709671 tn?1252925732

want to end my life

i am in depression and its getting worse day by day. i am doing third year engg in I.T. in mumbai. i think of suicide most of the day but thankfully don't have the courage to actually commit it. i have tried hurting myself though. i can't tell my parents as they think only retarded people need counseling. i have given them hints but to no avail. i have started performing very poorly at exams. i just can't concentrate. i feel useless, hopeless, worthless. i lose interest in things very fast. everything i do goes wrong. friends have ditched me, used me, i am in love with one of my closest friends,  have told him this but he just made a joke of it but expects me to be always there for him. i have no interest in anything, i feel aimless with no enthusiasm for future. i want to excel in my exams.please help.
i want to get out of it myself as its said that you cannot change others but only yourself.
29 Responses
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You have to get treatment.

I know your wanting it to just go away, but it seldom does when it is at that level.

Major depression is not like the flu or a cold. It is more like a Cancer that will continue to grow and fester. You can't just wish it away, nor can you will it away, and it simply will not stop until you get proper treatment.

I know you feel ashamed about suffering and your family doesn't understand.

Don't expect them to understand. A non-sufferer has not the ability to understand how this feels. They think they do, but they have no clue.

Your worried about upsetting your parents if you get treatment? Let me ask you how important the rest of your life is? Do your parents feel your torment and pain? Do they have to suffer when your body is trembling and your mind is racing with doom, and hopelessness so powerful that it makes death seem like a relief?

I don't think so. When it comes to this dissorder, I say screw pride. You do what you need to do to get this treated even if it means medication for it.

If your family & friends love you then they will eventually accept your treatment. If they never do, then I say that falls on the side of un-loving. True love for a child is absolutly unconditional. If they do not feel this way then I say they have the problem, not you.

If that is love than you don't need it. Love doesn't judge, or hold a grudge.

You do what you need to do to get help. The family can follow or they can leave. It is their choice.
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I remember someone telling me once Sucide is a permant solution to a temporary problem.

I have suffered with severe depression myself.  Words cant even express how low I got at one point in my life.  When I look back I wasn't living, I was existing. I got through it though and am living a much happier life now.

It is important you talk about how you are feeling.  Your family should be there for you.  If they aren't there for you, please talk to friends, your doctor.  You said you want to get out of this yourself which is great but people are there to help and support you and you shouldn't have to go through this alone.

Counselling is not for retarded people. Its people taking a postive active step to make their life healthier and happier and there is NOTHING wrong with that.

I know you want to feel better and believe me I can almost feel your pain.  I am sending BIG hugs and believe things WILL get better for you and know YOU have the power to make that happen, it won't happen overnight but postive baby steps yeah?

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695983 tn?1242774124
Hello, i was exactly the same as you and still am. It took me alot to admit i needed help but once you get to that point your on your way. I think you need to go to the Doctor and tell them how you feel, dont feel silly as there are so many people who suffer the same, inc me. The Doctor is private and confidential but it would be good to tell your parents so they are aware of whats going on. Also they would support you if they knew what you was feeling. I cant say its easy as ive onlty been on treatment for 2 days and its a horrible rollarcoaster ride i know. But this site has really helped me and its really good to speak to people you dont know to get advise. You can always add me as a friend and i will try and help you the best i can. But please go to the Doctor they will help. Promise x
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709671 tn?1252925732
u all r absolutely right. my exams r going on n i dun hv an iota of concentration. tht was when, out of sheer desperation i googled psychiatrist n gt to various site...luckily i stumbled here n met u. i hv found out a center in a nearby suburb n hv fixed an appointment tom. haven't told anybody yet...that courage i still dun have. i'l c what happens tomorrow n then hopefully i will be able to tell my parents. i have like 10 days for next exam so i have time to try n improve the situation somewhat! i have performed too poorly at the 1st two papers, i don't want to flunk again.
thank you all for the support....its like a ray of sunshine after the thunderstorm.  i will do update you all on my condition.
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You must text message alot. LOL! That's ok, I think we got what you were telling us.

I forgot to mention, one reason your probably not doing so well at school now is because of this depression.

When your in the trows of a Major depressive dissorder, basic consentration is severly lacking.

When I was at my worst I couldn't hold a thought or even read a newspaper.
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I agree with Hensley, there is a lot of interpretation required to read all those shortcuts to words. I don't have the ability and I bet most don't to understand much of what you wrote. So if it isn't much trouble, write with proper spelling in future as a lot more people can read your story. Lots of people cruise these boards looking for someone with a similar background, but if they can't figure what you are saying in a hurry they will pass your story by.
Why do you want to tell your parents? Do you need their financial assistance? It may be good if you can get emotional support from them, but it doesn't appear they are that way. I only told 1 sister during my depression as I didn't want the secret to get out, and didn't expect much useful support anyway.
I read somewhere thatyou shouldn't be a recluse during depression, so tell family members if they will help.
My doc said vigorous physical exercise for half an hour is as good as 2 Ativans, but when depressed I sometimes had to take Ativans while doing my workout to maintain it, plus I often took them soon after a workout. Follow my docs advice about physical exercise if you are able to, and it may give you some temporary relief.
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460185 tn?1326077772
Even as I write †his, I feel suicidal.

If you don't commit suicide, I won't either.  Let's just get help.

I am a Native American/Canadian and we have incredibly high suicide ra†es.  I don't want to be another sta†is†ic and don'† wan† you †o bé either.

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Suicide is not the answer,I too have suffered horribly form depressionI've taken every antidepressant known to man the two things I have found that have helped me tremendously is GOD and 5 htp and L-theanine, they are amino acids that you can get over the counter please try them I felt reliefe after the first 15 min of taking the 5htp seriously it was like a veil had been lifted.Please try them,please.
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Can you please tell me more about  5 htp and L.theanine?  I mean if i go to the pharmacy I just ask for htp? how much you take of these, how often, is there a limit per day, etc? I cannot stand anymore the antidepressants I have been trying for years. One would make me feel happy but puts me to sleep all day, other would kind of help but makes me gain weight, etc. Tell me a little bit more about the amino acids if you could. Thanks
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The pharmacist will know all about the effects. Remember, there is no guarantee of purity for otc drugs, so be wary as you might get different effects
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709671 tn?1252925732
yeah i am so sorry. i chat and text a lot that's why the shortcuts. continue chatting with me...i promise you will pick up :p
i saw a doctor yesterday. i finally blurted out almost everything i had bottled up. i told them about my problem of Trichotillomania- overpowering urge to yank body hair which stems from depression. she had to prescribe me medicines when i told her i tried hurting myself at times.
she prescribed something called uvox and flumil. i have taken 1st dose of uvox this morning. and i think i have gone crazy...i am feeling extreme euphoria. i was in market with mom and was smiling all the way 4 no reason at all. i am smiling while typing right now. i hope they turn me into a maniac or give me bipolar disorder.
i have definitely delayed my plan for suicide......
i may need my parents' financial attention...so i am planning to tell my mom atleast as soon as possible.
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709671 tn?1252925732
.....u please give up the plan of suicide too....atleast for me........i need you people...so what if my own friends have ditched me...i want to be able to trust again and make new friends......................what's the point of having so many people in the world??????
i guess its time to HELP AND GET HELP.
you know it makes me so happy that i can chat with you all...that i am not alone anymore...i don't care if the people i care about don't give a damn about me.
maybe the medicine-induced euphoria is saying all this but its good nonetheless.
i want to yell Gloria Gaynor's song "I will survive" to all the ****** people who have wronged me.
i want to love myself and share the love with people who deserve it.
bigggggggg teddy bear and santa hugs to all of you.
muahh xxx
god, the medicine's working overtime i guess!
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You know I've had the same reaction to anti depressants, and became euphoric. That's a symptom of bipolar, it sounds like you are on Luvox, not uvox. SSRI's can trigger mania or hyperactivity, you may go from one extreme to another, make sure you take to your specialist, you are really Manic right now, call your doctor as soon as possible. Being like that is NOT normal!
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Well at least Ivan is happy for a while, which is a big change from before. Postponing the suicide is definitely better.
Let us know how you are doing now.
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709671 tn?1252925732
yeah i guess its somewhat like bipolar.
after smiling for a long time without any reason i felt normal and then came the bouts of tears and despair.
this is yuck. i am so bored of everything. wish there was someone to take my decisions for me!
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585414 tn?1288941302
As for your decisions you made the right one not to act on any suicidal ideations and to speak to your psychiatrist. They will follow up with any medication adjustments. If you have questions about any issues with benefits you may be eligible for, feel free to pm me. Remember there are times you need support from others and all of us can give you our support in an emotional sense but I could give you some practical suggestions. And as for the specifics of what's going on psychiatrically that's what your psychiatrist is for and they should be intensively involved now. It sounds like you are rapid cycling so if things get better for a while and then seem intense and spiral into mania that's what's going on, so the depression will come back again unless things are adjusted but it does sound like they are working on that.
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Med tweaking is pretty common until they can find the right fit for your. It's important especially when you've had suicidal ideations to keep in very close contact with your pdoc. IF you really feel like you've reached bottom, please go to your ER, you will get help, and you will feel better. Remember, this is a brain thing, and like any brain issue it's important that to keep close tabs with a doctor, preferably a pdoc.  You will feel better once you are on the right meds. My folks used to make jokes about my depression until I had a serious suicide attempt, they've never made a joke since. .I also think as morbid as this is, they aren't going to be around all my life, so I have to think of myself and ignore anything they say if it's negative. I hope this made sense?..
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Ivan did you take LeftC advice and check in with a doc? Let us know.
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709671 tn?1252925732
i have seen a doctor. tomorrow i am having the 2nd session
haven't told anybody else. will see what results in few days. i will have to tell them because i am still a student and financially depend on my parents

as for the medicines...the effects i am not sure of. i don't know what to expect either.
no return of euphoria but my usual lethargy is back.

mine is more of impulsive behavior. when i am alone, sit for studies that my mind goes into overdrive.

even i got thoughts like if i can openly directly yell what i am going through,i must take a little drastic step,nothing major,but enough to scare them and make them stand up and take notice.
but that would be foolish. to get unwell and prolong suffering is adding to the burden of surviving.

i am placing faith in the doc for now.

exams over, depression will subside. but i must destroy it at roots for i know...exams back, depression back!

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hi if u can belive me i have an answer for u,i hav been suffering since years and was very sucidal but after trying this i m more relaxed and gave up sucidal thoughts, its liitle related to meditation and spirituality, if u wanna try it msg back i would give u full details, post ur msg in the forum itself ..................there are many who really care u as u could c from the answers, u wud definetely come out of it b brave. i m suggesting u to try what i tell ..........
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"to get unwell and prolong suffering is adding to the burden of surviving."

Yes. Stay focused and do all that you can to get well.

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709671 tn?1252925732
sure i would love to know what you have to share

i try to be spiritual but when I feel hopeless...even God seems to be against me

but still it helps at times. its not going to be rapid but i am giving everything a shot...i am desperate to be normal.
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709671 tn?1252925732
thanks for the support.............i am striving. i may stumble at times but i must go on!
u take care
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709671 tn?1252925732
I GUESS my condition is that of bipolar.
i have terrible mood swings...feels m literally swinging......
at times i am so happy,euphoric...i could sing and dance and nothing absolutely hurts...not even talking to the gf of the guy i love...
and there are times even a message from her manages to ruin my entire day...bouts of tears,howling alone on the bedroom floor,staring hopelessly at my books as to why i am studying what i am studying....waiting for the world to end.....
at times peace and contentment and sense and practicality.......
at other times hatred and frustration and irritation towards every other human-parents,family,friends,love just about everything.....
and at times...rage....feel like banging the boring television, lifting my pc and smashing it to pieces, hurting myself!
huff!!!!! m tired............nothing is constant...not even pain!
m a complete mes....even in the new year nothing's new for me!
think i need stringent new year resolutions as TO STOP THINKING [
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