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Bump next to anus accompanied by...

Well, here's the deal. I'm a healthy 35 year old male, not overweight and no recurrent health problems. I should probably drink more water and eat a tiny bit better, but other than that, I don't know. lol

For quite some time now--it may be almost a year now!--I have noticed a bump next to my anus that kind of "sticks out" when I am cleaning the area after going to the bathroom. I haven't really examined it, but sometimes it's less noticeable than others. For the most part, it's painless and is really only a minor annoyance when I'm cleaning. There's no blood, no soreness and no itching--at least not any more than would normally be the case depending on the bowel movement.

(For the record, *years* ago, I remember having a couple of occasions where I strained on the toilet. In addition, *years* before THAT, I think I *may* have had a small hemorrhoid, because I noticed a pink dot on my TP when cleaning. It was gone almost immediately. Just giving you some background.)

Anyhow, usually the bump becomes less noticeable a little while after going to the bathroom, and--here's the weird part--it doesn't even bother me at all during the day: No pain, I can sit, etc. and do normal activities. Obviously, I'm not complaining, I just thought I'd point that out.

Lastly, I have noticed the following--which I believe occurred independently of the bump in the past: At the end of cleaning, I notice if I press slightly while cleaning, a tiny tiny bit of clear stuff is on the toilet paper. I usually give a few more passes to make sure it's gone. I also make a point of going back slightly later to clean and I notice a tiny bit of the clear stuff again. As before, I'll make a few passes to make sure I no longer see it. (As before, a tiny bit of pressure has to occur for me to see it)

After this, I usually take a shower anyway (just because it usually times out that way in my day). After that, there's no  stains, itching, discomfort, smell, soreness--no nothing. Again, I'm happy about that, but I'm puzzled by it all.

I'm hoping this isn't something serious, since I've had it for a while. As a freelancer, I currently have no medical insurance, and thus I have to keep my doctor visits to a minimum. Also, I will be starting a new job soon, and there's no way I can feasibly have any wacky procedures done in that area anytime in the near future.

Anyhow, if anyone has any input/ideas/thought, that would be awesome... :) Thanks ahead of time!
21 Responses
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Are you having any other associated symptoms of pain, bleeding, itching, mucoid discharge, etc?

This could be an anal skin tag secondary to anal fissures, hemorrhoids, warts due to human papillloma virus, moles, or in rare cases due to rectal cancer.

'An anal fissure is an unnatural crack or tear in the anus skin. As a fissure, these tiny tears may show as bright red rectal bleeding and cause severe periodic pain after defecation.'




'Symptoms of external hemorrhoids may include painful swelling or a hard lump around the anus that results when a blood clot forms. This condition is known as a thrombosed external hemorrhoid.

In addition, excessive straining, rubbing, or cleaning around the anus may cause irritation with bleeding and/or itching, which may produce a vicious cycle of symptoms. Draining mucus may also cause itching.'


It would be best to consult a surgeon for your symptoms to find out the cause of your complaints.

Till then you could try eating a high-fiber diet, using stool softener, taking pain killer and having a sitz bath for your symptoms. Apply calamine lotion at the site, keep the area clean and well moisturized, wear lose, comfortable clothes and maintain good personal hygiene.

Let us know if you need any other information. Post us about how you are doing.

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Well, thanks for the input, but I have a hunch you didn't read my post. In my original post, I state that I don't have any of the symptoms (pain, bleeding, itching, etc.) you're asking about. That's why I am a little puzzled.

That being said, I appreciate any help, and am open to other ideas!
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This still seems to be either a anal skin tag secondary to an anal fissure or external haemorroids - even though you are asymptomatic.

Just get a clinical examination once to have a confirmed diagnosis.

No intervention is usually required.

Let us know if you need any other information.

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I'm 35 and have the same identical thing man.  I mean IDENTICAL.  My wife and I were reading your post and she asked me if I actually wrote it.  Although I've not had any discharge.  The bump actually travels inside to where I can no longer see.

I've noticed it off and on for a year or so.

You're not alone!  I'm going to make an appointment with my doctor and see what the deal is.  What great fun, I asked my wife if she'd still love me if I asked her to take pictures of my anus, she laughed and said of course - now bend over!

I'll keep you posted.
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Okay I went to my doctor and he put a tube up my anus to have a look around.  This was when the "bump" was in hibernation and couldn't be seen.  Although, I brought a vivid up-close picture of it so he could see it.  After he pushed on my prostate while saying, "I'm pushing on your prostate, you should have the sensation of needing to urinate..." he said, "Yep you have a hemorroid".  I told him it didn't hurt or anything and he said it didn't have to, blah blah blah.

He then asked me about my diet and bowel regularity and stool consistency.  I told him it's rather regular and feels like a rock.  And that's when he told me to have Citrucel everyday.

So I've been taking Citrucel (2 in the morning and 2 in the evening) everyday since and everything is great!  My poo is nice and soft (but not too soft) I seem even more regular and taking a poo isn't akin to birthing a child out of my anus every morning!

I've not noticed the "bump" since.  I suppose if I knew how to have a balanced diet with the correct fiber, grains and whatnot I wouldn't need it, but it seems I do.  Citrucel is now my daily multi-"vitamin" for the foreseeable future!

I hope this helps you, take care.
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It is good to know that a confirmed diagnosis has been established and that your symptoms are now better.

Like i said in my previous post - the management plan should include - eating a high-fiber diet, using stool softener, taking pain killer and having a sitz bath for your symptoms. Apply calamine lotion at the site, keep the area clean and well moisturized, wear lose, comfortable clothes and maintain good personal hygiene.

Let us know if you need any other information. Post us about how you are doing.

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Well, I have to say, it's good to know I'm not alone, and ironically find someone with almost exactly the same issue! I'm glad things are working out!

I have a couple of questions: My lump is medium-sized, and it's been there for a long time. Am I to assume yours was, too--and this change of diet actually made it quickly disappear? I'm trying to gauge the quickness of resolution here vs. the previous length of the condition...

Secondly: I'm not entirely sure if the clear stuff I notice has to do with the bump--perhaps it's diet related? I mean it's just very clear. When I go to the bathroom, I go back about 30 minutes later and notice a little that I get rid of. It requires slight pressure to actually see it--but nothing crazy.

In some ways, I'm more concerned with THAT, even though presently it doesn't effect me in any way once I hit the shower.
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I have the Exact same condition when I make stool, Even a soft stool creats a bump on my anus. It about as big as a marble.  It doesnt hurt. It makes it hard to clean up. About 15 min later the bump goes away. Im worried it may "pop". I have had this condition about 3 years now. A lot of my stools are hard. but when I have the "hershey squirts" the bump still appears...only slightly.
So...take citrucel huh?
Ill keep you posted!
Thank...i am not alone! :)
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Hi, I had salmonella poisoning last week and was going diarreah every five minutes for about 3-4 days straight (along with severe body aches, fever, hot/cold chills, shivering, nausea, and I vomitted once or twice; i went inot shock at one point on the first day and then threw up;felt better after I threw up; went to the dr next day and recieved IV to restore fluids and electrolytes). After the 4th day, symptoms subsided and no more diarreah. But, my anus began to itch really bad, so I scratched it profusely cuz the itch was unbearable. the next day, I got a hemmaroid outside, and fissures where i think my finger nail must have dug in and broke the skin. Also, above the anus toward the tail bone, I started to feel one or two itchy bumps. It felt very irritated and felt as though my little hairs were annoyingly tickling and prickling me. Then, the entire anal and vaginal area became SWOLLEN. It looked almost as though I had testicles! It was EXTREMEMLY PAINFUL, was itchy, and prickly, hurt like HELL to have a bowel movement. I CRIED AND SCREAMED in pain during and after the BMs. I started taking Advil t o relieve pain and bring down swelling along with icing the entire vaginal and anal area and I put Neosporin down there to help heal the fissures cuz it usually helps heal any of my cuts very quickly, but isn;t working. After a couple days of not much relief, I went to dr and they told me to keep taking the Advil, ice it, and prescribed a hydorcortisone cream to reduce swelling and itching. It helped a bit, and after a few days, the swelling has greatly reduced, and my vaginal area seems fine. However, the itchy bumps I had have spread so there are more now. The hemorroid has gone down a bit, but the fussure tears seem to re-tear when I have a bowel movement, and when I need to wipe. Also the wiping irritates the bumps. I also tried spraying Tinactin for Athletes foot, and the one for Jock itch on the bumps, but it didn't help. Could I be having some skin rash from the salmonella? Or is t it from the ferocious scratching I did when it first itched? I need to get better so  I can go back to work. Nothing seems to be working and I need help!
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Hi. I'm. 22 year old male. About an inch away from my anal (hole) there is a (white) bump that discharges periodically through out the day. No pain or discomfort is felt unless I push it or wipe it too hard... and its not really a pain.. more so of a itching discomfort. Its been there for almost a year now. In the begining it did have a bad smell but now it doesn't.... a speckle of blood will appear if I wipe too hard as well. What is this and how do I make it go away? P.s I do have some hemmroidal problems that I have been dealing with for some time now but I don't know how the two would be possibly linked? I need answers!
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  I have a Lump near to my Anal area that kinda starts paining after I pass stool.It gets bigger in size after I Pass stool and pain continues for few hours after that.I will have lot of discomfort in sitting during that time.It is not exactly next to hole but very near to it onto the left side.This has been happening for about a month now.I would be sitting in front of my laptop for most part of the day,not sure if this could be the cause for the problem.I want to know if this is early stage of Piles and if so what are the precautions or necesaary steps I need to take..

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I am 24 years old, have a similar problem to this which only recently to my knowledge i had this bump right on the right side of my anus. I can only assume it was a hemmorroid. Anyway after looking at it with the help of a mirror i noticed what looked like a dark patch which I can only assume at the time was a blood clot. Did extensive research on what other things it could possibly be however I knew it had something to do with blood, because it looked like blood under the skin. Now I don't recommend anybody do this, but I have sterlized needles all different sizes since I do piercings. Thinking that this was a blood filled lump i stuck it, and it went down a little. However was still there, taking a little bigger needle in gauge i stuck it right in the clot, pulled it out, and squeezed a little and the clot came out. My priority on it was to get the clot out, I had a friend die from a blood clot so not particularly trusting in keeping it in. The lump has gone down considerably from the size of a marble to a pea, however is still there, which I am wondering if this is normal or not after a clot removal in that area.
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Ok so help me out, I am 22 years old.  I have a decent lifestyle and decent diet.  A year ago, I had a lump grow on the right side of my anal region about half an inch from the opening.  I didn't do much and one day when driving a long distance, it popped.  A yellowish puss came out.  I thought to go to the doctor but I cleaned it up myself and was cautious over the next couple of days when going to the bathroom or taking a shower.  For a few months, nothing, I was relieved.  Then one day I felt a small pea sized lump underneath my skin.  It didn't hurt or do anything, and after a few days, it went away.  This continued and was on and off every so often.  Now, I have a lump on my left size about the size of a grape.  It hurts bad that I cannot walk or sit normally.  This time it is harder too and has not popped.  I've tried the warm baths a few times a day and no improvement.  There were occasional days were when I went to the bathroom, the water was read and I was sure it was blood.  Another time, the toilet paper was full of blood but both of those haven't shown up in a few days.  I've been reading up on Polyps and Hemmeroids and can not figure it out.  I don't care too much of the details of what it is as much as what to do about it so it will go away FOREVER.  Any good information is greatly appreciated.
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It seems everyone has something close to the same thing as I. I've had this bump on my anus for a while, actually there were three. Two small ones, one medium one. One day one of the small ones began hurting a lot, a few days later I squeezed it a little and a a big thing of pus or came out. The bump disappeared immediately. Last week I was thinking maybe if I try and pop the other two they will go away? Well needless to say I was messing with them, they both got very swollen, the smaller one popped and is gone now, but the bigger isn't. A day or so after I popped the small one, I popped the big one, it hurt like crazy! The only thing that came out was blood and a little pus here and there. I left it alone after that, and it's gotten smaller, but it's almost hard as a rock! Any possible answers out there? Would be greatly appreciated if so!
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Could  be what is called a fistula. caused by poison from your stool entering your body via a bleeding hemorrhoid. The poison wants out of your body so it will come out where ever it wishes. Some people are like you it comes out on there butt some have it manifest on there legs or back. This is something you should seek medical attention for. Again I'm no doctor so this is just an uneducated guess made by a laymen. Take it or leave it as you wish.
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It sounds like you and some of the other posters may have the human papillomavirus (HPV); a sexually transmitted low-risk infection, which sometimes causes genital warts.  

Go to this site for more information and pics.

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It sounds like you and some of the other posters may have the human papillomavirus (HPV); a sexually transmitted low-risk infection, which sometimes causes genital warts.  

Go to this site for more information and pics.

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Hey, there. Over the past few weeks my stool has been really soft, certainly not ********-through-a-straw soft, but far from solid (which is fairly uncommon for me). I didn't think too much of it until last week, when for three days in a row, when I sat down in the afternoon to have a much needed BM, I had crap-discharge around my butt, and the scary part is that I did not feel it depart. So I've been thinking about these abnormalities for the past week and today when I went to have a BM, I noticed a 1/2 inch bump that was extruding from my anus.  It was soft and after wiping, it disappeared. I am 'keeping calm,' but could use a little advice..  Thanks...
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I'm only 14 and have the exact same thing I haven't had sex so it can't be an std right
It bothers me so much and I'm kind of embarrassed
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I am a female I have a small pink bump on my anus it itches a little should I be concerned
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maybe wet wipes might help - or baby wipes - don't flush them, have the first couple wipes with regular tissue paper - there are adult wipes too
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