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What type of MRI confirms Chiari?

I recently had two MRI's , one of the neck the other of the brain, my question is;  would either on of the MRI be able to diagnosed Chiari? or do i need a full spine MRI
desperate for answers.  thank you
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620923 tn?1452915648

  We do have a list of Drs that was compiled by the members of their drs, u still need to research them, and I suggest u see a few to compare so u can find the one that is best for u. U need to be comfortable with that dr personally as well as professionally.-http://www.medhelp.org/health_pages/Neurological%20Disorders/DOCTORS-LIST-FOR-CHIARI-SYRINGOMYELIA/show/1062?cid=186

Keep in mind u may have to travel to get to a true chiari specialist...most of us do.

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I lived in Nor calif and i am having a hard time researching NS that specialize in Chiari.  How do I find NS that specialize in this feild? any suggestions?  I hope my NS will be able to determined if this is in fact what is wrong with me.  I will keep you posted.  btw i was able to unblock you.  thanks again for all your help
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620923 tn?1452915648

  We all may feel this in a diff location depending on where our obstruction or compression is, that affects diff nerves....so swallowing etc will be affected if those nerves r impinged .

My Cervical MRI revealed my chiari, and warranted the Brain MRI w/wo contrast.

Many chiarians do have sinus issues, bcuz of where they r located when there is over crowding they get compressed as well as nerves.

Depression is yet another problem bcuz of brain stem compression....our brain stem is our control center for our bodies, our emotions, etc....

  Make sure ur NS is a true chiari specialist and get a few opinions, and go with the one with the most chiari experience that u r comfortable with.

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opps i accidentally hit the "report" key so I hope i will get your responses and didn't block you.  sorry i mis read I thought it said "reply" and i hit the report key and so now it shows and blocked symbol.  darn it.  
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thank you so much for your insight and advice.  I only have a MRI of brain and neck.  When straining, i feel a throbbing pulse coming through my nostils accompanied but severe pain, which last for about 3 mins.  Then its stops and i just go back to the pressure feeling in my head.  I didn't notice a difference in pressure when walking on my toes or heals.  When you were diagnosed was it the spine MRI that showed the most evidence or was it the Brain MRI.  Oh one other thing is that sometimes when i eat i feel like my food is traveling up to my sinus area, or my swallowing feels funny.  I know its weird I am just wondering if this has ever been discussed.  My mid back aches so I am not what that is all about but I am staying away from pain meds for now.  I am going to pain mgmt dr next week, this scares me as they are talking about injecting my neck with cordizone to relieve pressure to the spinal cord, i am nervous about doing this proceedure before seeing the NS, but my doctor is recommendiing this procedure for relief.  currently i am taking advil to relieve pain.  I am getting depressed but not on any antidepressants.  I've been taking xanax at night as this helps calm me down and also helps me sleep.  I am hoping to get through this and get help without having to become relient on narcotics.  Meditation and deep breathing helps at times.  thanks again for your posts and advice.  lagging
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620923 tn?1452915648

  Hi...have u had MRI;'s of the thoracic and lumbar spine?...u need to rule out syrinx's and tethered cord, with the UTI's it could be either as well as chiari.

Do u feel additional pressure if u try to walk on ur heals or toes?It is a test the NL will do....

The other possibility is ICP...with the pressure u describe that is also a possibility.

Not everyone experiences the same type of HA's or describes them the same.U do have exertion HA's so I wonder if u do not realize what is meant by the pain associated with coughing, sneezing,...I would liken it more to of a ice pick jabbing...for a few minutes.... with laughing tho I was diff too, I would gag, and then choke and almost vomit and  end with a HA....we r all diff so it doesn't really matter what type of HA's u have, u have them as well as a few other symptoms going on.

Many with chiari also have disk issues so getting ur whole spine MRI's helps check that as well as for TC and syrinx's.

  BTW I was 48 when I was finally dx'd with chiari too

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