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296076 tn?1371334474

Lavish Obama vacation in time of economic turmoil raises eyebrows

Lavish Obama vacation in time of economic turmoil raises eyebrows
First lady Michelle Obama is on a five-day trip to a luxury resort along with a handful of friends, her younger daughter, Sasha, aides and Secret Service personnel.

By Peter Nicholas and Katherine Skiba
Tribune Washington bureau
WASHINGTON — As the U.S. economy endures high unemployment and a jittery stock market, President Obama has preached sacrifice and fiscal discipline. But the pictures coming out of a sunsplashed Spanish resort this week may be sending a different message.

First lady Michelle Obama is on a five-day trip to a luxury resort along with a handful of friends, her younger daughter, Sasha, aides and Secret Service personnel. Her office said the first family will pay for personal expenses, but declined to reveal the taxpayer cost for the government employees. The president stayed home in the United States, as did daughter Malia, 12, who is at camp.

The trip provided plenty of fodder for television news shows, talk-show hosts and bloggers.

Critics portrayed the foreign getaway as tone deaf to the economic anxiety back home. Earlier in the week, the first lady was photographed walking through the streets of the Costa del Sol region wearing a one-shouldered Jean Paul Gaultier top.

Every first family takes vacations. The criticism aimed at Michelle Obama is that she chose to visit a foreign country rather than remain in the United States and support its fragile economy.

In July, the first lady flew to the Florida Panhandle, a tourist spot hit hard by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and delivered the message that for parents "looking for things to do with their kids this summer ... this is a wonderful place to visit."

The opulence of the European trip also has drawn scrutiny. Michelle Obama is staying at the Hotel Villa Padierna, a Ritz-Carlton resort in the mountains outside Marbella. The resort has two golf courses, a posh spa with Turkish baths, views of the Mediterranean Sea and a high-end restaurant specializing in avant-garde fare. Room rates start at $400 and rise to $6,500 for a two-bedroom villa with a private pool and 24-hour butler service.

The danger for the Obamas is that the trip may feed perceptions they are out of touch with struggling American families, said Chris Wilson, a Republican pollster.

"This in and of itself doesn't hurt President Obama, but it plants a seed in voters' minds ... that 'they're not like me,' " he said.

While her friends arrived in Spain on their own, Michelle Obama flew in on a type of aircraft also used by Vice President Joseph Biden. It costs the government $11,555 an hour to operate the plane, according to the Air Force. Assuming a nearly eight-hour flight to nearby Málaga, the total round-trip cost of the flight is about $178,000.

The Obama family will reimburse the government an amount equal to two first-class tickets — for mother and daughter Sasha, Air Force officials said. A round-trip first-class flight to Málaga costs about $7,400 apiece, without discounts or restrictions.

Anita McBride, who was chief of staff to former first lady Laura Bush, was not surprised the trip has its critics.

"When you are a public figure, it can be difficult to lead a private life. Despite the fact that much of this trip is paid for personally, the American people know that there are costs borne by the taxpayers and it's to be expected that the more expensive the trip, the greater the risk of criticism," McBride said.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs declined to answer questions about the vacation, saying it is a "private trip."

An unspecified number of Secret Service agents and aides are staying at government expense. Edwin Donovan, a spokesman for the Secret Service, declined to say how many agents are with the first lady in Spain.

An Obama administration official said the first lady is accompanied by "a handful of longtime family friends — it's moms and daughters — and it's minimal staff." One aide on the trip is the first lady's deputy chief of staff, Melissa Winter.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the destination was chosen by Michelle Obama and her friends.

On Friday, Spanish police cleared off a 100-yard stretch of beach in Marbella for Michelle Obama and Sasha, 9. As the first lady rested inside a canvas hut by the shore, Sasha splashed around in the sea and a security guard swam with her.

The first lady is to meet with King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia on Sunday at their summer residence on the island of Mallorca.

After the first lady returns home, she and her family will travel to the Gulf Coast for the weekend of Aug. 14, followed by a 10-day vacation on Martha's Vineyard off the coast of Massachusetts.
51 Responses
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535822 tn?1443976780
The European press particularly the Telegraph is all over this , they have written up a big piece about this kind of behavior and spending, the cat is well and truly out of the bag now ...ask yourself Why Spain... we have beautiful islands , the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico ,they speak Spanish,humm they dont have a bilderberg King and Queen ,  I am sure the gynecologist..whose father died  and Mrs Obama is comforting with this trip wouldnt have minded a lesser expensive trip ...I say Bill her for the lot, secret service, jets ,entourage  ..ALL.
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1301089 tn?1290666571
This is just what I have heard on TV.  The White House staff is horrified she's doing this and realize the political fall out.  But according to the report I heard, NO ONE is willing to confront her.  She's pretty scary and demanding, or at least that is what was said.  I don't know and DON"T want to.  Even some on the left are now calling her Marie Antoinette.

The Bilderberg group?  HMMMM?  Interesting.  Aren't they the ones who want a One World Order?  Everyone equal with some more equal than others????
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535822 tn?1443976780
tell you what the next vacation is already booked ...Martha's Vinyard in 2 weeks  maybe they are going by shanks.pony ....why does he tell us not to spend ...double standard maybe ...
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535822 tn?1443976780
one thing you are right about I think it is sickening the amount of money being spent and it shows here so many are uninformed, I wonder why Spain was chosen , apparently it was her  Mrs OBama's.. Gynecologists father who died and the gynecologist neede a vacation so that was very kind you have to admit , very kind, ..to book a ton of rooms so she could have privacy with her friend, hey guess what the leader of the Bilderberg Group King Juan Carlos was therein Majorca ,  I think they had a chat or two,  and his wife Queen  Sophia with family .....
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535822 tn?1443976780
yup me too, nope all kids stuff ...by the way the info isnt with held its all out there , .lots of it wondering how on earth we the tax payers pay for it all.. .it does sometimes make one feel we should know whats going on in our country ...but we will be okay I do know America isnt a loser, so dont worry we will come out of this with flying colors and our Constitution intact .......
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boy this forum is hostile and full of discomfort when some of you dont like what you are hearing. its like having a converstation with my 2 yr old, hearing only the parts you want and throwing a big neener neener out there when you have tried to make a point.  i have heard of google, used it to find my info, and never would i listen to what another country thinks of us.  

we all know there is info that is withheld from us and maybe we will never know what the actual $ amt was and who paid for what.  this paper will blow it out of proportion and that paper might make it seem less than it is.  we are given facts that are basically what we "deserve" to know and read.  papers from other countries give far more info that we get here.  does it have impact on my opinion in this debate? not a bit.

whew! i really thought this was going to be an adult forum.
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535822 tn?1443976780
.awwww its a shame I dont think they are hostile they only watch msnbc itwas the English newpapers that put up all the spending that Mrs OBama was doing, they asked with America in so much trouble how come that the OBamas think its okay ...tell you what the nay sayers here, take a look at what the other countries think of it if you believe we Americans are talking rubbish , heard of  google ?
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973741 tn?1342342773
You know what, my husband can not fly first class when on business because of "how it looks".   It is forbidden.  It also saves his company money.  

I don't think it is about where she goes or what she does but that our country is in financial trouble and these "extras" are over the top.  The price tag of that trip according to our newspaper was 350,000 for 5 days.  I understand that she needs security but please do not tell me that traveling abroad costs the same as stateside.  I would love to see what amount she paid herself "for real" as the white house is now understanding how this trip appears and are doing damage control.  

There are so many programs in this country that need money and every dime spent on these types of things takes away from that.  

And as she is a mom, so I am.  I have a responsibility to my family to be fiscally responsible.  She does to-------- but since she is first lady, her fiscal responsibility includes the tax payers of this country.  

Just my opinion.  I don't think it needs to be a hostile subject.  I just get sick of how government spends our money sometimes.  And this was a waste of tax payer's money.  
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535822 tn?1443976780
HA HA HA HA okay barb I knmow but its so funny
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127124 tn?1326735435
Thanks for sharing that!      
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thought id educate myself, i read this on newsweek.
The Faux Scandal of Michelle Obama’s Spain Trip
Sergio Torres / AP
You’ve probably heard by now that Michelle Obama is out of touch, apathetic, or simply selfish for taking a four-day jaunt to Spain to show her daughter some culture. Andrea Tantaros over at the New York Daily News spent a lot of time on Thursday penning an editorial accusing Obama of being a “modern-day Marie Antoinette”—tone-deaf to the economic suffering on the home front by taking a lavish foreign vacation. The most scandalous part, apparently, is the cost. The Obamas booked a rumored block of 60 rooms at a fancy Spanish hotel apparently akin to the Four Seasons.

We checked with the White House for a price breakdown of the trip, looking for a smoking gun. And honestly, there isn’t one. The bulk of the trip—the hotel stay and all meals—were paid for by the Obamas and their close friends who joined them. “Any additional footprint,” says a White House aide, “including additional rooms needed for security support, falls under the same rules as have applied to any previous first-family travel: the costs are split appropriately, with private expenses paid for privately; government expenses are paid for by the government.”

The unmentioned point here is that the first lady doesn’t travel with that big a security detail. The Secret Service obviously won’t discuss the extent of her protective covering. But she’s nothing like her husband, or any recent past president, who has been known to have a 20-car (or more) motorcade, as well as two planes, up to three helicopters, and more than 100 staffers for even ordinary puddle-jumping trips for a speech about the economy. Overkill? Maybe. But the Secret Service would say that it’s just part of the cost of having an executive and keeping him safe. Perhaps it could be done for cheaper, the way British Prime Minister David Cameron crossed the pond last month on a commercial airliner. By that logic, maybe it’s time for an honest accounting of exactly what kind of image the first family needs to represent America, or how big a security detail is actually needed to protect them. But a four-day trip overseas hardly seems like the best example of a system out of control.

In the meantime, it’s hard to think of Michelle Obama’s trip with her daughter as terribly blasphemous. Being first lady is a little like being vice president—a respectable title with no actual duties. So it seems unreasonable to ask the first lady to refrain from taking a short trip during August, the slowest month of the year, one that also coincides with her kids’ summer vacation. Or to ask that as long as she’s living in the White House, she only take vacations that “look” appropriate. The only really upsetting part is that, well, the rest of us are still sitting at our desks.
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my info i am going on is what i have read.  so misinformed or not, it is what i have read.  i am not a liberal, i did not vote for obama, i am not one to say whatever it takes to stand up for the one i chose at any cost.  i am just stating that she did use much of her own money.  

maybe it does look bad, maybe that money could have been used for other things, but at what point is their private life just that?  i know you take a job that puts you out there you cant pee without people knowing what type of paper you use, but unless its on the ballot as to what type of or how many vacations a person in office can take, its their choice.  

i thought this was a forum that was for "Current Events", not "Current Arguments". but i could be wrong.
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127124 tn?1326735435
LOL....  I find it hard to converse with you too.   I just finished reading the story where she MET her friend in Spain.  She did not travel with her.    She is still entitled to travel if and when she wants just like anyone else.    
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296076 tn?1371334474
I cannot converse with people who are misinformed.  It is just too difficult.  I hope all will do some fact checking on both sides of the spectrum from conservative as well as liberal sources.  Even the white house was upset with her taking this vacation now.  "the optics" look bad.  Anyway, I really hope they keep spending.  I hope they go on 20 more vacations before November... just will help us take back so badly needed power...
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145992 tn?1341345074
Me to perty, I really don't find pleasure in flying bullets....lol.
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127124 tn?1326735435
The part of the trip we paid for security, jet, etc is part of being the president and family.  What about that do you not get????    It doesn't matter where she goes there is always security and flying on the jet.    We also pay for security for her daughters to attend school- perhaps they should be forced to homeschool and never be with friends.  After all- you wouldn't want to pay for that I bet.
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296076 tn?1371334474
BECAUSE SHE ISN'T PAYING FOR IT WE ARE!!!  What about that do you not get???  If she spends her own money I am fine with her living in another country!  In fact I would prefer it but she isn't!  She reimbursed 7,500 the cost of a first class plane ticket for the 178,000 It cost "us" for the plane she really went on.  

Bush went trips to his vacation home in Texas but he did not require an 8 hour flight nor the type of security Michelle got tramping around Spain.  They were working vacations where he could also be with our beautiful wilderness.  Also we were not in economic dire straights then

She did not GO TO SPAIN to BE WITH her friend.  She TOOK her friend to Spain.  And what about loosing your father requires you to go on a vacation?  I wouldn't feel like vacationing a month after my parents die.  They could have had some quality time helping her grieve much closer to home.  Also why do the tax payers have to pay for her to help her grieving friend, there are mother's out there who have lost their child to cancer or anything else that ALSO have to worry about how to put food on the table for their remaining children.  

The OBAMA's lack perspective!  Not just them A LOT of our politicians lack perspective....  
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well since the popes bullet proof "wagon" is unavailable i think i would haha.  im against being shot at.  
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145992 tn?1341345074
If you were Michelle Obama and people wanted to shoot and kill you, wouldn't you take secret service along?  Just a thought!
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127124 tn?1326735435
She went to Spain to be with a friend who lost her father.  She was unable to attend the funeral in July.   If they have plenty of money then why shouldn't she take 8 vacations in 3 months????
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if the pres had gone along i would have been bothered, this family does take quite the number of vacations, and i think it bothers people to see this when they are wondering how they will find their next meal. BUT just because a person has made a good living (from their own $$ not from being president of course) doesnt mean they have to lay low and not enjoy their hard work.

i dont know how much they give to charity but if you were to check that out and see $$$ donated would that change your opinion?  as far as michelle and the girls go, i would do the exact same thing in their shoes.  id love to share with my kids such exciting and educational trips.  

i read it was paid for by michelle.  im sure some was paid by us, but did everyone complain when the bush family went to their vacation home?  or the clintons went on their trips?  im not sticking up for the president, im just saying that they are living their life the same as the others.  they are just in a bigger spotlight than past presidential families i think.  

now i just want to know when am i going to be invited?  im cool enough to hang with michelle!! lol
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296076 tn?1371334474
Not presidents that were in charge during a recession.  That 360,000 could have saved a school, a clinic, an at risk youth.  She should vacation inside the US to help the economy and there are beautiful places here she can go to.  Go to Hawaii or something.  Or decide to reimburse the trip.  They have PLENTY OF MONEY, they have multi millions and there is just no reason to take 8 trips in 3 months!  If she is bored she could get to work donating her time or something.  

I hope and pray he is a one term president yesterday he was quoted as saying he is pretty good at politicking, he has no shame
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127124 tn?1326735435
Yes, I do pay taxes.   Like I said - there is more to worry about than her taking vacations.    I myself do not get to take a vacation but I certainly don't begrudge anyone else for doing so.   Things are so blown out of proportion that no one can be sure what is the truth.   There is  a huge difference between 40 and 4 friends, etc.   The security goes along with being president and his family.   Americans have always footed the bill for this so I don't see why it is being made such a big deal for this family.  Other presidents and family have taken very elaborate vacations too.
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535822 tn?1443976780
meli is right ,'her money '...lol where did that come from, maybe as I said some of it, maybe some , you dont pay taxes ?well  I darn well do, so its my money that this woman jetted out to spend I know whats going on , OBama  is going to be a one time President and he and she are intent to break, do as much damage as they can until 2012 when they will be out ...They are the most dangerous people ever known as far as America is concerned ..wait and see,
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