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296076 tn?1371334474

Obama wants to have a record of how fat you are...

(CNSNews.com) – New federal regulations issued this week stipulate that the electronic health records–that all Americans are supposed to have by 2014 under the terms of the stimulus law that President Barack Obama signed last year–must record not only the traditional measures of height and weight, but also the Body Mass Index: a measure of obesity.
The obesity-rating regulation states that every American’s electronic health record must: “Calculate body mass index. Automatically calculate and display body mass index (BMI) based on a patient’s height and weight.”

The law also requires that these electronic health records be available–with appropriate security measures–on a national exchange.

39 Responses
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296076 tn?1371334474
Ignorant is not an insult it is being uneducated about a specific topic.  As for compassion I am a public school teacher in a Title one school which means that I work with kids at risk and from low socio economic homes.  I am bilingual so the majority of the students in my class are ELL.  Last year I have 5 kids in my class with one parent in jail.  I had 2 that were in foster care.  One that lived in a homeless shelter.  I choose to be at that school even though it is hard.  Many teachers leave after a few years because they are emotionally drained.  These kids need sooo much.  They are like little sponges because they do not get what they need at home.  I love 'em up at school and tell them constantly how smart and beautiful they are.  I buy them socks and underwear when they don't have any and coats in the winter from my own money.  These kids did not ask to be born into the situation that they were born into and they are too small to access help.  Adults are a different story.  I am all for compassion when someone is trying and just can't.  When I go into the store and the person in front of me has a purse that costs more then my whole outfit but is using food stamps.. well something is wrong with the system.  And I don't want to pay for this persons medical care as well.  I know someone on well fare that has had 2 boob jobs, 3 nose jobs and under her eyes done.  ON WELL FARE, one of her "friends" paid for the surgery and she works under the table.  If people need medical care and can prove that they cannot pay for it or work for it then fine I am all for giving it to them.  But telling people you can do nothing, sit around all day drinking beer and you will have a check and food every month and when your liver is rotten because you have done nothing but drink every day we will fix you right up, well I have a problem with that.  Offering medical care to people who are working is ok with me.  Offering medical care to people who are actively looking for work (and that is being verified) is great.  Offering medical care and well fare to people who donate 40 hours a week to community service, perfect!  Maintaining people because they know they can do nothing and still live a pretty good life.. UMMMM NO..
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306867 tn?1299249709
In reference to this statement........
Right now we all get medical treatment, no one is denied.  In fact WE get GREAT medical treatment.  Go to emergency and you will get treated without any questions as to whether you can pay or not.

First let me say..........I have worked hard all my life.  I always had health insurance until a few years ago when business went down and premuims went up. I used my savings to make ends meet.
Then I started getting sick.  I've been tied to the bathroom going on 19 months.  I've been to the Health Dept... they did blood work and said they couldn't help, that I needed a colonoscopy.  I went to the local free clinic that put me on a waiting list that took a year.  I went to the emergency room, but unfortunatley I had stopped bleeding so they released me.  The doctor explained they could only help me if they felt I needed critical care.  After 19 months I finally got my colonoscopy through the free clinic and I have Crohn's.  The doctor (that was nice enough to donate his time) said I needed to get on Medicaid as the medication and treatments are exspensive.  I do not qualify for Medicaid because I have no under-age children.  So ........Please don't tell me how GREAT our health care is, and how the emergency room is the answer.  It's obvious you lack the experience to make those statements.  
Now multiply my situation by millions and lets hear how wonderful it is.  Sure we have great medical treatment for those who are fortunate.
With treatment I could again be a hardworking tax-payer, but that's not gonna happen. So I'm going to suck you and your taxes out of food stamps and emergency room visits.  I didn't do anything wrong but work my butt-off for 40 yrs and pay taxes.
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306455 tn?1288862071
Melimeli,   The only entry in this thread that I directed at you was......""Can prevent you from buying things that do not go together for example shoes that do not go with the style of dress you are buying."
Really? Really?!?  The comparisons are ridiculous. Enough said about that.""
And that was only after you decided to do a rude little satire about my perfectly innocent post, which was just meant to show some good points to this topic. You obviously didn't catch the "Enough said about that."
You are the one who chose to direct the words "disrespectful" and "ignorant" at me, which leaves me open to respond to you with,  We are all so very, very impressed that you have a "Masters Degree", which, I guess is why you come across as such a "know-it-all". There are many things people do not get with a Masters Degree, a few of them being logic, compassion and humility.
So again I'll say......"Enough said about that". Don't assume anything I post after this point is directed at you.
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377493 tn?1356502149
Well, certainly no one can argue that for an extremely long time the US had the strongest economy in the world.  I know on our news when we hear the value of our dollar it's always in terms of how it compares to the US dollar.  It has been the standard for as long as I can remember. And I cannot argue with much of what you say (except I still like Obama..lol).  You have very different issues then we do.  But I also do think the way we look at things comes into play here as well.  There are cultural differences in how we approach things, look at gov't etc.  For example, I did not vote for the party currently in power here.  I would vote for my cat before I would have voted him in.  But I look at it as the majority spoke, they knew what he was all about and that is what was decided.  They voted him in to speak for them, even though I do not like most of what comes out of his mouth.  Perhaps I just take a simplistic view of things.

I certainly agree that society in general (here as well) has become a society of laziness.  In Canada we do not question enough...extreme opposite of how you guys are...I wish we were more that way.

As for campaigns, I agree there as well.  It's like the law...it's not about who's right or wrong (at least not always), but in who puts on the best show.  I still believe that the US was looking for a saviour (or at least that's how it appeared), so I feel that Obama (and anybody else) could not live up to those standards. People were losing their homes and jobs and it was a scary time.  Still is for a lot of people, and I guess those are who I worry about the most.  

I think one thing to always keep in mind...it is never easy to compare two completely different medical systems.  Most of what you folks hear about ours is the horror stories.  That's mostly what we hear about yours as well.  No one ever talks about the good in each.  
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296076 tn?1371334474
he got elected because the very liberal media did not fairly cover his weak points and a big majority of people in our country don't even know who the vice presidents name is, ever.  But they do know who won dancing with the stars...  Most of the country gets their information from the news media or the political ads.  McCain ran a SUPER poor campaign.. I mean it is almost criminal how bad it was with no emphasis on what Obama was saying and what he couldn't do.  Anyone that spoke out against Obama was painted a racist.  

The freedom we are loosing is the freedom to run our gov't to make our decisions.  The present gov't has taken over the banks, the car dealers and now medical.  I for one do not want to be taxed at a higher rate.  They already take 35% and you know what we have a lot of lazy people that do nothing for a living.  Not just now under the crisis but before.  We have created a environment of laziness where people on wellfare have internet, cell phone and  computers.  We cannot afford to give this lifestyle to people unwilling to work or take responsibility for their actions. For people that have made wellfare their career.  We also have a MUCH larger immigration problem than you up north do.  We a supporting a whole system of people that are here illegally that not only do not replace the money they drain from the system on medical, public education and safety but also take money out of our economy to send to mexico's economy.  If you don't understand how economies work please find out.  
Right now we all get medical treatment, no one is denied.  In fact WE get GREAT medical treatment.  Go to emergency and you will get treated without any questions as to whether you can pay or not.  
Obama wants to tax my medical insurance because it is a "cadillac" plan...  I have good insurance so they want to tax it?  WTF? anyway..   there  is a reason that the US economy has done much better than most of the world's economy over time.  Even better than our dear neighbors up north... Why are we Fing with it so much now?
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377493 tn?1356502149
Yeah, I know, he is sort of getting it from both sides.

I still think wanting BMI info has more to do with stats then anything else.  I mean, we read them all the time....X% of the population has this or that.  And our gov't does collect it, at least I think they do.  But it's nothing to do with the gov't, it has to do with health records.  Obesity does put people at greater risk of certain diseases.  I always assumed it had more to do with history and diagnoses.....for example, go in with certain complaints, you have a history of obesity, they may look for diabetes during a first round of testing.  That sort of thing.  Same reason they collect info for my health record about my parents....just helpful info.  

We can never know for sure someones' motives in anything.  But I just don't see the scenarios being talked about here actually happening.  It really doesn't make sense to me, but again, we all look at things differently.
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649848 tn?1534633700
Obama was voted in for a lot of reasons and I think you will find that even a lot of people who voted for him are not happy........

Keep in mind that a lot of those who aren't happy with him, think he has not been "forceful" enough.....works both ways......

My point was --- your government doesn't want stats on how fat you are; ours does....what would they do with that info???
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377493 tn?1356502149
Oh how I wish our medical was free...sadly, not the case.  Yes, we pay for it.  Just a different system.  We are taxed at a higher level then you.  The theory is this....everyone without exception who is Canadian has access to a Dr. at any time.  So, it's far easier to go for check ups, etc. and seek preventative care.  Preventative is cheaper then treating diseases, etc.  So the money sort of goes into a big pool and no one is ever denied, not for any reason.  It seems to work, although Lord knows we have our problems.  What I like about it is I don't have to worry about it.  It's really no different then your insurance programs except we cannot be denied for pre existing conditions or capped, etc.  And I can assure you that no flags go up in terms of denying treatment.  If a patient chooses not to seek treatment, that is up to them, but no Dr. would decide that.  

Medical records here are also highly confidential and we too get print outs if we want of tests, or whatever.  Computerization is really just a convenience, sort of like everything else in the world now.  But if you had anyone, even a Dr. accessing that info without proper reason or permission, they would lose their license.  It is info between you and whatever Dr. you choose.  It does help cut down on things like prescription drug abuse, etc.  And, for me anyway, it is just easier.  And as far as I know we haven't had any major problems.  I just don't see it as any different then computerized bank info, cc info or anything else that is on computer.

As for the gathering of stats, sure, I have no doubt they are used.  But as stats, not to make judgements on individuals such as what you described.  So, for example, they may determine that 40% of the population is obese, therefor more emphasis needs to be put on healthy eating, excercise, whatever.  But no one is forced into it, nor would they be denied because they weren't living that way.  

Now, all of what I have said is to the best of my knowledge of course.  I just don't see it as being that big a deal and I still cannot understand the loss of a freedom.  But again, everyone has their own perspective, hence the need for forums like this...lol.

I also have to comment...when Obama was running for office I watched with huge interest, so saw most of his campaign speeches, etc.  One of the things he talked about a lot was overhaul of the medical system and computerizing medical records.  It was a big part of his campaign.  And he was voted in. So if everyone truly hates the idea, how on earth did he get elected?
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649848 tn?1534633700
How about it I put a different "spin" on the whole thing?  

There ARE advantages to doctors having access to electronic records.  It CAN save time in an emergency or in the event that you want to change doctors, etc.  They have the information for allergies, meds right at their finger tips -- yep, can't agree more that that's a good thing..........

I don't know the laws of your country and it seems as though your government does not take a "heavy hand" as far as your medical treatment is concerned; apparently, you have all the choices you want and it's free -- gotta say that I don't understand that, because obviously "someone" has to pay for it.  Yes, I know your government pays for it, but where do they get their money from?  Most likely YOU......

In our country, our medical records have always been confidential; and for anyone who doesn't know it - your doctor is required to give you copies of your lab tests/records upon request.  I never leave my doctor's office without a copy of whatever labs s/he ordered for me/results, along with a printout of what was discussed and/or recommended.  

I don't believe the electronic records would become "public record" -- as in, I could go search for flmagi's or specialmom's medical records, in the same manner that I can go search for vehicles or property owned, lawsuits pending, etc; that's not MY fear, because I would have no reason to do that -- what would I do with them if I had them??  I couldn't put a lien on either of them or anything like that.........

Here's what I fear from my medical records being put into a national database.  This is an example only:

I'm admitted to a hospital with breathing difficulties, body aches/pains, my bp is through the roof, I think I might be having a heart attack ----------- they look up my medical records, find that I am 85 yrs old, have a history of high blood pressure, heart attack, lung cancer -- what comes up on the screen?? Maybe something like "too old; too many things wrong; no more treatment"  We know they wouldn't make it that simple, but that's the bottom line.   For every disease/problem that you are diagnosed with there's a "flag" put on your record...  when you accumulate either too many, or certain flags, they decide they aren't going to spend more $ on you, even if the treatment is available.........  

I used relatively simple medical issues here; but what if someone suffered from organ failures, etc......would they find that the lifesaving procedures were too expensive in some circumstances and decide to withhold them?  

If I'm fat, will they look at my other medical issues and say "geez - too many things going against her; no treatment allowed"???  

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Avatar universal
If you view everything with the outlook of a government takeover or a conspiracy for one world government then you are never going to get past it. So what I dont get is this. We have just about everything we do now days electronic. It is called cost effective for one and secondly it is called progress. We must change and keep up with the everchanging times we live in. Electronic medical records just makes common sense. You get electronic bills, you have atm cards, online banking and I think anyone born here has a social security card, and I know everyone posting here has a computer or you wouldn't be here. You worry about privacy yet you put your most private thoughts on a public forum. If people were truly worried about all this going on ruining their lives somehow, you would not be posting on here. So this tells me it is not the electronic records with a box for bmi that is the problem. And everyone here is smart enough to recognise that everything else is electronic so are we totally surprised about medical records? Have you ever ordered something on line and paid for it with your credit or debit card? No one worries about that. It is simply that Obama is the one that has initiated it and it must be a government takeover of some sorts. We do have concerns in our country that need worked out, this is true. But the stuff I am hearing is plain unadulterated paranoia run rampant. IMO
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296076 tn?1371334474
but of course my opinion is right as always lol!! :)
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973741 tn?1342342773
But see, what you forget is that our country DOES take care of those with the least.  They have programs in place to support their housing, their food, their education, their child care, their medical care.  

I think that things are complex in this country with a growing number of people that have had it.  They've lost faith in those governing them now and want a change in power.  And when something new arises that is another thing we "have to do for our own good"------- it is rubbing a nerve that is already raw.  
The opinions are very intense these days on both sides.  
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377493 tn?1356502149
There is no question that some of this (probably much of it) is hard for me to understand.  I mean, I understand the principles behind it, but not always the meaning..if that makes sense.  In many ways our countries are similar, but there are so many differences as well.  I think part of it as I have grown up with the system we have...I just don't know any different. And keep in mind that although I am pro capitilism I am also a bit of a "bleeding heart" if you will and will probably always want what serves those with the least.  Just the way I am wired - trust me, DH and I do not always see eye to eye on this..lol.  And from a completely personal perspective it has served me well.  I often wonder how I would feel if someone tried to change so dramatically that which what I am comfortable with and understand.  I'm sure I would have issues as well. I also think that personally, I am far more trusting then many. Perhaps naive at times...I can admit that.  It's always interesting to see and read the different perspectives.  And although I am trying hard to understand your opposition, I will admit I am still a bit confused as to what freedom it removes.  Is it freedom of choice?  Or is it more of a trust issue as to what may be done with the information?  I think I understand the rest, but am still a bit stuck on that aspect of it.
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296076 tn?1371334474
I think it is hard for you to understand how we feel about it as you are not american.  You have not been raised with a small gov't that is getting bigger and bigger..  We were founded on the principle gov't for the people, BY THE PEOPLE.  And every time a choice is made for us.. for our own good then we are not a self governing people.   That means someone else thinks they know what is best for us.  Nancy Pelosi said we have to pass the bill to see what is in it.. Well this is not us the people making the decision.  When representatives do not listen to their constituents and only do what they think is right well that is not a gov't by the people that is the elite making the choices for the peons.  There are always reasons why something should be done, I am sure fidel castro had reasons too...  Hugo Chavez has his reasons and now the owner of the last private television station got arrested.. they are all gov't run now.  This didn't happen overnight but was a slow invasion of of gov't over many many years since his start in 1998.  I am not paranoid but if you don't learn history it can repeat itself and I think most people are ignorant about how it began in other countries.  Someone has to be there to stand up for the small steps of a gov't trying to overstep its bounds.  There may be a reason for medical histories on file and there will probably be a reason for the next freedom of choice that is taken away..  there is always a reason but how far do we let it go...
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973741 tn?1342342773
Well, most credit card companies can not sell your information unless you give approval upon joining.  In fact, a market statement often made by companies in order to entice people is that "your information will never be used in that manner".

You have to understand that I do not want the government involved in my health care -------- at all.  A government mandate to put my information and that of my family is involving themselves in my health care.  If I choose to do it, so be it.  But an American citizen should not be forced to.  

Many doctors offices do have electronic files these days.  But I don't think that anyone should be able to access them unless I've given consent.  I know that in your eyes you can not see any harm in doing so---------  but I should have a choice.  And the BMI is bothersome.  Weight is one of those things that fluctuates over the course of someone's life.  

My husband has had someone use his insurance prescription card number to obtain their medications.  It has been going on for almost a year.  The insurance company had given the same number to both men.  They work for totally different companies and have different benefits.  While the other person paid the co pay, it went on my husband's record and against our insurance coverage.  This man has some serious mental health issues.  If you were to look at my husband's record, you'd see all sorts of medications that he does not take.  We are trying to get those removed from my husband's record but it has been more difficult to do so than you think.  What if it were in a national data base?  The info would be totally wrong regarding my husband.  That would be a problem.  

Anyway, when it comes to freedom of choice--------- a whole lot of little things add up.  You have to stop it somewhere before you can't control anything pertaining to your private information.
Just my opinion before I enjoy my lunch (without worrying about my BMI going pubic!).  LOL---------  and I don't think my opinion has to be right for everyone.  It is just how I feel subject to change as the wind blows.  You know . . .
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377493 tn?1356502149
I understand what your saying and as always respect your thoughts.  I guess I don't see it as a loss of freedom as I am not certain what is being given up, but we all see things differently.  I am curious though as to what type of controls you see something like this as bringing into play. I suppose the information could be abused, but wonder what the motivation would be for this. I see it more as a convenience in what is truly a computerized world. Insurance companies do make judgement calls on coverage based on your past history, etc. and I am fairly confident your records are already tracked there. Even credit card companies often sell buying information to companies to help them market...this is all based on demographics.  Not the gov't, true, but a loss of privacy non the less.  I can understand your concerns, but in my mind this is more of a benefit then not.  I do fully agree though that all of this sort of information needs to be treated with the utmost confidentiality and only those authorized by you to see the information should be allowed to do so.  Security breaches are always a concern, but then again they always have been.  I can remember several years ago my mother's Dr.'s office was broken into and information stolen.  The primary concern was identity theft as Medical Card numbers, address', social insurance numbers etc. were all on file...basically everything you need to start taking out credit cards in another persons name. Also just my opinion and always interesting to hear a different perspective.
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973741 tn?1342342773
I think that if someone gives the okay to be in the national data base, then fine but it shouldn't be required.  Lots of things "happening for my own good" but is really taking away the ability to make choices.  When you have freedom, it is hard to give up.  And even the small things eventually add up to less choice overall and more governmental control.  Just my opinion.  
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377493 tn?1356502149
Only on for a few minutes, but as someone who lives in a country with a standardized health care system, I have perhaps a slightly different perspective.  We have all of our records computerized, and one of the positive things about it is that if I choose to switch Dr.'s or for some reason have to be seen in the ER, they can pull up my records easily, and treatment is better.  They know of any allergies (a great thing if I am unable to talk for myself), medications, history of high blood pressure, etc. etc.  This has saved lives.  It is highly confiential information, and is not out there for the public.  It is strictly for medical purposes.  As far as I know it has not been problematic in terms of security.

As for things like obesity, I know that much of the emphasis here is on preventative medicine. Encouraging and enabling people to have regular check ups is important (again, nothing is mandated, you have the choice of course)  Things like obesity, smoking, etc. etc. do lead to further health problems.  No one has ever been refused treatment for these conditions, but it is part of overall health analysis and I know the information is used (statistically only) to help design programs such as healthy eating practices, etc. in schools and things.

To the best of my knowledge none of this information has been abused, but it has been helpful in educating people with regards to healthy lifestyle choices. It is certainly not mandated that people choose or change to a different lifestyle, nor does it impact quality of level of health care, but it does help somewhat.  Hopefully we will wind up an overall healthier society.  It's amazing how many people really don't know.  From a taxpayers standpoint, who knows, maybe it will help ease the burden on our healthcare system.  I am not certain how it has impacted that.  But again, so far, no problems at all.

Just a slightly different perspective.
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296076 tn?1371334474
obviously it was satire guess you didn't get it...

The point is we are supposed to be free here in this country not live by a gov't that thinks they know better than we do what is good for us.  There are plenty of countries like that if you would like to go visit one I am sure you will see that the result hasn't been to great.  The point is right now they can access information about us but only if they have a just cause.  They cannot access information and put us into groups like this group is healthy enough to deserve this and this group isn't.  The point is that it wont stop there.  The point is that there is no reason why the gov't needs to know how much I weigh, how much I smoke or information like that it just isn't relevant to the running of the country.  The point is where does it end?  the point is maybe you don't care about your medical records being analyzed by the gov't but is there anything you do care about them have access to?  Maybe not, maybe you trust that we have a very clean gov't and that nothing wrong will ever happen with your info.. in this I beg you to read up on bolivia where Morales redistribution of land
"Morales Calls for Land Redistribution

Bolivian President Evo Morales said Saturday that he expects Bolivia’s wealthy landowners to voluntarily give up property to poor Indians. “There are people … who don’t want to end large landownership,” he said. “Those people should voluntarily give up their (excess) land to people who have none.”

Morales was speaking at a ceremony held on the ranch of American Ronald Larsen, who was among several wealthy landowners in eastern Bolivia to have his land seized by the government for redistribution to Guarani Indians. Larsen has been one of the most prominent opponents of Morales’ land reform.

The leftist Morales has made land reform one of his biggest priorities since taking office in 2006. In January, voters passed a new constitution that allows the government to take control of all natural resources; it also limits single farms to 12,400 acres and establishes social and economic conditions that must be met by farmers."

the point is that I am not a wako like you want to paint me flmagi.  It is disrespectful for you to bring it to that level.  I am a highly educated woman with a master's degree.  I do not own a gun nor do I want a bunker.  I do not question ever act by the gov't but I believe that we cannot blindly trust every decision made for us.  That is why we have debate, that is why we have elected leaders.  If we were to just accept everything blindly we would be in a dictatorship.  So honey, don't bring it to that level because it looks very ignorant that you can't discuss the issue at hand...
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973741 tn?1342342773
I will also say that yes, the 'feds' can access my data anytime they want . . . under suspicion of a crime.  Is eating too much a crime?  

Unless I sign a consent, I don't think my information should be in a national data base.  You should have that option.  As a citizen of this country, you should have that option.  For all the perks given here . . . well, I should still have a choice if I want to participate in a national data base.  

And luckily, by looking at me . . . one may still question if I am fat or not as I do a pretty good job of hiding it.  
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973741 tn?1342342773
I'm just waiting for my bar code to be tattooed.
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203342 tn?1328737207
R Glass, I will talk to the records department again. Maybe I talked to a tech who didn't really know what she was talking to. It's possible. I thought that strange, too, that they'd eventually destroy the records. We're talking "inpatient records" here though not "outpatient records". What was upsetting to me was that I had no record in my medical records at the base where we are stationed of my 2 surgeries now except some notes that some doctors may have made regarding the surgeries. I don't have the pathologists notes because they were with the inpatient side of the records. I truly do not understand why they send the inpatient records to some archive after so many years. I mean, how much room could the inpatient records possibly take?! The outpatient records side would take up much more room. I know they do have things electronically too but I never did get copies of my last surgery I had. I guess I'll have to get the address to the base archive they sent it to and see if I can still get copies before they're eventually destroyed. It's just a pain in the butt. The lady at the records department recommended I get copies of everything I can but I do have a lot in my records. I at least wanted copies of my surgeries and what the pathologists said.

They still will not let me hand carry them anywhere. They used to but not anymore. Guess they don't trust us, lol. I can only get copies. Otherwise, the record department sends my records over to what every doctor's office I'm going to.
I still think I should have more access to my records than that. Maybe the military is just more strict or maybe the base I'm at right now is, I don't know. I just don't like being treated like we can't be trusted with our own records!
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1035252 tn?1427227833
well-put and very logical approach to the concept. You said exactly what I feel about the situation. I admit that it's a little scary, but I think people are letting their emotions get the better of their reactions because in all honesty, just like you said, the info is already there and let's be honest, it's been accessible since the first doctors started using electronic databases years ago.
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306455 tn?1288862071
"Can prevent you from buying things that do not go together for example shoes that do not go with the style of dress you are buying."
Really? Really?!?  The comparisions are ridiculous. Enough said about that.
They aren't concidering making medical records "Public Records". It's about making a national data base for medical purposes. Your wife, employer or whoever would still need your consent to access these records. Like your social security number,(which the Gov.knows and assigns you), it's not public record, unless you have given it out or put it out on the internet. If you don't think the Feds can get your banking info any time they want, you're fooling yourself. A computer hacker can get it.
And if you don't want the Feds or the public to have access to your info, I would suggest, shutting down your computer now and burning it. What you've already put out there in Internet land, is there forever and for all to see, if they know how. I would also suggest closing all bank accounts, credit cards, loans, utilities, insurance,car ownership and registration, school records, shut off your phone, and of course......stop going to the doctor! Build an underground bunker, take your canned food and your guns and we'll tell you when it's safe to come out. (unless we forget about you)
In other words, if you participate in this world in any way.......your info is out there, whether you've consented to it or not. You are on the internet!!!!!!!  If they really wanted you, they can find you!
And if the Feds want to know if your fat (which I am), it won't take a genius to figure that out, and it's already in your medical records.
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Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Condoms are the most effective way to prevent HIV and STDs.
PrEP is used by people with high risk to prevent HIV infection.