what was going on with my bulge.  The CT scan shows that I have a 7cm neck (aka HOLE!) and that the hernia "contains multiple uncomplicated loops of small bowel".  Lovely.  I was told that if the hole was smaller there would be risk of bowel strangulation, but since the hole is as large as it is, bowel strangulation should not happen.  I was also told that as I get older, the hole can get bigger.   He is referring me to a general surgeon who he says "fixes these all the time".  First, I'm wondering, WHY do I have a hole?  Did the urologist not sew me up properly after the nephrectomy - which I had laparoscopically?  I will go see the general surgeon to see what my options are, but I am very reluctant to have this hernia repaired as I have read a lot of stories that indicate the hernia/bulge can return, or worse complications, mostly rigidness and chronic pain.  Right now, aside from the very unsightly bulge (big as a grapefruit), I don't have much pain from in.  I wear abdominal binders for support.  I wear those 24/7 and it helps, and I hope it will prevent the bulge from getting bigger.  I'm frustrated!
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I had a partial nephrectomy done back in November of last year.  About 2 months after my surgery I was still having pain and the "buldge" showed up.  Here it is September and I have debilitating pain and the "buldge" is bigger than ever.  I have had countless CT's, Ultrasounds, and am on high doses of Loritab for pain which I can't take at work.  I can't walk around Wal-Mart for more than 20 minutes with my wife then I am pushing the cart trying to keep myself up from all the pain and tightness.  I have had surgeons tell me that there is no hernia and I am fine and its something I am going to have to get used to.  This is unacceptable.  I am in  the military and have to keep and certian weight. They do a body fat test on me with a tape measure and the where they tape is exactly where the "buldge" is.  This is affecting my way of life.  I can't work out, I can't walk, I can't play with my kids.  I know I'm ranting on but is there anyone out there that might have a solution.  Me and my wife are at the end of our ropes.
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Oops...I meant to say, "A little over three years since your post." Nonetheless, I hope to here a positive reply. Thanx. I've been crying a lot over this...and praying.
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Hi. I know it has been a little over a year since your post, but I am having what appears to be the same problem, and was wondering if your bulge went away. I donated my kidney five weeks ago, and I am freaking out over this bulge on my right abdominal area.The incision looks good, but the bulge concerns me. I had a CAT scan done a few weeks ago and the doc said, "Everything looks good", but I had a completely flat stomach and now I look like I have a lopsided pregnancy. I hope to get a response. Thank you, sincerely.
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5661893 tn?1371891135
I'm 5 weeks out post OP. I had a right open postural Nephrectomy. I'm a over all healthy 31 year old female. I too have had a lot of abdominal pain post surgery. But my pain is just about 2 inches above my belly button off to the right. It aches 24\7 I did have VA CT scan to of now after having 5 I am deathly allergic to CT contrast. Landed me in the hospital for 3.5 days. Ugh!
They did get results to the scan..which only showed fluid retention under the muscle and skin....  :( this frustrates me, because I have no clue if the reason why it still hurts. I have also been running a low grade fever since surgery. 99.9 to 101.4 ??I over all feel ok just achy and some pain....so if anybody has been experiencing this,or had it figured out please share! Thanks fir your time! God Bless you all!!! Oh and my cancer was Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma...
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Unfortunately, not good news.  I am now 5 years post surgery and the bulge is worse then ever.  At my five year CT scan it showed a small amount of bowel in the incisional area.  Again my doctor said I should watch for worsening but did not recommend surgery to repair the area.  Now I am worried I may be damaging the area as I am pretty active with gardening - lifting, digging, and carrying.  
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I read your post and it sounded like something I would write as I am in exactly the same boat as you.  Your post is from 3 years ago, just wondering how your bulge is now?  I am 7 months post-op and was told my bulge is not fixable.
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It sounds like you may have what is called a "flank Bulge." This happens from cutting one of the thoracic intercostal nerves, usually nerve 11 or 12. Unfortunely there is not much you can do about if one of these nerves is severed. I do core exercises, but I amconcerned this may be making my bulge worse. My partial nephrectom was in August 2008.

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Just had a partial nephrectomy on Nov13th. I am having numbness and sever pain in the kidney and am being told by my doctor that I should no longer be in pain. Am I crazy? Btw it was RCC (left side) I'm glad to be cancer free but the pain won't quit. Please let me know if this is normal?.
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