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Syptoms re-appear

Hi, I had rectal bleeding for a while and postedon this forum causeI was worried. All the posts helped to to get courage and go to the doctor. He did blood tests and tests on a sample of my pheces.
He also sent me to a specialist. The specialist told told me that by what I told her about my sptoms, she could tell me straight away that I didnt have cancer and that I should worry about cancer because the syptoms were not the ones I had. She also said the bleeding was not a colon cancer syptom, this surprised me as Ive read all over the internet that it is.
She organized a colonoscopy to find out what the problem was, but said that as I was so worried the earliest she could give me was a month later and with no sedation. Ive read the test is painfull and was really scared, she said Ide have to wait for 5 months if I wanted sedation.
Anyways I started eating properly, alot of fiber and sort of tried to chill out.....anyways I stopped bleeding.
Ive been okay for a month and never went to the test cause I was too scared without the sedation and I had no family member to go with me.
Ive been going to to the toilet fine and no bleeding, but today I noticed I had very,very little blood on my toilet paper and when I looked at my stool I also had a little on it.

Should I be worried?¿
Can Hemmoroids cause blood on the tool as well as on toilet paper? Ive sort of stopped eating well and Im going to start again looking after my diet and wait till August which is when Im going back to my parents house and Ill go see my doctor there.
Im not going to obses just let me know what you think?
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You don't say how old you are - but colon cancer is rare before the age of 40+ although there are occasional instances where it has been found in 20 year olds.

I suggest that you type in rectal bleeding into google/yahoo etc and click on to one of the many sites that describe this illness.  The Medicinenet site is particularly informative.
Reading this will help you to become more informed for when you next have a medical consultation.  Anyway, I would urge you to re-book your colonoscopy as it is a comprehensive test that can either confirm or eliminate many of the causes of rectal bleeding.  Normally you would be offered sedation and you do not say why this facility was denied to you - however, in your case I would suggest that a colonoscopy without sedation is better than no colonoscopy.

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I have to disagree with your doctor, rectal bleeding can be a symptom of colon cancer.
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