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Cat head trauma, What are his chances?

My cat was hit yesterday by a car. He has severe head trauma but no other injuries, we don't know if there is any hemoraging as he was taken to an emergency vet and not a cat specialist hospital.

I'm not sure what medication he's no but they said it was to reduce swelling and he's on an IV saline drip and oxygen.

He was outside for a few hours before we found him and before we took him in to the vet and they say it lowered his chances of survival.

However when we went to see him he was conscious enough and seemed to respond to my voice and responded to touch. His limbs are rigid especially his back right foot, however he seems to know when someone is touching him, and he is breathing through his mouth though I suspect that may be because of the oxygen therapy.

He does make odd meowing sounds though. He hasn't made an effort to get up though and the vet told me that he was becoming less responsive and that I should put him down.

But he was still kicking his legs, and I love him so much, I can't imaging my life with out him. What are his chances?
31 Responses
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874521 tn?1424116797
I am so sorry to hear abt your dear little kitty. Its good the er vet gave something to reduce the swelling asap...this is critical to a good recovery. wehave had other posters in the past who have reported a slow but steady recovery after a head injury....it takes time to see how much damage was done and what is possible to recover. many kitties do recover fine, some will have a limp or possible blindness...but can live well and adapt even from such issues...I would urge you to wait a few more days to see if your kitty is going to makes some even slow slight signs of improvement, before making a decision to put him down...this is so hard I know.
I wll send you a couple articles that may help you with your decision, good luck and prayers for kitty...please update us.


If you do bring your kitty home, you will need a safe quiet area for his bed, wiht food/water dishes nearby and a low sided litter tray...and kitty will have to be shown where each of these are located. you also may need to assist feed for a little while, I can tell you how to do this...but more importantly the Vet clinic can SHOW you exactly how...it will take some adjustments for a few weeks...and tons of patience and love. here are some ideas...for living with a disabled cat, whether its a temporary disability or a permanent one...♥

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Thank you so much for this encouragement.

My kitty got transfered today to a different hospital where they could give him better care.

They said he's been on the anti-swelling drug as needed and he's on a feeding tube as well. It's been a little over 24 hours since the treatment began and they say that he has a chance of survival since he responds to voices and touch. He closes his eyes when you touch him and he calms down and he vocalizes when he's distressed. He also twitches his ears if you call his name.

He still doesn't know what to do with his limbs and the vets say that there is no improvement but he's stable.

I'll keep updating.

Thank you so much for the encouragement. I love this cat. I want him to live a long life.
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He has improved neurologically somewhat. His pupils are dilating more normally and the rigid limbs are now more relaxed.

However he has developed what could possibly be pneumonia. He has been started on anti-biotics and whatever fever he had has been reduced.

They don't know if they should put in a more permenant feeding tube in yet.
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874521 tn?1424116797
is that his name...pinkie???

well baby steps ahead are very good signs, any head injury is a slow process...so neurological improvements are most encouraging:)
the rest should all follow...as long as the Vets can take care of this pneumonia now...sending many prayers for him, thank goodness for owners like you who are willing to try. I will send you a link or two from past posters who have also gone thru similar....for you to read, they have had real good outcomes...keep us posted♥♥



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242912 tn?1660619837
Hi there, I am following your kitty's progress, and adding my prayers for his recovery.  Bless you for trying, and bless your dear boys heart.  

Sending much hope and positive vibes~
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Thank you so much it means so much.

His name is Pelos because he's very furry.

I'll keep updating when there are updates.
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He tried to sit up today.
His pupils are still dilated but he's more responsive and his ears are moving more. He also can pee on his own!

They suggested him to stay another two days to see if he has any interest in food because he doesn't want to eat on his own yet.
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874521 tn?1424116797
great news!!!!! each day brings Pelos a little closer to recovery....if after 2 days he still doesn't show the desire to eat on his own,have the Vet clinic show you how to ASSIST FEED with a dropper.....
I will include a video...many have to be fed this way while they are recouping from a traumatic event...does not mean its permanent...♥

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They haven't mentioned assist feeding. Since sunday it's been, three days now? They're waiting still on him to show a desire to eat to send him home, if not then they say they want to place him on a more permanent feeding tube.
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242912 tn?1660619837
Great news about your boys improvements.  Do you know if your vet has tried an appetite stimulant?  
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They haven't. They seem to be very insistant on the tube.

However Pelos today tried to get up and walk. He wander to the left and he doesn't have his footing yet. He has a hard time sitting but he's getting the hang of it. He also finally pooped on his own.

And he showed an interest in food. He doesn't know what to do with it. He just knows that it smells good and that it's there. It gets him excited.

He also seems to be a bit blind but his sense of smell and hearing is very much intact.
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874521 tn?1424116797
well thats all more positive developments....so happy to hear. the blindness may possibly be temporary, don't worry just yet, the important part is getting him to eat for now..

I sure hope they have at least been giving him IV fluids? and some nourishment afterall 3 days...yikes much too long to go without for a cat...

the feed tube is another option that works, that too should only be a temporary measure...

doing a great job mommy, our prayers to you and Pelos♥

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They have him on a temporary feeding tube through his nose that goes into his belly. And IV fluids every now and then. They draw his blood to check his electrolytes.

Thank you so much for the hope and all the support!
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Pelos update:

Today they have inserted the more permanent feeding tube. His surgery went well they said and he can come home tomorrow.

He still shows only interest in food but doesn't eat. However his condition is well enough to be an out-patient.
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874521 tn?1424116797
thats great news.....he will recoup even faster at home, a feed tube can be alot of work, but well worth it for dear little Pelos... I hope he will soon want to eat on his own, keep trying to tempt him with some things he always  enjoyed. YEA Pelos!!!!
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Will treats be okay? D:

And they said they would teach us how to feed him and we still may need to push his bladder to pee.
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874521 tn?1424116797
of course speak to a Vet abt what you can give him, but I myself see no harm in giving him treats...you mean the packaged cat treats right? if that will get him started wanting to eat than sure, even a small amount of human tuna or salmon...(not recommended for more than just a few bites)...but anything IMO that will tempt him to want to start ...I also know of a product to sprinkle on wet food that supposedly is very tempting to cats and safe, not to be used as a diet though. I've never used it myself but heard cats really love the smell. I will give you a link to where I know its available, good pet stores will probably also carry it. there are NO preservatives in this product (unlike most of the packaged cat treats)
I order supplements from iherb all the time, they are a very good source for many items I can't get locally, and shipping is only $4. if you quote this code you will get a percentage off your first order and will be enough to at least cover the shipping chg.  SED957

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He loves ham! I know that, that may get him eating again. And thank you so much for the suggestion!!

Also he's home today! He does he the feeding tube but tempting him to eat on his own is suggested it.
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242912 tn?1660619837
Yay, welcome home Pelos!  

Have you tried going through the side of his mouth gently with a little food in a syringe...or just on your finger to give him the flavor, and to get him chewing, licking and swallowing?  He may begin on his own and 'remember' once he actually tastes the food and goes thru the motions.  

You're doing awesome, Mom.  Keeping Pelos in my thoughts...
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874521 tn?1424116797
yes I second that WELCOME HOME Pelos.....

Jade gave you an excellent suggestion...mush up anything he loves like the ham and put a little on your finger and on the side of his mouth or his paw even..cats will instinctively lick...

good luck, it will come just keep up with teh patience hon♥
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996946 tn?1503249112
Best of luck to you and little Pelos....praying that he has a speedy recovery.  Sounds like he's headed in the right direction!  That's great!
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506791 tn?1439842983
If Pelos loves "people meat," try Gerber baby meats.  They do have ham.
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The vet said that he may not swallow if we push with a syringe down his throat. But it is a good suggestion! To have him taste and try to swallow it on his own I think I will try that. Thank you so much!

And thank you everyone for the support!
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hi. same thing happened to my cat toby. got hit by a car just yesterday. his only symptoms of brain trauma are rigid limbs. he is not stable. kind of like he is drunk. He eats and drinks and goes pee and stuff on his own. only thing different is the way he walks. and he sleeps alot. its only been one day after he got out the vet, probably expected to sleep alot when he is hurting. i just want to know can he make a full recovery? He is an outdoor hunting cat. Will he ever beable to hunt again?
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