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664732 tn?1296823050

R.I.P. Baby - to all who cared :)

my vet just called me, as i was there she could not explain why she just died all of a sudden. so after that i just got off the phone with her, she was glad that i let her do the autopsy, well anyhow, my Baby was born with only one kidney and one of her heart chamber was bigger and stronger than the other one, so basically she died of a heart attack in her sleep (that how she was laying in her kitty bed), so even if she would not had have the heart problem she would not have lived the long healthy normal life that other cats life. the fact that she had a kidney and a heart problem since birth was also the reason why no one believed that she was 12 weeks and born in june as i adopted her, she litterally fitted in my boyfriends hand. she was 3 pounds and 3 oz as she died ad should have weight about 5 pounds by this age. there was absolutly nothing that me or my boyfriend could have done for this cute little kitten to survive.

but how does that leave me and the shelter? i know they could not have known but still i am pissed as hell, i spend 1500 dollars on her, it was a miracle that she survived the anesthesia as i had her in for the dislocated hip, the doctor will draw me up a letter because i still kinda have to turn in the fact that i had her in for a rabies shot, but still, how does that help me? im hurt and pissed as hell, not just that i spend s much on her, but also that i gave my heart to this little furball and then she just dies of a condition that she was born with and nothing that could have changed the fact that she died. this is just unbelievable, and just my luck i guess.
12 Responses
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664732 tn?1296823050
im just waiting on my vet to call me and tell me to pick up her letter about the autopsy,  will then go there with my boyfriend maybe he can make em believe as well that i only brought him back cuz it seemed like he tried to kill her, which now makes sense. even if i dont think that kurdt is still there, i took him back about 5 weeks ago, its at least worth a shot.

ill keep ya posted :D
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541150 tn?1306033843
Well, why don't you ask them? I mean, you have the vet's record, right? You can at least try and see if you can get your male back, and if he isn't there anymore then you could try and tell them what happened see if you can get a free kitten. Will you do that? If you will, please let me know how it went. It'll be interesting to see what they think of all of this. Even though it was not their fault the fact that Baby was this sick, they might re-think the situation, who knows.

And I agree with you. Your male was attacking your female because he saw/sensed/smelled her weakness and KNEW she was too weak to make it. Good thing you understand where he was coming from. Some people would think that your male kitty was acting aggressive out of pure meanness.

I wish you good luck in your search for a new cat. I'm sure your next pet will be as healthy and strong as a tiger! And who knows, Kurdt might just still be there waiting for you. He'd love to go back home with you I'm sure.

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664732 tn?1296823050
believe me i miss her, not just because she was a member of my little family already, but she was just perfect for me, she was just as fuzzy as the cat my dad gave me one time for x-mas as i was a child, she was so perfect and sweet, everyone said so, she liked everyones face, even as i had her in for her dislocated hip, the nurse said as she pulled her leg she screamed from the pain, and i heard her screaming i had her 1 week and i almost ran into the back and kicked all the docs butts for making her scream, but even then, she liked the nurses faces. and i felt really horrible, that day i took the other kitten back to the shelter cuz he was so aggrassive towards her, now i understand why, survivel of the fittest, he kept trying to bite her stitches and all, he was really vicious, but if i would have known she wouldnt survive the next two weeks anyways, doesnt matter what anyone would have done, then i would have kept him, i would have kept em both, but apart until she would have died of her heart attache. i loved her, and i loved him after 1 week already, i cryed my eyes out as he had to go back, but my boyfriend always said, hes going to kill her, and that was how it looked like, now i feel cheated, i feel like the shelter owns me a cat, or maybe just the one i took back, but he probably already got adopted by another family, now i have over 1000 bux less and still no cat. i mean dont get me wrong im glad this cutest kitten could inspire our lives, even my boyfriend doubted himself as she died, i even blamed him out of shock. but even tho i had the chance to give this baby furball a home, i feel cheated, i wouldnt have given Kurdt back if i would have known Baby woulda died anyways, i feel like the shelter needs to give me a kitten my choice for free and taking over her shots, i understand that isnt really possible, how about giving me a kitten my choice for free? idk, i just feel cheated and pissed
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541150 tn?1306033843
.........even though you had her for one and a half month? Oh sweetheart, that is more than enough time to miss a pet. After one week of having Abby in my life I had to give him away for 48 hours. Those were the longest 48 hrs of my life. I started missing him the moment I handed him over.  So, a month and a half is good enough to get to love a pet, and suffer that pet's pain.

I'm sure there will be another kitty who will give you joy and sweet moments. Cats have that power.
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664732 tn?1296823050
thank you for you kind words, I know now what was wrong with her, and I still miss her very dearly even tho I only had her for 1 and a half month, but at least now I wont have to doubt myself or my boyfriend to have killed her

she was a real sweet kitty, liking everyones face and being soft and fuzzy, she was the perfect kitten for me since I used to have a cat just like her as I was a child.

my boyfriend says hes done having pets for a while, i would like to give it another shot, even tho I have no money cuz I spent it all on Baby.
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You are obviously filled with so many emotions right now, and rightfully so...you have been through a very difficult time and of course you are confused about how you feel.

I think it is wonderful that you want a new kitty.  Do not feel guilty for that.  No one can every replace Baby and she will always be there in your heart.  By getting a new kitten, you are filling a void in yourself while helping and giving a wonderful life to a new kitten who is just beginning!!  Opening your home to another kitten is a very selfless thing to do and the kitten who gets you will be one happy kitty!

Think it over...sleep on it....you will know in your heart what to do...just feel what you need to feel right now...there are no right or wrong answers...just feelings.......

RIP Baby....
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541150 tn?1306033843
Like the others, I too am sorry for your loss. It isn't bad to want to adopt another kitty. I think it's a great idea if you are emotionally ready for another pet. Some people prefer to heal first, and then adopt, and others, like me, just want to get another companion right after the passing of our beloved friends.

Like you said, your kitty could not be saved by nothing but a miracle because she was missing organs and had heart problems. She just wasn't a healthy girl. But even so, I'm sure she was the happiest living with you. I think that this is what really matters here, is that you gave the opportunity of a lifetime to a creature who was not meant to last a long time or even have a good quality of life. Few cats get this luxury, and you gave that to her. Your kitty was very lucky. I know you're upset right now, but just think of what you did to her, you gave her life and love, and I know that to her it meant a lot. If that is her in the picture of your profile, yeah, she was beautiful.

R. I. P cute Baby.
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611067 tn?1458591483
I'm so sorry that happened to you.   I agree with April2 - the shelter most likely had no idea that kitten was born with abnormalities.  They did the best they could as well.  The shelter might be willing to give you another kitten at a reduced rate - there are so many kittens at shelters right now because of how many people are turning them in right now.  Good luck!11  I'm so sorry for your loss!!!
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203342 tn?1328737207
Well, you can check into it and see if the shelter could be liable but I really don't think you'd have a case. I doubt the shelter knew the kitten had anything wrong. I don't think there's a whole lot you can do in this situation. You can ask the shelter if you can get another kitten from them for free or a reduced price since the first one died so soon after adopting it. I don't know what they'd say though.
I do think it's a good idea for you to get another kitten. Be careful to get it checked out at the vet's right after you get it to make sure it's healthy. Another option is to check the papers for kittens. That way you could see the Mama cat, at least, and talk to the owner. I don't know if that would help or not.
I got my dog and my cat from a shelter. They turned out to be great pets. Only recently did I find out my dog has Cushings Disease but he's almost 14. Things happen, even to purebred animals. You never know.
I hope you find a new kitten soon who can help ease some of your heartache.
Best wishes,
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664732 tn?1296823050
i mean i guess what i really want is just another kitten to take care off, i know it sounds horrible but i feel like: i bought something broken in a store "can i get a refund?" i know how horrible i must sound i understand that but all i wanted was a kitty cat to play with and someone whos there for me ya know? even if my boyfriend is on call, id like to adopt another one, but then i feel like the shelter should take over the expenses i have, at least to a certain point, and on top i had the most cutest and perfectest kitty for me, and then she was taken from me, thats not fair, its just not fair... now i feel like a horrible person for taking the other one back, idk, i just dont know anymore
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664732 tn?1296823050
well, the thing is that i adopted two, but had to give one back because he didnt like the other one and my boyfriend didnt wanted him around no more, if i would have known she dies anyways then i would have kept both and make it as compfi for her until she died but now i spend all the money, money i didnt really had to begin with and now i have once again no kitty, and that just ***** and makes me kinda angry, however i just called the shelter to let them know i will be by with the paperwork later this week, my Baby was born there and i was thinking that she might have been not the only kitten in the litter with that condition
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I am looking at this situation from a totally different perspective.  You gave this kitten a wonderful life.  This kitten needed you!  And you fulfilled all of her dreams.  You are her angel and now she is yours.  Please try not to be so bitter.  You helped another life and that is most important of all.  You did a wonderful thing and God will bless you for it.  You had a purpose in that little life that you held so dearly.  You gave her a wonderful home, comfort and love....who could ask for anything more?
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