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Daughter has been on Celexa for almost 6 weeks for depression and GAD that is causing physical pain.  She has seen a very slight improvement but she still gets symptoms every day.  Dr. thinks celexa should have "kicked in" by now and she wants to switch her to Cymbalta.

Any Cymbalta users out there that can comment on your experience with this medication.  I have read a lot of negatives on it and one reason that I like Celexa was that it seems to have relatively few side effects.

19 Responses
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549637 tn?1316705828
I took cymbalta for almost a year and it made me severely nauseated and it seemed to help the depression for a short time but then I got more depressed on it.It was hard to get off of it for me.  I will never take it again, the side effects were worse than what I was trying to treat.  I am not trying to knock the drug, I am sure it helps others but it's not for me.
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Thanks for 'backing' the youtube reference and making me feel a bit less crazy for feeling how i do about cymbalta. i took it for a year straight before realizing it was making things worse. yeah, it did seem to work, but...it all faded away, and then got worse...
hopefully all these ppl with wonderful stories don't ever have to deal with these things.

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I have been taking cymbalta for a year. At first, it may have helped a couple of months, then your depression will return, or at least mine did.

Now I am a slave to taking it just to keep away the " head shocks" or " zaps" and the torrid urge to cry.  Also suicidal thoughts become worse when you stop taking it.  I am happy for all those it did help.  My dr. was not even aware of the head Zap withdraw symptom.   I would suggest another med.

The youtube vid hits my nail on the head.
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If horrer stories about AD medications is what your looking for, then trust me there is no shortage.

You ever notice how people are always eager to voice about something that wasn't good for them, yet people are so much less likly to voice good experiences?

It's just human nature. Bad news is interesting, but positives aren't so entertaining.

For every one bad experience, there are twice as many good experiences with these kinds of medications.

I personnaly know people whos lives were saved by Cymbalta.

In my case I have found Effexor to be more effective, but everyone is different and reacts differently to different medications.

As for side effects........ ALL MEDICATIONS HAVE SIDE EFFECTS - BAR NONE. Even over the counter medications have side effects.

One person can try Celexa and have horrible side effects that are completly intolerable, while the next person may only be mildly effected and adjust fine. This same scenerio is true of all medications and the only way to know just how they will effect you and to what degree is to try.

I talked to this guy a few weeks ago (fellow depression sufferer) and he was complaining about his side effects. He said his med was causing him to have dry mouth and some night sweats along with some Diareea.
I asked him besides that, "how is the medication working to control his depression? He says he feels much better and it's working great. So much so that he was able to return to work!

Then he goes on to say that he is thinking of stopping his meds completly because the side effects! I was like, REALLY?

How about, "Thank God! I feel like a mental fever has lifted and I can see light now!" So what if I often have diareea because of the meds. I can work and live my life now!

It's a trade off people. The sooner you face that fact the more you will get from your meds.

There is no magic potion, nor will there ever be.
The effectivness of any medication is always this.... "do I get more good then bad from the medication?" If the answer is yes then stick with it. If the answer is no then swap it for another or stop taking it.

It's always a double edge sword.  
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172715 tn?1285494490
I wouldn't start a med at lowest dose and only wait a few days to jump up to higher dose. I perfer to take first dose for 4 to 6 weeks before taking more.  
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i didn't make it, i think it was a rebuttal to the constant stream of ads on the TV.
but still didn't make it, or make you watch it,. it is just a warning that some people have had really bad experiences with this drug and the inability to stop taking it long after deciding they no longer wanted to.
i am no expert.

And yes, to each his own. If Cymbalta works for you, be glad you are not still searching for a cure to all this madness...i regress.
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537777 tn?1281988562
I'm SORRY but WHO the HELL created that youtube video??????????????

EVERY ONE of OUR bodies IS different!  What works for some; doesn't for others. And as i'm stating my opinion (we all are entitled to our own) it's REALLY helped me.   And i'm SORRY Cymbalta hasn't worked for some.  I DO have REAL depression & Prozac made me a FLAT out physco, suicidal ***** from hell.  Lexapro, Celexa & paxil DIDN"T work for me & i gained over 10 lbs. w/ a quickness.   SO it's all INDIVIDUAL!

I was just totally taken back by those video's. EVERY drug has a side effect & I just found those vid's quite ridiculous.  Like i said, we are all entitled.  And this is MY opinion.
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the smallest they make is 20mg i think. fyi
the 30/60 regime is standard from what i have heard.
the had me go up to 90 and it made me so sick.
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Thank you all for your replies.

I'm trying to put this all in perspective.  It seems as if all anti depressants have some associated side effects on both ends... while iniitally taking it and the build up to see if it will work.... and then on the other end when trying to go off it.  I guess it is a very individual thing as others have said.  And weighing the pros and cons.  It is a very difficult decision indeed.  Is Cymbalta any worse than others at "weaning off"?

For anyone that Cymbalta has worked well for... what dosage worked for you?  Dr. wants daughter to start with 30 and go to 60 after 4 days but my thinking is to see if 30 will work and give it a few weeks... why go to 60 if not necessary.

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i am sure that cymbalta works wonderfully for some, i guess what we all have to remember is we are all different and our bodies will react differently to different medicines.
After a year of taking this Cymbalta (i have tried paxil, celexa, lexapro first) I am convinced I don't want to be reliant or dependent on this drug.
If you have a problem, they just want to up your dosage. I ran away, no, not more!
but now not taking it is the challenge, is it even possible?
I started at 30mg then upped to 60. ouch. request 40 because it felt like it was too much. almost like drugged/drunk/floating. Then some how after taking it for a few months they adjusted it to 60 because that is the standard dosage i guess. i slowly decided i didn't want to take it anymore and actually didn't for a good 60 days without and serious problems, then severe depression kicked in, non stop crying. acting out, saying things i didn't want to say, being angry, but that wasn't me, i didn't to be like that.
so i made the decision to take the smallest dose by dumping probably all but  1/6 of what is in the pill out  and then taking it. one week later i am still feeling it's effects (some good/some bad) but have not crashed again.
it is causing me pain in my back and muscle tension and i think it is making my eyes blurrier than they were before (I have strabismus with amblyopia and and astigmatism...)

anyone considering this drug, please do it carefully, it is all over the internet. someone even made a youtube video about it.
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172715 tn?1285494490
i first started Cymbalta about 4 years aog.  30mg in am, had a headache but was told that it would go away after a few weeks-it did. Then went up to 60mg in am, had headache again-it went away after awhile.  Now i take 60mg, 1 in am and 1 in pm.  I believe it works best on depression more than depression pain. Now after years of use my dr. has put me Abilify 2mg in am along with the Cymbalta with the plan to cut my Cymbalta dose while raising the Abilify.  I tell ya, my feet hurt more, my legs hurt more and I feel more depressed and that's without cutting down on the Cymbalta yet. I also gain some weight and crave high carbs and sweets more than I did before Cymbalta alone and the 2 meds together.  I've been on abilify for about 5 or 6 weeks. I hope this helps somehow on your daughters' desision.  Best Wishes
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537777 tn?1281988562
I've been using Cymbalta for quite a few yrs. now.  I wouldn't know what to do w/ out it. I did switch due to cost a few yrs. ago.  I think i went thru 3 other meds be4 going BACK to cymbalta. I take 60mg. EVERY morning.  My friend takes 2, 60mg. a day!  We BOTH agree it works WONDERS!! I take it for my fibro fatigue & depression due 2 ALL my medical problems.  

Though.................. as others have stated if u decide to STOP taking it make sure u CHANGE to something other drug.  What i'm saying is DON"T just stop taking it.  You shouldn't w/ ANY anti-depressants etc.!  BUT the reason being is you will CRY over anything. My friend & I both agree @ times where we have missed a day or 2 it REALLY effects us emotionally.

I THINK the benefits outweigh any side-effects. It's really helped me & changed my life. ONE precaution..... it can cause a bit of "hyperness" when starting SO take it in the morning. As far as for children that something to discuss w/ the physician. ;)  

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cymbalta works at first, but if you decide to stop taking it, it seems like it is impossible. i have beene doing research and i have read cymbalta refered to as "sunshie in a bottle" but that wears off, and when you want to stop, you basically can't without being worse off than before.
i wouldn't recommend this for any child. good luck, i am stuck.
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....i forgot to mention... once you are in that, click on "reviews" and i believe there were about 800 of them from different people who used the drug. good lcuk
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o ok. ill try to get the link in frame.

hope you find someone on here who has taken it. good luck

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thanks clpa07, I wasn't able to get through on that link.  And I was hoping to hear from someone on this forum so I could strike up a dialogue with them.

Thank you again.
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Take a gander at these reviews on WebMD about Cymbalta. Tell me if it helps.

Heres the link:

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Anyone care to share experience with Cymbalta?
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