1500294 tn?1290272209

afraid of throat cancer

To start--- I'm 30 years old.. I smoked for 14 years, but quit 2 years ago.

I have chronic allergies, post nasal drip and sinus issues and lots of health anxiety issues.

My latest symptoms are sore throat, ear ache, constant phlegm in the pit of my throat, a cough (but not persistant, comes and goes).  some times the sore throat pain also goes down that side of my neck and collar bone. (nerve maybe?).

I'm concerned with these symptoms and don't see my GP until may 2nd. should i call an ENT before then??? go to the ER? anyone else with these symptoms and have been cleared and are ok? Or anyone with these symptoms and have cancer? can anyone relate at all??

2 Responses
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1663135 tn?1310005363
Alot of the symptoms you are explaining could be multiple different things the worst being cancer. But it could be something as silly like bad allergies or a sinus infection or even hay fever. If you are that worried about it and it is driving you mad (i know the feeling) Go to the hospital and put your mind at ease. Good luck
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1500294 tn?1290272209
hey, thanks for responding. The only reason why Im' not in a full panic, and only in a mild panic, is because I do have terrible sinuses and allergies/hay fever. and I'm a hypochondriac in case you didn't notice lol
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