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Colonoscopy in my future

My GI doc has recommended a colonoscopy for me. I have severe bloating. Alternating BMs. Lower back pain. Stabbing pains on the left side. I do NOT have weight loss or blood in my stool (so far as I know). I am tired a lot.
I thought my problems might be gynological- but after a TVUS and bloodwork, the doc confirmed that all is well there.
I had an upper endoscopy last year. I have GERD. But my stomach was fine.

Should I have a colonoscopy? Are there other less invasive tests you've had to rule out things or diagnose issues in lieu of a colonoscopy? (Or something that could say.. yes, a colonoscopy is warranted? bloodwork? Etc?)
Does anyone have similar symptoms?
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Having a colonoscopy not that bad.  The prep is annoying but the test itself is ok.  Most doctors use a sedative called propofol that will knock you out but not give you a total-anesthesia type hangover.  Colonoscopy will permit your doctor to visualize your entire colon and determine what is causing your symptoms.  It is not routine for a person your age would not have been ordered if your symptoms did not warrant it.  Good luck and try not to worry too much.

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I have colonoscopies on a regular basis... thanks of course to colon cancer.  If  there is anything I can say to just get people to get a colonoscopy then this is it.  If I had just gotten it done as part of my preventative measure, then I would not have gone through a big surgery,  They would have just taken some polyps and I would have kept half of my colon.  The prep is worse then the procedure... so go get it done,  you will wonder what all the fuss was about...
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