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1925822 tn?1333705617

people around you act like idiots

Ok to all of the frustration that complex illness comes along.do u also have people around u acting like idiots not understanding a thing what u r going thru.they think u invent the things and say u r depressed.yes i am depressed...u would to when u r not able to control ur body right.even my boyfriend looks at me as if i am crazy.i mean i would love to go to work and do things,but i canr.how do u recharge ur energie.what things s do u do during the day.i was so happy travelling,meeting friends,going out.,going to the gym.it seems my life has been blowing out and i am 28.
12 Responses
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1306714 tn?1327257080
We all have these bad day's and having other's by our side's to understand help.  Sound's like you have very negative in law's  drewlevas.  It just makes our issue twice as hard.  I'm so glad to hear you were able to enjoy a good day.  Those are the important day's and the one's we appreciate the most.  It's the little thing's in life we become to appreciate.  Enjoy your day every one.  
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1755089 tn?1376053555
I'm so happy for you that you had a nice day like that. Here it's a snowstorm day. The schools where canceled and the kids can wait that theyre father is back from work to go and play in the fresh snow.   :-)
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1571533 tn?1322943509
that sounds like an AMAZING day.. i havent even been able to stand the sinlight for a few weeks..

And im pretty confident when i say- all of us here understand you, at one degree or another, we have all went through all of this.. or we will
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1925822 tn?1333705617
...its such a shame people can not see in ur head because otherwise rhey would shut up.u have a headache?..ooh take an aspirine.u are dizzy...ooohh me too when i am stressed dont worry.they just dont get the level of our symptoms.
I have to tell u that today i was quite happy.i spend half a day outside.sittung in the spanish sun having a fruit shake and later having sushi.ok i was dizzy,fatigue and had real nauseas,but it was so good being outside.some days are better than others,but today i really saw a ray of light breaking through my clouds.
Keep ur heads up...so happy u understand me
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1755089 tn?1376053555
If it cheers you up: my in-law are a complet pain in the ***!!!

They jumped in my face last week when my DH was at work, because they told me I'm lazy and that I ask to much of they son: like putting the garbage out at the street or picking up the kids when they dont want to walk or help me to put back the plates in the cupboard after I'm done washing them.

And that's not including my aunts. So I might as well say that I'm surounded by idiots, doubled by an over protective mother and husband!!!!!
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620923 tn?1452915648

  U would do well to talk to Molly she wants to help children that are sick and use dogs.....so u have a lot in common!!

She is a member here and her sign on is soccero....and recently had surgery so she is just getting back on....but do talk to her...u both have great ideas!

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1925822 tn?1333705617
...i would love to give hope to sick people.maybe sth like animal therapie which is supposed to have a good effect...i love dogs and everytime i see mine...she is curing me and making me laugh...or also i would like to help domestic violent victims for there selfesteem...as i was hit too...i learnt to be happy on my own and had the best time of my life...just to give hope...a good feeling and maybe just listen...that helps a lot...
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620923 tn?1452915648

  How do u want to help?....there are many ways...and even if u r not 100% which most of us may not see, I was never 100% b4 surgery so I do not expect that...but I am better...and I do believe in giving it back or passing it forward if u know what I mean....

By giving we receive....and that is not the reason to give, but it is a great benefit : )

  I pray ur wish comes true .
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1925822 tn?1333705617
The only thing that i understand of all this...if once i will be better and able...my biggest wish is to help people...thats what really would make me happy
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620923 tn?1452915648

  I am post op 2.5 yrs, but I do have other issues causing the pain I am now dealing with...

The Chiari issues I had are much better and I am glad I had surgery...we have to keep in mind the surgery was to restore slow, which in my case it did and prevented the formation of a syrinx...which if left untreated and one formed could cause perm nerve damage.

And even tho we had surgery some symptoms can remain....

  Well right now my back is killing me from sitting at my sewing machine....so if I am up to it I may go...lol...I want to get my projects done as they are gifts.....

The thing is chiari is life altering and we have to walk a different path then b4.....and we have to learn to accept that, it takes time for that..as I mentioned on other threads, there are stages of recovery and dx we deal with- denial, anger, grief, and acceptance...

The friends u lost, were not true friends if they left u bcuz u had a medical problem, the thing  is u find out who ur real friends are......

  Take it slow, do the exercises on the Weds thread...and go get some warm wine...sounds wonderful.....just remember moderation...


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1925822 tn?1333705617
Hi selma,
Dont tell me about xmas time.i really thought that by now i would be much better.but its worse.my trigeminusneuralgia came back...i thought someone was hitting me all night,i woke up crying.i tried to walk on barcelonas beach today...it is holiday...and i got really dizzy...all the people happy,couples hand in hand,people exercising...i cant do none of that...and in germany we have these beautiful xmas markets...everybody is enjoying "glühwein",a hot vine we have...and i dont dare to go.how long r u post op now?did u get any better? I lost friends and actually about to lose everything i built up.its just not fair...i really was going thru a lot of things in life,i can tell u,but this is the hardest one...just not getting any better...ok if u do xmas shopping...tell me how it was...please i hope u find the strength and just do it.
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620923 tn?1452915648

  Hi...I understand how u feel...sometimes they can go the opposite and not let u try and do nething, for instance I was invited to go Christmas shopping this weekend, and I said well, it depends on where u plan on going and what u want to get done....I can't do that much...feeling I gave a good explanation of my limitations....at home my DH said ....does she realize u will hold her back from getting nething done?...u should just stay home....my heart sank....I have not been Christmas shopping in yrs...and would love to, but I also am aware of my limitations...the crowds will be too much I will not be able to do nething the next day...I know, I know...but let me do something u know?

SO, I am not sure how to find that middle ground we both need.....

  it is out there.....looming....just out of reach, but I am sure if we keep looking we will find it.

  I also think it is something only time can help with, my DH seeing I need to get out regardless if I will pay later and the person may not get everything done they had planned and ur BF understanding what ur limitations are as well...down to our emotions...and how we just will cry for no reason or the reason is not that big a deal but our emotions respond as if our best friend just passed away and it was a TV commercial on coffee????

  Try to hang in there : )

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