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for those considering chemical anti-depressants

I am a 35 year old mother of 2 now,, but in my early 20s after struggling with insomnia for several months, was prescribed paxil by a military doctor who thought I was depressed. What resulted was induced psychosis. Not everyone has this reaction to SSRI's and related medicines, but those who do are usually end up having a doctor switch and swap with equally dangerouse drugs, and are never told that the pills were the cause. Below is a link to a website that discuss's President Bush's 'teen screen' program which is funded by pharmacudical companies. There are also links to news articles where people who were on SSRI's and their relatives that committed violent acts. The focus is on the school shootings we have seen over the years... but there are many adult news articles as well where people were 'diagnosed' with something, but werent violent until the medications were taken.


*wishing you health and answers*
10 Responses
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quote" What needs to be done is that Congress needs to pass a Law that prohibits regular Doctors from perscribing any and all Psycotropic medication. The Law should state that ONLY Board Certified Psychatrists are permitted to perscribe such drugs. "

YES!! I couldnt agree more, you hit it right on the nose Hensley!

*My deep apprication for your comments and sharing*
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No absolutely do please Verona,, I know my mother has taken prozac off and on for depression and she swears it helps her tremendousely. Iv never seen anything negative in her experince with these medicines and she even often has a glass or two of wine in the evening, something I would never recommend a person on an SSRI do.

I began this thread primarly because I was shocked when I discovered so many other people were reporting the same 'unique' experince I had during SSRI treatment. My experince was so bizzare, it was similiar to seeing a UFO and how everyone would react if you told them that,, like your nuts! Feeling that alone has alot to do I believe with the high suicide rates while on SSRI's. I wonder too how many of our military guys are being fed these drugs... there has been a huge spike in suicides in vets and more than 122 murders have been credited to date to vetrans of Iraq here in america since coming back. (msnbc article on it yesterday)

There are many many stories like these ,,, and I really think doctors who widely prescribe these meds need to know what they are doing.. not just handing them out to anyone they cant figure out the diagnosis on,, Its frightening to think how many chemical time bombs are wandering around, mistreated and misdiagnosed by a GP with a script pad instead of psychologists with pharmacudical training.

So I do believe in the right hands these meds can help.... but I think WHO prescribes them needs to be strongly considered, because by what I see on this board from people unable to get off some of these pills even with real effort.. it equals chemical enslavement when you MUST buy a pill to try and feel normal even when your funds are low. .
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212753 tn?1275073111
I take celexa and zyprexa and I would be in a mental institution if it werent for these meds. I am bi polar and I have been stable and normal now for 7 years becasue of these meds. wouldnt trade me for the world I take my 2 pilss and get on with my life. I know everyone is on this natural kick but sometimes you do need these meds along with therapy for mental disorders. and there is nothing in this world that isnt made form nature. where do you think they get the ingredients for these meds? From nature.
Now I will give you that taking the meds isnt the quick fix or the "happy pill" the meds go along way to help us to be stable and normal. Do you realize 50 years ago we would have been institutionalized? these meds have made it possible for us to function normally and be a part of life. I just have to give the other side of the coin.
Love Venora
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Well, what worked for me, and this is just me of course,, was learning 2 things.

1. self forgiveness,, we only have the now and have no power over tommarow or yesterday. Besides,,, its always NOW.. what time is it? The moment has a number on the clock (2:16 my time!) but its NOW. Its always RIGHT NOW,, no matter if you read this in 5 minutes or at midnight your time.. Thats kind of empowering in its own right. Are you taking advantage of NOW,,, or are you lost in memories of yesterdays spilled coffee on your keyboard... or in tommarow,, will my boss flip out when I say I need a new one?

This constantly being lost in the past and future instead of focusing on what your experincing now, the one of the three you can actually do something about.. seemed to provoke alot of fear and worry for me. So something to consider...

2. Is directly tied to and relates to the whole NOW thing and self forgiveness. Guilt... not just our own that we fight with internally... guilt when its used as a form of control by anouther person.

It sounds like your husband does the same thing mine still tries to do unless I yank a knot in his tail about it when I see him doing it. He doesnt do it nearly as much as he did when we were younger,, but he used guilt to 'bully' me into fullfilling HIS needs. He frequently downplayed my issues and did the same as yours, basicly dismiss the cause of my sadness as silly and insignificant.

That in no way helps us feel heard, supported or helps us overcome the feelings in any way. It actually does exactly the opposite in causing MORE of these feelings, only we internalize them because we realize its not appropriate to talk about them to the person we love, and the darkness closes in on our world inside no matter how big a smile we try to wear.

I hope this helps in some way... and I wish you a light at the end of this tunnel

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I opened your post b/c of the title.  However, you discuss what I already feel about drugs (not a big fan).  What I was hoping for was sugestions on what to do instead.  My DH can't understand why I don't just go on AD's and "get fixed" so I'm  not so miserable to be around.  I feel as if I've done all I can w/o the drugs: good thoughts, yoga, meditation, lavender everything, etc..(anxiety also)...What is going to get me out of this funk besides medication??  Any ideas?
Thanks for listening.
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242912 tn?1660619837
Hey friend, that's cool and I humbly accept : )   I'm so glad you decided to stay.  You're a real asset here.

Please try not to beat yourself up about the past.  Apologize, if appropriate, to those involved, know you've done the best to rectify the situation and move on with your life.  I do know that can be easier said than done since I have done a few things in the past that were hard to forgive myself for.  I have found saying sorry is never too late.........
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Gal, Im adding you to my friends list lol.

Yeah, thats pretty much what I did too, but not before acting pretty bizzare in front of alot of people on more than one occasion. I persistantly had the sensation (which I only realized in retrospect) that I was watching myself from a distance, except I was horribly depressed the entire time. I wasnt in a good place before paxil,, but after a month on it all I did was obsess on how I didnt deserve to live and how I could end it all. I would never wish that head space on anyone and boy do I wish the doctors who put me on that stuff went on to try it themselves at some point. lol

You too take care friend,. :0)
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242912 tn?1660619837
Let me tell you a story that happened back in 88.  I think I've mentioned a few times on here that I stopped AD's cold turkey and didn't have the severe w/d people mention on here. Well that's not true.  I just put 2 and 2 together last night while talking about this subject with my husband.  In the 80's I was put on Elavil and was on it for, oh about 7yrs I think.  One day I just stopped it in Jan 88.  I was living with my husband, (he wasn't my husband then) and we were hating each other, I just started a new job in Feb and by April I was in the behavioral ward of a hospital having a complete nervous breakdown!!!  The panic attacks and the ENDLESS CRYING, I mean I couldn't stop,went on for MONTHS.  Funny I just put those events together because it's not like it happened right away,  I was probably feeling a little worse every day until I finally broke, but I never considered the Elavil as being the culprit until reading all the horrible reactions of people when they go off AD's.

That time was the worst time of my life (well, one of them anyway. lol) and thanks to this forum I was able to make the connection which will enable me to be more sensitive to people who are going through w/d from Tricyclics, SSRI's, Benzos or whatever.  However, I did stop Remoran and Paxil c/t 4yrs ago and thank God had no w/d that I can remember.  I stopped and started LOTS of SSRI's without anything happening like what I've read.

Have a great day.  Take care...............

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quote, "Unfortunately, by the time most people get to their doctor they are desperate and are so hopeful this pill the doctor gave them will FIX them.   Been there............. '

AMEN,,, I know I was thinking, okay Im sure a little depressed I guess, from a lack of sleep, mabey whatever the docs got will actually help me feel good again. If had had ANY clue what sort of a mess I was getting myself into in advance, not just with the effects, that could happen to anybody even with an antibiotic Iv read... but trying to stop taking them and not go nuts from the side effects... and doctors arent required to TELL you this happens. By looking at this and the anxiety board,, apparently it happens MOST of the time with MOST people. (withdrawl problems that is)

Mabey some day Ill tell my own story,, I dont blame myself for what happened anymore,, but I still feel totally humliated by how it caused me to act even knowing I was taking a substance with unpredictable results until tried. It should be illegal for a doctor to not tell you what your getting into though, because I think it would help alot of people recognize when indeed they are having a severely negative reaction before things get out of hand.

*Much apprication FMX*
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242912 tn?1660619837
.....but a lot of people DO have this reaction to SSRI'sand you make the excellent point that one should really do their homework before beginning ANY medication.  Unfortunately, by the time most people get to their doctor they are desperate and are so hopeful this pill the doctor gave them will FIX them.   Been there.............
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