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Please help me withdraw from Xanax and answer a question re: it

I have been taking Xanax ER for 3 1/2 years.  I was told by an
"addictions specialist" that it was "non-addictive" since it was slowly released.  I never abused it or took it other than as prescribed.  NOW I am suffering, and I do mean suffering, very embarrassingly from incontinence.  I will not go out almost at all and I live alone.  I am dying of loneliness.  I read that Xanax could cause incontinence and the docs have been unable to find a reason so they have suggested that I stop taking it.  I am just now beginning to wean off the first 1/2 milligram and am feeling terrible.  I cannot sleep and I am shaky and miserable.  I am afraid of getting worse, as I start taking less in 2 days.  I am so alone and so shaky and scared.  IS IT TRUE that Xanax can "impair urination?"  I read that on one question and I am having that problem also.  Please give me some answers and also know that I have a history of alcoholism and severe panic attacks years after that with PTSD and then severe agoraphobia.  Am I ever going to be OK?  Do I need a treatment facility?  What should I do?  Are there any "things" that I can do/ eat/ drink/ that are healthy and helpful that I might try?  Please help!
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I decided to take another .25 xanax when I still had too much anxiety 2 hours after taking the first one. I just couldn't call and cancel when I've already waited so long. I made it to the orthodonist OK and my husband went along. Anything is less hard if someone is with me. He said he'd go with me every time (it will be every 3 weeks). The procedure only took 5 minutes but you understand, the anxiety is in getting there, parking, the big building, waiting in the waiting room, etc. By then the anxiety was gone as I was early. But all that xanax started to wear off only 4 hours later. I got the IBS symptoms, a queasy stomach. But I managed to buy some food and eat something before I got queasy. It's not really queasiness. I loved the omelet and pancakes. Maybe it was too much coffee - I was celebrating making it through.

Anyway it did work eventually and I had no more anxiety or fear. I was really panicky when I posted earlier here. I just have to have someone to talk to who has been through it. I have read books on anxiety - and done the Lucinda Bassett workbook and tapes. I do know these things. I saw a psychiatrist for 8 years. I was doing well but then it came back last year. Don't know why except maybe lots of stressful life things. Well for now I will take the xanax. I can't talk myself out of it when it hits. It takes over my whole body and mind. Hopefully I can get it sorted out when I see the new psychiatrist in a few weeks. Thanks for your replies, they mean a lot to me when I am feeling so low.
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110220 tn?1309306861
One thing that stood out when you posted is that you drink coffee.  I did too, and now I don't.  Caffeine acts as a stimulant and works against us who have panic and anxiety..it can make you jumpy and nervous.  I stopped drinking coffee, pop and chocolate.  While it was hard at first (especially Pepsi),  I don't miss it at all.

I'm glad that you got through your appointment.  This should re-enforce to you that all was okay and nothing negative happened and that your fear was unfounded.  I think the more that we realize that, we gradually start to trust we can carry on without fear and the dreaded "what if". It is great that your husband is there to provide support.  Keep challenging yourself as often as you can, you will begin to gain confidence in carrying on with everyday life.  Your family needs you.  Don't be too concern with the xanax now, you need some assistance now, this is not to say that you will need it forever.  

When I started to wean myself off of xanax, I had been to enough doctors to assure myself that I wasn't dying or had heart problems and that what I was experiencing was anxiety.  It was hard to beleive at first, my symptoms were so real, but once I was able to calm myself with the exercises I had read about, I did start to understand anxiety.  My bout with withdrawl from xanax was intense, but I am fine now.  I don't regret taking it when I did, it helped me through a rough patch in my life.  It was needed at the time.  

Do continue to write and vent.  It is good to get our feelings on paper so to speak, it makes it real and we come to terms with them.  It helped me and when people responded and could relate, I knew I wasn't alone and when we they shared of their triump, I was encouraged.

Take care Espresso and remember some positive thoughts.   Also, try to get involved in something of interest.  While that can be difficult, try hard to focus on something else.  Honestly, when I would drag myself to work, (after a hard morning with anxiety), I would get involved in my work and interaction with clients, for a brief time, my anxiety would fade. Once I'd get home, it would resume.  Slowly, I started incorporating activities in my evening schedule, so I could turn off the anxiety trigger.  It takes time, but you can do it.  Please try to resist the panic...it is hard...but you are worth it, positive thoughts!

Talk to you soon!
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It's still 0.25. It always was. Except when I took half, but a whole one barely helps now. I have to go to the orthodontist today. I took one xanax and it's not working!! I think I will have to take another or end up having too much tremor and anxiety to sit in the chair and get the ten minute procedure done. What is wrong with me that I am so terrified of something normal? If I have to go anywhere, I get anxious. I am so tired of having to say no, put things off, not do things because I don't feel stable enough. The drugs even at the full amount are not helping my anxiety. If I double it just for today it may still not work. It may also make me worse in the long wrong. You can see I am having trouble dealing with this whole dependencey thing. yesterday it didn't work very well and it wore off in 4 hours. I still had abdominal cramps (IBS symptoms). I don't have that today.Now it's an odd chest muscle throb off and on (I have also had a chest cold for some weeks with a cough; the cough relieves the tension). It's getting better so I didn't see a dr. about it yet. I figured it ws the cold I got from my son; my daughter also had it and they are better. Anyway, it is also summer and the heat affects me, triggers anxiety. Parking in the underground for the appt. also triggers anxiety. Everything does....xanax used to make all the fear and tenseness go away. It's not now, therefore it must be that my body is tolerant to it and wants more, but that defeats my purpose of weaning off it. I've lived without it for months and years at a time, it's not like I can['t do it. But any time there is something I have to do, it interferes. I think, what if I just go there and suffer the terrors and tremors of hell and get through it. But that is just impossible if I have any chance to flee. I hate what this drug has done to me.
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PS I never took it regularly or 3 x a day. I only took it 2 or 3 times in one day on horrific, excruciating occasions I could not go to without more - weddings, funerals etc. I was always too terrified of becoming dependent and addicted and I DID ANYWAY. The last time I had such occasions was 2002. After that I weaned off it, taking a whole year to do it. Then I got panic attacks again out of the blue, and went back to it during work stress. That was 2004. I realize I never took enough, the dr. always told me that. He said take .50!! But .50 made me almost fall asleep at the wheel, I am so sensitive...even the .25 alprzolam has severe effects like drugging me, even though it takes too long to work. The xanax is very mild in its little effect...I am very disappointeed. yet I am afraid of switching to the diazepam. I feel I have to cancel my appointment again. I feel even for one million dollars, or a hundred billion dollars I could not go there. Why does the mind/body do this?????? I need answers and I cannot find the whys and wherefores. It makes no sense, because in between the anxiety I am fine.

So I have suffered a lot of interdose anxiety, withdrawal almost all the time because I took it occasionallly, then every time, it made it so I had to keep taking it. Only if I had no stress and could rest, then I could go without it and heal. But my life is non stop stress, the last 2 years. I thought I'd increase the dose, then gradually wean off it once I had no anxiety. But now i cannot imagine no anxiety. your experience weaning off included horrific anxiety that you mentioned. Everyone's does...I am trying to keep it to a minimum eeven if it is avoiding everything in life that triggers anxiety..so I lose weight as I can't even bear to go to the store, feel like I will drop dead...you know that feeling?  If the xanax ever kickeed in like it used to, it would calm the panic in the brain and I could skip merrily around doing anything at all. But it no longer works, it's like a tease, seeming to partly work and leaving me semi anxious and still with symptoms. It's the same as full panic, if it keeps me from going out. Needless to say I am unemployed and on disability. How anyone can work with this condition, is unknown to me .. I tried, and failed each time...sorry to vent.
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110220 tn?1309306861
Have you read any books on Anxiety and Panic attacks?  One thing for sure, you cannot and will not die from panic attacks.  I know how you feel, when I think back when I was really bad off, I was afraid of most things.  It took me 2hours in the morning to get ready for work, heart would race then I would have to sit and calm myself and start over again.  Now when I'm getting ready for work, I wonder how I got over all of the fear and panic.  But I did read about it and I do deep breath which helps to avoid hyperventalating and it does slow your heart rate.

If the .25mg is not working, have you tried taking a .25 and then another half of a .25mg which is .12.5...totalling 37.5mg.  That would probably work, make you a little drowsy, but maybe you could sleep and rest.

Be patient with yourself. If you are not ready to venture out, then don't.  It is important to learn about this disorder and how to deal with panic when it hits us.  Don't worry if you have to take xanax for awhile, but it is important to do something constructive while on the med, like reading and doing exercises that help us get over panic and anxiety.  I am living proof that it works.  You can and will get off of xanax when you are ready.  You don't appear to be the depended type especially since you have gotten off of them before and are worried about it now.  

If you decide that you want off now, know that the withdrawls will subside.  They do gradually, so again, have patience. Xanax does a great job in surpressing our nervous system, so our bodies have to make some adjustments when we get off of the pills.  It takes time but all comes back normal.

Hang in there espresso and keep posting, it helps to vent.  You are not alone! Take care.
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110220 tn?1309306861
The xanax that you are taking...what dosage are the pills .25mg, .50mg,  1mg.  That is important to know.  When I first started taking them the er doctor gave me 1mg to take three times a day.  The 1mg knocked me out and I slept the entire weekend, only to get up to bath, eat and sleep again.  I realized the dosage was too high.  The next day, I started taking .50mg three times a day and that worked fine.  When I started to wean myself, I took .25mg and while it took the edge off of the anxiety, it didn't last as long.  It worked and that was okay.  Let me know the dosage of the xanax that you are taking.

I have been there when you say that you can't bath...it was hard to brush my teeth at first...the toothpaste took my breath....nerves were on overload.  But trust me, it does get better and you must work on yourself...read read read about anxiety and the causes and how to help yourself when you feel overwhelmed.  I often think about how I was when I was going through severe anxiety....now I shower for long periods of time, deep breath and relax.  It takes time, but you can improve and will improve if you devote the time to do so.  I remember that I asked for xanax and not the generic version, and I agree the alprozam (misspelled) was more effective.

I never took valium, I didn't want to start another benzo,  I was doing fine with xanax and my body reacted  the way it should with xanax...took the anxiety away, so I wasn't about to try another benzo and wait to see how I was going to feel.  The Ashton manual and the forum are extremely pro valium, and I'm sure it works, but it wasn't for me.  

When you first take xanax for anxiety, they do recommend that you take it 3 times and day.  You might want to do that until you get your anxiety under control.  Once on xanax, read all you can about anxiety and the ways to overcome it.  So once you start to wean off of it, you have some knowledge on how to handle the anxiety when faced with it.

Let me know your dosage of xanax.

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