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Cats that are Hunters

This seems weird for me to posting a question.

Both of the Cats I live with are hunters.  They bring in their prey..show me, and then just sit there until I say "Thank You."  This is often a cats way of trying to take care of their humans.  

They both have specific areas where they take their prey (btw it is the normal mouse, moles, etc). And they do take them to their each locations (oldest traps them in the bathroom, youngest traps them on the enclosed porch.)

This is the problem...

I am not sure which one brought in the mole a few days ago, but it got loose and is now roaming my house.  This is the first time this has happened.

I have humane traps set up in the darker areas of the house (i.e.  back of couch, under beds, in closets, etc) but the darn thing keeps avoiding them.

I know the cats KNOW where this mole is hiding because every day and night I see them sniffing and getting in 'pounce' position.

I am not thrilled that this mole got away.  I have never had to trap a mole or mouse before.  

I think I am going about this the wrong way.  Any suggestions?
22 Responses
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amazing  :)
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587315 tn?1333552783
WOW......I agree w/ you 100%.  See, we can agree sometimes.  LOL
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Heatherlynn, that is how cats are.  When they catch their prey, they bring it to their humans, not mainly for approval, but they 'feel' they are providing nourishment!  

Think about it.  We always have food for them to eat, water for them to drink.  Most of us, at I do, often give them leftover meats and veggies (which they always snarf down).

I have talked with so many other people who have 'hunter' cats that DON'T bring in their prey.  And I have looked to see what is different.  It became clear....  food is not available 24/7  whether it is dry kibble or moist food.   That is it.  When food is available 24/7 the Cat seems to enjoy bringing his 'catch' to his/her human to 'share' and only wants a "Thank You."

When my cats bring in theirs, they put it in front of me, look at me.. I say "thank you, i love you so much" and then off to their spaces they go to eat it.

Many ppl have tried to tell me it is a 'folklore' that cats bring in their 'catch' to impress and/or help feed their human companions.  With all the behaviors I have seen, it isn't a folklore at all. It is an act of love and wanting to take of the human who takes care of them.

We have to remember, food is a necessity, and animals know this better than we do.

   Yep every spring I go through this with my oldest.  Actually I have just finished sewing and marking collars for 2010.  
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my mother's cat (my dear venus' little sister) is not just a hunter but a ruthless killer. this cat is desimatting the population of rodents in my moms area. lol. and she ALWAYS bring it home for HER person. (my mom) mom has had to start leaving her bedroom window closed at night b/c miss sheila (her kitty) would lay her "presents" to mom ON her bed. and of course mum being the grateful person she is always says thank you, pets sheila and praises her for being such a good little provider. (and she NEVER throws away her presents in front of sheila) now my venus on the other hand is the complete opposite. she is SO lazy. a bug...yes a bug...was WALKING in front of her face!!!! know what she did? meowed at it and rolled over. *sigh* i have a fat, lazy house cat...lol
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740516 tn?1360942486
Hey, quite interesting the story about cats adopting bunnies!
You know, its a lot unexpected for me knowing a lot of Americans living so near natural enviromment, I mean, thats not exactly the idea most of people have about USA.
Maybe is because cat lovers are inteligent people...
Well, thats the prove preconcepted ideas are always big mistakes _ I live in the "Tropical Biggest Rainforest"country  but never found a snake or so in my yard :)

I will try the clove lemon scented stuff ASAP, at least its good smelling :-) Thanks for the tip, never had heard about that.
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242912 tn?1660619837
I know it's natural to hunt and all that, but I sure prefer your story on how your kitty takes CARE of the bunnies lol.  That is really cute.  I like how you tag and keep track of them.   Interesting how he leaves the ones he's cared for alone.  

I am not a virgin to bunny guts however.  When I was a child, our cats would hunt in the field behind my parents house and they would leave the guts on our porch.  Stepped in that mess many a time...

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Oh how do i know about the fondness of snakes!  My youngest absolute LOVES to bring in snakes!!!!

It is a good thing I am not afraid of them or we would have a very real problem.  Get over it, majority of snakes cats bring in are Garden snakes...they might nibble at ya, but won't cause harm... the trick is to get them by the neck, just below the head and take them back outside   lol....and btw...they are not slimy!

Jade, in the spring my oldest brings in baby bunnies all the time...he thinks he needs to 'take care of them.'   he tries to feed them and clean them.  They cuddle up to him and are not scared or tense.  I have begun to make little elastic collars for the ones he brings in to 'take care of.' all are marked with a pink perm marker.  

Although he does hunt rabbits nearing fall, he does not hunt the ones he has been 'paternal' with.  In the spring I look for those same bunnies and have found all of them.

Cats are hunters.  Cat food is just not enough for thier well-being.  They need to hunt or at least be fed some of their naturally hunted and eaten prey.  No matter how much the cat food industry tries, they are not capable of reproducing the natural nutrients dereived from eating prey. :)

It is in their Genes to hunt.  Who are we to deter that for whatever is available to them?

I agree with not using chemicals...they are harmful not only to babies and babies, but also to us.  There are natural remedies that will not harm human or cat, depending on the rodent or insect it differs.  

Roaches absolutely HATE the smell of lemon scented clove...easy to make.... get a jar of whole clove and just sprinkle it with some lemon juice.  put the cloves where the roaches like to come in from... problem solved.
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740516 tn?1360942486
Hope Loreena dont kill the small lizards 'cause I'm counting with them to eat the roachs in advance :-)
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242912 tn?1660619837
Pretty funny!

Baby bunnies though?  Ohh...I might cry.  I wouldn't like to see that...

Jade only hunts lizards and plays with them.  She and her kitty friend in back of us, team up.   I've never seen her kill one or even a dead one lying around.  You can tell they are the same lizards being caught because their tails are new and have obviously grown back since the last "play session."
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152660 tn?1291755571
My "hunter" brought in a little snake yesterday- about a pencil width and 15 inches long.  :)  I wasn't home- You'd still have to peel me off the ceiling. ( I walk 10 ft around them even when they're dead)  

Mom finds this "thing" in a coil and yelled at dad- "What is this?" as she pokes the coil and it moves.  Dad replies "It's called a snake."  then proceeds to flush him.  Mom flushes the toilet about 10 times, does several loads of laundry and then goes down to the floor drain in the basement and puts a screen under the cover so the "thing" can't slither back up the drain.  

I'd rather have the mice, moles, birds, baby bunnies (not really- they are usually still alive and squealing)-  

Picture this:  midnight- something screaming for its life, 3 cats trying to get to it (since whoever brought it in let go and he hid under the couch).  Two adults trying to move the couch  and grab it while keeping the 3 cats back and away from him.  Get bunny and let him out. Pick up the dead one from the hallway and deal with him.  

Quess what-  2 am- same damn bunny with the same comedic routine.  Needless to say, the kitty door got shut for the rest of the night.  
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740516 tn?1360942486
Good sugestion for the title,Opus .What about " 4 kitten tails" ?

And you're right jumping is about to happen :-)
Maybe I shoul put bells on then for me to be able to find them!
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874521 tn?1424116797
I don't think its anything to worry abt...they are just getting older and want to follow mommy out of the box...if you don't want them to stray yet, you had better get a taller box because they will soon be jumping over too....
than you will have 4 little ones scampering all over your house!!...fun but you sure don't want them to get outside yet they are too young.
Yes I would verymuch like to see a book applebr...you tell such cute tales(tails ha ha) abt the babies.
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740516 tn?1360942486
Thank you, now I have 3 faithful readers (you, a brazilian friend and one English teacher) so guess its  enough to write my first book - that can be in English since all 3 can read it!
About the babies, I'm hungry for some pics to put here either.Hope I get some.
And something weird happened yesterday about 1am they got crazy about leaving the box, meowing a lot. Loreena was near but she did nothing more then look,and I started getting worried about.No doubts they were so desesperated that would leave the place!
I decided taking them off the box and putting in the spare one to check what in hell was happening ( insect?) Couldnt see nothing wrong, just shake the papers and the towel and put them back again.They were calmer but not soo much so I had to convince Loreena to stay there with then a little - that was not easy but she finally did.
Cats only fit for "noturne people"...
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874521 tn?1424116797
ohhhh your stories are such a joy to read...you have such a cute way of expressing your stories...
guess your BIG INSECT HUNTER needed you to help with this one!! ha ha
I agree abt not using the sprays around the babies, I never use any sprays or chemicals on the grass or in the house around my cats!!
enjoy those babies...wish you could send us some photos.
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740516 tn?1360942486
Yesterday my BIG INSECT HUNTER left the bathroom almost at the same time a coakroach entered in. This is highly probably to happen since the window is open and a lot problematic for me since I cant use insect killers spray because of the babies and also Im afraid of her eating the poisoned one.
Well, this time I manage to kill it by "Natural" ( broom) ways!
I hope to not happen when Im not there, dont want to be waked by desesperated kittens meowing scared of the "guest"!!!
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I know exactly what you mean.  Even some wildlife 'experts' will say that only Lions live in groups and work in packs.  Of course this is not widely acknowledged.

Both of my cats I let roam freely, as do all my neighbors (I live in a neighborhood of cat-lovers YIPPEE!!)  When they are all out together, they gather in the backyard of my neighbor.  They will sniff and do their thing and then create a tight nit 'pack' formation. Then, just as you think they are just relaxing, they will group up and go different ways in groups.  

I have seen them share prey, clean each other, protect the weaker ones from the stronger.

Cats are just amazing.
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The other night, after I posted and went to bed, I woke up to the wonders of the CRUNCH.

My oldest thought it would be nice to eat the damn thing ON MY BED NEXT TO ME!!!!!!

I was hoping they would find it, but I also didn't want it nesting.  And I certainly didn't like getting up in the middle of my sleep to change the bedding!!!!!

Guess they just wanted to have a 'play thing' for a few days.  

And, yes, they were scolded (in a nice way..i can't yell at them  )..   hopefully this won't happen again.

I did find it funny that they didn't eat it soon or even let it go...that was the first time it had happened..hmmm.
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976897 tn?1379167602
I have four female cats and they seem to get very annoyed at each other in the house, always hissing and spitting at each other. However, in the garden, as soon as some prey shows itself they seem to spring into instant action as a team. They each take a corner of the garden and creep in on the poor prey. Grey squirrels are very fast and agile, and large. They have sharp claws and a nasty bite. I opened the back door and found one, laying on the floor, dead and my four cats singing around it. I wrapped it up and disposed of it. Just 30 minutes later I heard them singing again and opened the door. The squirrel was back. I was annoyed because they had obviously retrieved the animal and brought it back to me. I wrapped it up and went to dispose of it. Guess what. The original one was still there. One of the cats brought a very large rat into my kitchen and put it down. It was still alive and ran behind a cupboard. Scared stiff of it, I took one cat at a time and sat it down in front of the cupboard, in full view of the rat. All four took one look and just walked off. I managed to scare it out in the end but I wasnt impressed with the lack of help.
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681148 tn?1437661591
I live in an upper story apartment, so I've never seen any vermin, as in rodents, anywhere near the place.  I think Akira would love it if she had a critter to catch.  She sure enjoyed tracking the giant house spider that was in here a few weeks ago that was the size of an adult mouse.  She didn't eat it, but she did kill it for me.  She had a lot of fun.  After the thing was dead, she looked at me like she was disappointed that her game was over and as if she would really like it if I magically supplied her with another spider to chase, please.  That was so precious.

Interesting information that I didn't know about moles before.  I had some cats as a kid who were excellent hunters when we lived out in the country.  It was quite common to see the remains of shrews and mice in particular on the walkway to the side of the house that faced the field of long grass.  I think I saw a couple of moles, but it was usually shrews.  Uh...the heads were often left behind, so it was easy to identify the shrews.  I usually just took the broom and dustpan and tossed the remains into the garden out of sight.  What can I say, the cats were just doing what they were designed to do.
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740516 tn?1360942486
Fortunatelly, Loreena only hunts insects.I'm not so sure she never catched a bird, but the trail I've found can be caused by other cats in the neighborhood.
The insects, no doubt,she loves!!
There's no moles in the neighbourhood  :-)
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506791 tn?1439842983
Bare knuckle answer: you will likely find the mole dead; it's a creature, which will be unable to survive in the house, out of its natural hunting grounds.

Moles, like cats, are obligate carnivores and (IIRC) must eat their own body weight each day, having a near bird like high metabolism.

They also share something else with our kitties; moles have been known to successfully hunt mice.

Unfortunately, you'll likely detect the mole after it begins to emit a rank odor.  Anita had this happen when a mouse crawled into her car awhile back and died under the driver's seat.
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874521 tn?1424116797
ohhhh no!! give those hunters 'time' they'll look after your problem!!
luck to you
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