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Sinus Problems after root canal

I had a root canal done on one of my upper teeth back in December of 2008.  Since that time I have suffered horribly with sinus problems which I have never had before.  Right after I thought I had a sinus infection so went to the doctor and was put on antibiotics.  I felt a little better but still stuffy, and my ears seemed plugged as well.  Since that time I have been to the doctor several times.  They have told me it's allergies (I have never suffered with them before).  I am also aware that allergie can arise at any time in your life and I do live in one of the worst places for seasonal allergies (GA) but this is ridiculous.  I have had steroid shots (helped breiftly) nose sprays, prescription atihisthamines, pepper spary, netti pots, you name it, I've tried it and I still have to go around with my mouth open like a trout just to breathe.  I did go back to the dentist who performed the root canal and he did a panaramic x-ray and said he saw nothing wrong.  I do remember him making the comment when he was doing the procedure that it was going to be a challenge as one of the canals was really deep, or crooked or I had an extra one...I really can't remember exactly what he said but I do know it seemed unusual.  I am DESPARATE at this point,  I am miserable, fatigued, and so tired of having a stuffy nose.  I am a teacher and this has reallt wreaked havoc on the job as I am conatantly blowing my nose or coughing up gobs of green phlegm...I know, GROSS.  I have an appointment tomorrow with and ear, nose and throat specialist but I am really running out of ideas.  Should I just have the tooth extracted or has there already been irrepairable damage done to my sinuses???  HELP  anybody.
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Sorry I'm so late to reply. I've had a CT scan on my sinuses but the ENT seems to think everything is fine. However, there are a couple of spots on my sinuses but he doesn't think they are linked to my issues. I have my doubts. Also, the X-ray on this tooth shows the root goes directly under my sinus cavity. I don't understand why they won't consider this as an underlying cause of the post nasal issues I'm having. It's unbelievably frustrating.
I've begun taking allergy shots to see if that will help. I'm also on month 2 of a round of antibiotics and neti-pot cleanings with pulmicort. So far, no change. My allergist did say it will take months before I feel better. It's been two months...no change whatsoever. I feel worse if anything. I'll stick with the allergy shots but in the new year, if nothing is better, I'm getting the tooth out. I just need to find a dentist who I don't have to fight with to actually do it. Then I need to get an implant as the tooth location is very visible when I smile. It's going to be costly but I feel like I don't have a choice at this point.
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Here's what's going on with me right now:
Early January 2017, a ton of pain on the right side of my mouth, medicating with lots of ibuprofen heavily, finally gets so bad I go to the dentist.

January 16th: I visit Dr Chow DDS and he gives me root canal on the spot on one of my upper molars. He prescribes me PendX (penicillin) antibiotics and Vicodin for pain. Since the day of the root canal, I've had sinus drip and a terrible taste in my mouth and nose more or less constantly.

It is really bugging me so I go back in to Dr Chow on Jan 20th, and he switches me to Coindamycin, a different antibiotic, so I discontinue the Penicillin and complete the Coindamycin cycle. Symptoms improve slightly during the course of antibiotics but the phlegm factory never stops.

Now it is 2/4 and my nose is still constantly producing annoying drips and my phlegm production is super high; basically clearing throat and spitting every 3 minutes or less. No pain but this is super annoying. And the terrible taste continues as well. UGHH.
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Thank you for sharing. Who was your dentist ddeb
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I just posted about a top back molar I had pulled today that had invaded my sinuses. When the dentist first saw my x-ray he said my tooth sensitivity was from an abscess just above the root of the molar, they showed me the "shadow" they called an abscess.  The dentist wanted to do a root canal.  I refused and insisted on an extraction after a week of antibiotics.  From age 15 to 45 I had one cavity!  Then, just after I turned 45 BOOM two root canals within 6 months of each other.  Both went wrong from the get go.  I could still feel my teeth for one thing.  Then the first one ended up abscessing and then had to be pulled.  Soon after the second, which I also still felt from the get go, started to hurt and fall apart, another extraction.  Then within the year each tooth behind the root canal/extracted teeth decayed almost overnight.  Both were extracted, no more root canals for me. Thus here I am today, getting this 5th tooth pulled, next in line on my right upper side.  By the way, all of these teeth are upper teeth. The dentist did give me attitude about pulling a good tooth, said I should have had the root canal, but it was my choice.  I told him why I made the choice I did and that I may not have his degree but I knew my mouth better than he did.  THANK GOD I stuck to my gut!  I can suck air thru the hole from today's pulled  tooth from my NOSE and hold my nose and blow, and you can HEAR the air come thru the hole too.  He seemed to lose his cool facade and ever so kindly offered "even though you didn't pay for it, I'm going to put a bone graft in to make sure this heals right." He knew I had saved his butt and really, my own.  But the air thingy is disconcerting as all get out.  I'm wondering if I should see an ENT to make sure my sinuses don't get infected anyway. I have had sinus issues my entire life, but since last August they have been constant and much worse on a regular basis.  Maybe now they can heal.  I pray for all who have suffered a much worse fate than I. I'm going to ask the dentist who did my root canals about that poison mentioned by others.  If they did, they made a huge mistake, they gave me my teeth, which I still have as proof of what they did less that a year and a half ago.
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Hi iv had the same issues but cant think back so far if its to do with root canal but could possibly be. Has anyone had tooth removed and confirm if the sinus issues are better now? Iv been to the doc few times now as the sinuses are just getting worse. Constantly feel clogged up.
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Can you tell me what ENT you went to that told you that you have a tear from the root canal?  Also, what city & state.  I have a similar problem but, couldn't get an ENT to help me or be honest.  How I know what happened is the xray from the dentist.  I'm in pain. Any help you could give would be much appreciated.
                                                                                      Sincerely,  Charlotte
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Wow, your story is exactly the same as mine (except I had my root canal last summer) and recently (about two months ago) began experiencing severe sinus symptoms. Has your ENT done a scan of your sinuses? That's the first thing mine did and you can clearly see where the root canal hits my sinus on the left side (the dentitst went too deep and iritated the canal - leading to infection).
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I have had the exact same issue as Deenie426 (posting was 2009). I had a root canal over 10 years ago....upper left side. Immediately after, I had several severe sinus infections. Since then, I have had chronic post nasal drip....and it's not clear mucus. I am constantly clearing my throat which is very inconvenient and embarrassing when I'm in the middle of a meeting.
I used to run and work out a lot and I still try to but now I lose my breath constantly as the mucus continues to drain into my throat. Once I clear my throat, I'm fine.
I have had every test you can think of, CT, allergy, colonoscopy and endoscopy etc. Everything is normal except for the fact that I have seasonal allergies to certain tree pollen. The ENT and Allergist have tried everything they can think of but nothing has worked. I am so frustrated and have been for many years. Before I even saw this posting, I thought back to when my problems all started and they started after I had this root canal. It has to be more than a coincidence.
I've talked to my dentist and have had xrays,,,,se says everything is normal and doesn't think it's the RC.....I'm convinced it is, especially after reading these posts. I just can't seem to get anyone to listen.
I have finally decided to have the tooth removed. We'll see how that goes.
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did it work?
did it work?
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I had a root canal done on an upper right side molar about a month ago.  I started having severe pain immediately afterwards. Went on a round of antibiotics and then another round because the pain was not going away.  Long story short,  I developed a sinus infection on the same side of my face where the root canal was performed. I too, have that awful, something died in my face type of smell coming from my nose and I have constant foul tasting drainage  all day and night.  Especially when I am bending my head down. I cant believe all these other people on this forum having the exact same issues as I have!!  I get an impression done for my crown in a few days.  How do I tell my dentist his root canal that he performed on me caused all this smell. I am so angry and afraid I'll never resolve this sinus smell.  I also went to urgent care and the M.D gave me a steroid shot and antibiotics to clear the infection to no avail.
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yes you are right! Go Huggins! I see  Huggins dentist and have had 2 root canals extracted and then getting two more in July
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Root canals are a big issue. I had had four and just had two on lower end removed by a Hal Huggins dentist! You should consider the same ... ROOT CANALS IN GENERAL ARE NOT SAFE AND VARY IN AFFECTS THEY CAUSE TO BODY AND IMMUNE SYSTEM.Everything from ringing in the ears, allergies, to MS and autoimmune diseases. Root canals are not a solution to "save" a tooth but instead are pushed by ADA and creates omore infection in the long run. The difference is now that the nerve is pulled/deadened , you can't "feel" the infection anymore. In addition, fillers and chemicals placed in the "canals" can be reactive for the body too. I have surgery to have my last two root canals taken out. I only recommend this from a skilled biological dentist (preferrably Huggins trained). They can get you some partial, non- reactive tooth material or a non toxic bridge in place instead. Root Canals are very problematic and if you wish to know more look at the book "The Root Canal Cover Up"
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Root canals are a big issue. I had had four and just had two on lower end removed by a Hal Huggins dentist! You should consider the same ... ROOT CANALS IN GENERAL ARE NOT SAFE AND VARY IN AFFECTS THEY CAUSE TO BODY AND IMMUNE SYSTEM.Everything from ringing in the ears, allergies, to MS and autoimmune diseases. Root canals are not a solution to "save" a tooth but instead are pushed by ADA and creates omore infection in the long run. The difference is now that the nerve is pulled/deadened , you can't "feel" the infection anymore. In addition, fillers and chemicals placed in the "canals" can be reactive for the body too. I have surgery to have my last two root canals taken out. I only recommend this from a skilled biological dentist (preferrably Huggins trained). They can get you some partial, non- reactive tooth material or a non toxic bridge in place instead. Root Canals are very problematic and if you wish to know more look at the book "The Root Canal Cover Up"

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Root canals are a big issue. I had had four and just had two on lower end removed by a Hal Huggins dentist! You should consider the same ... ROOT CANALS IN GENERAL ARE NOT SAFE AND VARY IN AFFECTS THEY CAUSE TO BODY AND IMMUNE SYSTEM.Everything from ringing in the ears, allergies, to MS and autoimmune diseases. Root canals are not a solution to "save" a tooth but instead are pushed by ADA and creates omore infection in the long run. The difference is now that the nerve is pulled/deadened , you can't "feel" the infection anymore. In addition, fillers and chemicals placed in the "canals" can be reactive for the body too. I have surgery to have my last two root canals taken out. I only recommend this from a skilled biological dentist (preferrably Huggins trained). They can get you some partial, non- reactive tooth material or a non toxic bridge in place instead. Root Canals are very problematic and if you wish to know more look at the book "The Root Canal Cover Up"

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Everybody I know is afraid that nothing will happen, dental staffing   that the money won't be forthcoming. They can't parole people fast enough to solve the financial hickey.
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could you please tell me what Dentist you went to in Seattle I  have the same problems and it seems like know one can help.

thank you
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I had a root canal a week ago, and am now in the midst of the nastiest sinus infection I've ever had...  I'm thinking that he drilled too far and introduced bacteria into my sinuses.  So who is this Seattle miracle dentist?? Happily, that's where I live!  Sounds like I need to see him.
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hi... I just read your January post... the smell is awful. I had it from time to time over the last few years but didn't realize root canals could be to blame. I was highly recommended to one of the only dentists in Seattle that understands the dangers of root canals & oral health & it's link to the health of our whole body. I started seeing him about 3 months ago & when we talked, I started to cry with relief, when he confirmed so many weird health problems that have been building over the last 20 years could be, possibly, connected to dental work in my mouth. He has since carefully removed the last of my amalgam/metal fillings... removed three root canals... and I have 3 more to go. I have had 2 since I was about 12 years old!! And I have had issues with every one of the others that I have too.  I had heard & read some of the info about these things, but waited until I got so sick that I finally went to this new dentist. So... a few days after the fillings were replaced and the first two root canal teeth were removed, my body started to detox. I didn't think it would really be a big deal, like I was in denial, but it really happened. My dentist had a detox treatment for me to use, so I started that & it helped right away. I felt not so foggy headed after just those first things were done. Then I had the next tooth out. Same thing happened, a few days later, detox symptoms again (bouts of extreme tiredness like the flu plus a few other things). And once again, the detox protocol helped right away. This was not my imagination!!!... Well, the second root canal was on a top back molar. Taking the tooth out was not a big problem, cuz this is a very good, gentle, very experienced health conscious dentist. But the root of the tooth touched into my sinus, which opened into the tooth opening in my mouth when the tooth & root were removed. So I couldn't sneeze or blow my nose for 2 weeks, until the stitches were out & the site had healed up pretty well. Well, today I just started blowing my nose (which had plugged up since the surgery) & it is beginning to really drain. And guess what??? I could smell the same clove like scent of the ORIGINAL compresses they placed into my root canal... I remembered the smell so well, it was really crazy. And that scent disappeared after a couple of hours, but the next smell is just what you described. It is like rotten, rancid water. I smelled this many times over the last few years every once in awhile. So... the root canal had left bacteria & whatever else dead stuff behind & it was leaking into my sinus. I am so glad I had it removed & I am now doing sinus infection protocol... without antibiotics if I can do it. I am trying to get this junk out of my sinuses (you can smell it in the kleenex which is gross!!). I feel angry that dentists have been taught to do this to to their patients, to save the tooth "at all costs". My previous dentists have been some of the best in the business, but very ignorant and not at all open to the idea that root canals can be so dangerous to people's health. Praying that you can get some real relief too, and be on your way to better health...
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hello there
i just doing a research about a sinus problem and found your comments here..
i am suffering the same problem as you..i have been with this problem for 8 yrs now since a molar root canal.
i see your post is from 2009..how are you feeling now?
as you,i think i have this chronic sinus infections because the molar root canal..
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Look up medhelp member Friggy, who has the most detailed response to this issue that I've ever seen.  
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I totally know how u feel. I have two RC on upper right side.  Had them done 2yrs ago. Nov 2013 I started having major sinus drip which soon turned into horrible smelly green goo that I have to blow out of my right nostril every minute day & night. Dr gave my z-PAC, amoxicillin , finally  Cephlex cleared it for about 1 month & it started back again. The smell is horrible when I bend over or blow nose. I am exhausted of the whole thing!!! Any suggestions
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Aron55, I really resonated with your comment. This winter alone, I've had 6-7 different sinus infections.  My husband can smell "the rotting", and he predicts my sinus infection a few days before it gets really bad. When he smells it, I know its coming a prepare for what feels like never-ending headache, drainage and incessant throat clearing that prevents me from doing all things fun.

I had a full sinus surgery 4 years ago because the infections were so bad (according to MRIs taken over the course of 1.5 yrs showing they just went from bad to worse after different rounds of antibiotics). For two years after the surgery, I reveled in being infection free. However, now they reoccur as frequently as before the surgery. My hypothesis is that the surgery cleaned out the infection, but bacteria from my root canals have recolonized. (I had no sinus problems before I had the root canals.)  I rec'd the book ROOT CANAL COVER UP for Christmas and am trying to determine next steps. I'm going to start by contacting Huggins  Applied Healing.....
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I had a root canal about six years ago and after cleaning was immediately plugged - unusual in the old days, now standard.  By the next day there was a terrible stench more or less inside my nasal cavities and it was perfectly evident that an anaerobic dental bacteria was now populating my sinus.  Well, six years later, I now have a chronic
infection and that stench is more or less a regular friend, particularly if my head is bent down and I'm exerting myself.
Antibiotics were used once, to no effect.  I have not yet found a credible or effective way to address this wholly unwelcome infection.
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i  had 3 root canal surgery in my upper tooth(2 left side upper tooth 1 right side )in 2009,after that i got asthma in 2010 and now(2013) i got sinus problem.ENT doctor told that i have maxcell chornical baterial sinus in right nose and due to this i got astma also.

is all this happened due to root canal?how to analysie the root cause for all?
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after reading through this lot looks like im going to have to have my front tooth out, For which ive had 15 yrs, yes 15 years of repeat root canals clean outs 6 years of antibiotics, then I had to have an apicoectomy, which resulted in having the root tip removed from the tooth next to the problem tooth too. I commented on my follow up that something wasn't right but I was told it was all im my head because of what they had done. it did seem to calm down but with every cold I got id get twinges up a nerve up the side of my face reaching my eye. My eye has a floater in it  which start this year which the optician cannot see and ive been back and forth to the doctors. the other night i got a what felt like fluid filling in my tooth feeling then and hour later i was blowing loads of gunk out of nose but only on the one side, the other side of my face totally unaffected.Its got to be this thats causing it. Didnt want to lose my front tooth it wasn't even due to decay on my part that caused it either I broke it and the cap kept falling off I was going back a forth every couple of months to get it stuck back in.
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