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2073947 tn?1333731698

Sigh ... Psychiatrist?

So I saw the NL today. Apparently, my herniation is 1-2mm which "could be found in anyone - even himself". He agrees with my PCP that I need psychiatric help (WHAT!?! She failed to mention this to me at my last visit...) and I have been told not to take the migraine medication the PCP prescribed to me because it won't help for the explosions in headpain that I get. But here's Pamerol which will help with the overall headpain and possibly the breakouts from coughing/sneezing/etc. Oh, and an added bonus is that it will help with my depression. He also let me know that he apparently wasn't using the same amount of pressure when he did the poking test and that my skin must just be extra sensitive to the small variations.
He is scheduling an MRA to check the vessels in my head and see if they can pinpoint why I am having constant head pain for the past few months.
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Don't even allow yourself to remember 'any' of that garbage. RUN! to another NL who really does understand.

As for needing psychiatric care... well maybe you do. As I told my 'former' PCP the psychiatric problems that he though I needed help with 'he caused'. Right before selma seen my post in the neuro forum and guided me here he, my former PCP, and his cohorts threw me in the phyc ward for 'making up' all these symptoms. I know now it is not uncommon. Some Docs are not smart enough to recognize CM for what it is....

Like today, my new PCP, sent me to see a NS [in the same office as the one who cohorted with sending me to the phyc ward before] they didn't call me back. So while in the pain clinic for an epidural I stepped into the nuero office to see if they where waiting on something from me. They are or 'were' to see me for some low back and cervical disc issues. But what did they address, after telling my PCP last week that they would call me???? They said that I haven't been contacted as they are [I quote] not going to treat anyone for Chiari Malfomation. Twice I reminded her that though I do have CM that is not why we were requesting the appointment.

Some quacks, we just need to avoid. Sound like unfortunately it sounds like you found one of them. JMO but personally I wouldn't go through with one single test they have ordered. I'd find a new Dr who does understand and start anew. Believe me, many of us know how difficult of a thing that is to do... but if you truly want things to get better... it's not a question you must. And do not allow yourself to believe the phyc talk just yet. I just recently fired a Doctor for telling me I am the only one he knows who had brain surgery because I was depressed. This is the time to fight for your health, accept nothing less than the best.

Sorry if my opinions sound too strong here, been a long frustrating day here as well. But it sounds like you are about to walk a painfully scarring path that I'm still fighting 3 years later. Wish someone had cautioned me ahead of time.

14 Responses
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2004043 tn?1334324019
Good morning Onedaysoon.. Linda said it best!  Love, keep your head up.  All of us truly know how it feels to be in the negligent care of a PCP or NL who just don’t have a clue.  I can only say what Selma and others have told me. “Trust your body and keep pushing for answers.” I pray for God guide you to the doctor He has assigned just for you.  I also pray that we all have a better day today than yesterday. Be blessed

Shannon :)
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1827123 tn?1383865276
So true Linnielou! We are a therapy group!
And Onedaysoon, I can relate. Sometimes its very hard for me to read through the forum. Sometimes it can scare me or just really bring me down. Especially when you know some one here needs help, even with everday things and knowing there is no way I can go physically to lend a hand. I was raised that if you can help, you help. But we all live so far apart.  I would say to you, just take your time. When you need a surge of encouragement, we are here for you. If it scares you, stop reading it, process it on your own, then return when its easier to deal with.
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1306714 tn?1327257080
After being on this forum for almost 2 yrs I have noticed a big pattern.  I think all of us have been suggested into going to couseling.  When I was approached with this I answered the Dr with a direct answer.  "I'm in therapy.  I have a Chairian family that listens and understands and there is NO Dr out there that could help me as much as all of you".  So I thank all of you for your sessions.  They are FREE and I feel more sane when leaving.  :)   so not all of us need to run to get phsologoical help.  We just need each other.  Good day my friend.
Linda :)
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2073947 tn?1333731698
I am definitely listening to my body ... not much else I can do at this point as it's just so darn loud these days.

@ actressmouse - I don't mind your ranting :) I for one embrace it. It helps me reinforce the things that I am doing and the steps that I am taking are in the right direction. I come on here every day. I have a hard time posting a lot because the things I am reading aren't things that I am going through, or by the time I get done reading, I am in tears wondering if this could be "as good as it gets" as I am dependent upon the state insurance because my job's insurance rates are sky-high. It would take half of my paycheck EVERY paycheck to cover myself and 4 children.
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2073947 tn?1333731698
Wow ... shows how much my brain is thinking straight right now ... I didn't even think to see if he may have had someone he could refer me to!! Good call :) Thank you for another new avenue to explore. I will check it out first thing in the morning!!
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I, too, was sent to the psychiatrist AND being a mental health professional myself (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) and having a husband who happens to be a psychologist, I knew the terms and psycho-babble he attempted to "throw at me".  Bottom line, pain is REAL, Chiari is REAL, and YES...it's in my head - Literally!!  I only went once because I wanted shut my PCP up for good about it being a "mental health issue".  I am sure I was dx'd with depression, secondary to a medical condition....REALLY???!!  I refused to take the antidepressant he wanted to give me....I know what depression is and I am not clinically depressed -- I'm in chronic pain.  I refuse to "take a pill" to address a mechanical problem...my pain NL cleared me months ago for surgery; however, I live in a "medical wasteland" and docs up here don't understand rare conditions.  My genetic doc (Dr. Francomano) flipped when she heard that they sent me to a psychiatrist...she said, "that's just WRONG".  I agree with her.  Sorry for the rant...it's a touchy subject for me.  :)
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1827123 tn?1383865276
that was my first sign that I wasnt crazy when all the PTSD, anxiety, bladder control, and birth control meds didnt change any of my symptoms. I figured with everything they had me on, including the therapy didnt change anything. I slowly began to get my self off the meds. Finally chiari was found...or more like stumbled upon.
Listen to your body, your on the right track. And I agree, can you get another referral?
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Can he refer you to someone else?
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2073947 tn?1333731698
I have gotten confirmation from Dr. Heffez that I do indeed have Chiari. My current downfall at this point is that he doesn't accept my insurance. So, that does help with my push to find someone who will listen to me and what's going on with my body instead of just telling me that I am crazy ....
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1925822 tn?1333705617
I agree with the others...my first nl appointment ended up with anxiety pills.my second nl told me i have a significant chiari.we know our bodies and if u feel sth is wrong go and get ur answer....neurological problems cannot come from anxiety and thats it.when doctors nowadays dont find answers it is always called stress related or psychic problems.good luck and dont give up until u get the answers u need
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2073947 tn?1333731698
Thanks guys :) These are the happy pep talks that I came here to hear! I sat chanting the things I have read in the forums just to keep myself from not breaking down in the office. Then I hear that they BOTH think I need help and the first dr didn't even feel the need to tell me that (that had me seeing red for sure). I know I'm not crazy ... Especially since my co-workers are seeing a lot of the symptoms that I have that show. Even they are saying RUN to a new dr. My mom called me today to see how my appointment went as she is out of town. I told her what everyone said and then calmly told her that I was searching for a new primary because I think that she is the crazy one for saying that having a 3-week-long period is ok and I should just wait it out and "let the birth control kick in". I've been on it for like 3 months now. Shouldn't it have "kicked in" by now???

I've been through therapy. Failed, abusive marriage/death of my best friend/ childhood traumas. Been through all that. And sure enough, I went through that and my therapist said that I can call him IF I needed to talk again, but he felt that things were going ok with me.

Working on finding a new primary ASAP ... hoping I can find one before I have to go back to the one I have now.
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1827123 tn?1383865276
I did my time at the psych office. It was a waste of time and she only wanted me to focus on the crapiness of childhood. I found it very unhealthy as she just had me dig junk up and then leave it there exposed. It made me feel horrible. I was sent before they found chiari and thought I had PTSD and depression. I came out depressed alright. I knew that something wasnt right with what the Dr. thought and that something else was going on. I'm with Selma, push for answers! I think psychiartic help is very important and beneficial for those that truly need it, but as a chiarian-I think we just need to be justified in our symptoms first!
Best of luck to you, Jiggle
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620923 tn?1452915648

  This still does not mean nething...u just saw a NL that does not know about how chiari can affect u with a minimal herniation...and that it is the CSF flow and over crowding that is important.....

So many of us were told we needed to see a shrink and rx'd prozac......

Do not let this get u down...u know there is something wrong and u know ur body...keep pushing for answers, and start with ur PCP as to y she never told u what she has in ur file......
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