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3 remaining lesions on my liver

I had colon cancer.  Had an operation.  Then 6 months of chemotheorypy.  There were 3 remaining lesions on my liver.  They shrunk with chemo.  I would like to know how to dissolve the remaining lesions - without chemo, surgery or oblasion.  Is there anything on the market to dissolve the remaining lesions?  My blood count is good (re:the liver).  It functions normally.  
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If you are looking for a diet supplement or vitamins, these are not evaluated to measure how well they are able to perform the task you require. The options you listed are among the validated measures that can be taken. Surgery probably is the best option as it has been shown to be curative for some selected patients.
Discuss your questions with your doctor and raise your apprehensions. I wonder if you have had a particularly difficult time with your treatment that you are seeking alternative options.
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I was not permitted to have surgery at this particular facility, since I was told the doctors "suspected" there were lesions on the other side of my liver.  I was doomed to chemo for life, and informed that the lesions would keep showing up - even after getting rid of them.  I cannot do anymore chemo due to complications affecting my hormones, teeth, allergies & eye sight - to mention a few problems.  My immune system is down, too.  I am looking for an alternative route - preferably chinese herbs.  Right now I am a Homeopathic way, which has gotten rid of my second menopause & leveled my energy & assisted me to function normally.  I am also looking into an ancient Native American herb.  I have no other choice, since I had to give up my health insurance approx 9 years ago, and I don't have the means.  I work day & night, and I am alone.  Chemo the first time around was somewhat inconvenient.  Right now, it is impossible.  I appreciate your input.  I choose surgery or oblasion - whatever got the job done.  The doctors are sticking with their grim opinion even though there just might be 3 lesions.  I have no other choice but to see myself through this another way.  Thanks again.
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