1435895 tn?1304291241

Another Surgery Delay!

Yesterday I found out that my neuro consult had to document my neuro deficits.  Well of course this guy comes in and does a mini neuro exam lasting about 10 minutes or less.  Then I get the report and he has listed results to tests he never did. Like "sensation normal to pin *****", well I usually remember getting poked with a pin all over my body.  "Heel-toe walking is normal" that didnt happen either.  As a matter of fact I was asked to walk to the door, about 2 feet, from this he determines my gate is normal.  He fails to check my bp standing.... lying then sitting but he missed the standing... and he determines I am not orthostatic. Anyone who knows POTS and NMH knows the standing is the most important. He never tested Rhomberg or Babinski... which are important. Rhomberg being when you close your eyes and fall backwards.... at least I do every time.   I am so angry that docs can falsify medical records like this and delay surgery.  So now I have to go to my 5th Neuro appt to see if he will do a real exam and document my neuro deficits.  I also have to have the dreaded urodynamics.  

Sorry needed to vent... again!  
6 Responses
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1179332 tn?1297478990
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1435895 tn?1304291241
I am going to give them the opportunity to "fix it" if he doesnt that is my plan.  
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620923 tn?1452915648

OMG Pam !! what a jerk.....he should not be allowed to be a dr.....how do they get away with that?ugh
I am so sorry u have to go thru that and another urodynamics test...ugh...not a fun test at all.

Are u able to report this dr?.....

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1435895 tn?1304291241
I still have other Neuro appts scheduled but I called this last one and demanded that he correct his exam to reflect the "truth".  He also made the statement that "cranial nerves II-X11 are normal.  I looked up the tests they do for these and realized he didnt check half these either.  I have no gag reflex and that is one of them.  If he doesnt correct this exam I will be filing a complaint against him with the medical board.  
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1179332 tn?1297478990
Pam- That's terrible....honestly, if a Dr is not doing a competent exam then I agree you are best to go see another one and quickly!! When I found my NS, he spent at least an hour with me and he went over all the tests that you described above. When he examined my gag reflex and found an absence of one he seem very amazed that not one Dr I had seen (my GP & NL) had even thought to check it!!! This experience really goes to show how you have to find the right specialist!!

Honestly, if I was you, I would want to call him on it....write a letter or something. I don't know where you would direct yours but in Canada it would be to the College of Physicians. The thing is, I know how it can be, people told me I should write one about my NL but when you are dealing with so many other things..thinking about doing that is just one more stress!!

Niki- your NL is right in a sense....quite a few people do have CM and don't know it. The evolution of MRI has been good but also bad for us b/c though it helps dx Chiari, they also have found many incidental cases where patients don't have symptoms. This causes some ignorant Drs to put us all in one category. BUT, it is a NL/NS job to listen to the symptoms and do the right testing to determine whether it is the cause of your problems!! Basically, if you are tested for everything else and it comes out fine and you have the overcrowding/herniation...then they should be making a qualified clinical diagnosis on that fact. This is just another case where a NL doesn't take the time to get informed and listen to the patient. You are better off without him! Don't give up, there are good specialists out there that DO understand.

I'm really sorry for you both...but keep venting here, it is a very good stress release:)


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1372734 tn?1309950237
Hi Honey

Well you sound like me I have put post on about my appointment yesterday, Not at all what I was expecting and truly feel like you I am on a rollercoaster again,

Why oh why cant they stop messing us around telling and confirming one thing by a ns then nl totally deniying that cm is causing our probs and that it is only incidental.

Yesterday I was told that my cm was incidental and that if he pulled in 5 people off the street 3 of them would have cm,   Yes I agree this may be the case but some people like us are symptomatic and some are not......

Im dreading my appointmet with the ns on monday who confirmed cm, as I no he is going to believe this senior nl who is also the hospital clinical director.

I wish you all the luck in the world with your next appointment.

Niki x x x
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