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Chronic Scalp Folliculitis


I am a 25 year old female that has been battling with scalp folliculitis for the past 2.5 years. I have been on Bactrim DS for several years now for acne, I would say since 2005, but I developed scalp folliculitis in approximately Feb. 2008.  I have tried every shampoo imaginable, prescription & non prescription (tar-based, salicylic acid, sulfur, sodium sulfacetamide, zinc, ketoconazole, salicyclic acid AND sulfur combined, hypoallergenic, selenium sulfide).  I currently go to a dermatologist every 3 months for follow-ups (mostly for acne, but my scalp as well), but have received at least 3 other opinions.  First doctor switched me to minocycline & Re-10 Wash (containing sodium sulfacetamide) which did no good.  Second doctor took a biopsy of one of my lesions revealing folliculitis.  He placed me back on Bactrim and Clindagel for topical use.  He instructed me to use regular Head and Shoulders as well as Pantene Pro V. The Clindagel does help clear up all the active lesions, but it does not help prevent any new lesions.  Of course, I don't use the Clindagel on ALL of my scalp, so I understand there is no way to prevent new lesions with just this medication.  Third doctor, whom which I saw earlier this month, suspects I have scalp acne & has switched me to doxycycline.  So far, no results.  I still use the Clindagel on all my lesions, but I am so frustrated with this disease.  I also recently used a steroid shampoo called Clobex 2x a week for 2 weeks - no results.  I have had my nose cultured-normal, and 2 lesions cultured as well.  First culture came back as normal scalp, second one was done recently so I do not have results yet.  Everyday I seem to have 1 or more new lesions on my scalp.  They are itchy,painful, and range from small to moderately large.  I am at my wit's end with this condition.  My routine dermatologist has recommended possibly ketoconazole for 5 days only to help flush out any fungus, yeast that may be causing this.  I am willing to try anything at this point.  Any thoughts?
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I had this issue for 4 years, and finally discovered a cure. My scalp is 100% clear. A dab of pure organic  pine resin turpentine on a cotton ball held strait on each area for 5 minutes. I also add some to my shampoo. It burns a little when you apply it to the effective areas but it kills the fungus. Here is a link to the brand I purchased. Good luck!

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Tinea capitis lives inside the shafts of the hair. Therefore, topical treatments do not reach it. You should try 250mg of oral terbinafine hydrochloride (Lamisil) for 30 days.
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I was diagnosed with folliculitis by several dermatologists who I am now suing. I suffered with this condition for years. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't wear my obstructive sleep apnea headgear. I had to shave my entire head. And treated it with everything to no avail.

Then I spent five minutes researching my condition on the Internet and discovered the "professional" dermatologists had misdiagnosed my condition. They told me I would suffer from folliculitis all my life, and they had no further treatment to offer me.

I didn't have folliculitis but tinea capitis. On symptom of tinea capitis is brittle hairs. You may also have tinea capitis if you are prone to getting tinea pedis (athlete's foot) and/or tinea cruris (jock itch).  Or if you have a sick cat that sleeps next to your head.

Tinea capitis (also known as "herpes tonsurans," "ringworm of the hair," "ringworm of the scalp," "scalp ringworm," and "tinea tonsurans") is a cutaneous fungal infection (dermatophytosis) of the scalp.

The disease is primarily caused by dermatophytes in the Trichophyton that invade the hair shaft.  Microsporum attaches itself to the ouside of the hair shaft. The clinical presentation is typically single or multiple patches of hair loss, sometimes with a 'black dot' pattern (often with broken-off hairs), that may be accompanied by inflammation, scaling, pustules, and itching. The black dots are actually hair shafts are broken off at the surface of the scalp.

They claim that tinea capitis is uncommon in adults, that it is predominantly seen in pre-pubertal children, more often boys than girls.
However,  it would appear that tinea capitis is more prevalent among US adults than is currently realized.

At least eight species of dermatophytes are associated with tinea capitis. Cases of Trichophyton infection predominate from Central America to the United States and in parts of Western Europe. Infections from Microsporum species are mainly in South America, Southern and Central Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

The disease is infectious and can be transmitted by humans, animals, or objects that harbor the fungus. The fungus can also exist in a carrier state on the scalp, without clinical symptomatology.

Treatment of tinea capitis requires an oral antifungal agent. They used to prescribe griseofulvin for six weeks. However, the FDA now recommends the newer antimycotic drug, terbinafine (Lamosil). The recommended dosage for adults is 250mg for thirty days. This should be sufficient for treating trichophyton, which is the most likely (90%) cause of tinea capitis in the US. If Microsporum is the caused of the infection, they you will need to take 250mg of terbinafine for six weeks.

If you really have folliculitis, you should be able to treat that with sodium sulfacetamide 10% with sulfur 5% cream (SSS). Clobetasol propionate, clindamycin phosphate 1%, Nystatin cream, Fluocinonide .05%, Lamisil spray, Mupirocin selenium sulfide shampoo, and  Ketoconazole 2% shampoo, triamcinolone acetonide cream and fluocinolone acetonide oil .01%.  Mix the shampoos and use them twice a day followed by the rest of the medications. After three days, continue once a day for a week. If this doesn't cure your folliculitis, then you most likely have tinea capitis, not folliculitis.
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Go to hattache.com  and in the search bar enter African black shampoo it will definitely help with your scalp and after rinsing use organic African Shea butter a little goes a long way
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Hi Good Sir,
   So Chronic Bacterial Folliculitis is often a very mis-diagnosed syndrome of actual Atypical Psoriasis. IF you google Psoriasis of Scalp you often only see the extreme versions.

   My scalp would have these red hot inflamed hair follicles that if left alone would develop pustular head(like a pimple) that could be popped(yellow pus) and they would be very painful and diffuse on my scalp.  For this reason I had 5 or more Cultures and 2 Follicle biopsies- that stated that this was Bacterial folliculitis.

   I am a physician myself who has been afflicted with this horrible and stubborn disorder.
   I have been on 7 years worth of Antibiotics: Mostly chronic Minocycline, and rounds of Bactrim or Clindamycin and others for flares).
   I had gone to 3 Dermatologists and 3 Infectious disease specialists who all told me I needed antibiotics for life.
   The 4th Dermatologist I went to, by the name of Dr Adam Weiner(321 724 9650) in Melbourne FL, was the only one that really understood that my scalp had pinpoint spots of Atypical Psoriasis.  He did a 3rd and final Scalp biopsy of one of these red hot and pustular lesions and sent it to a dermatopathologist who specialized in Atypical psoriasis and lo and behold: Atypical psoriasis.  Dr Weiner state's that if you have lots of crusting lesions on the scalp that when you pick them, they bleed, this is normally Psoriasis until proven otherwise.

   Now I also had a scalp biopsy by Dr Weiner sent to a fancy PCR laboratory(FRY Laboratories in Arizona) for $800.00 out of pocket for PCR bacteria Test.  PCR is the most accurate method for seeing what bacteria is actually there bc you don't have to grow it in culture(best yield about 50% only on certain species, most of them lower yield), you just analyze the bacteria DNA which is already there(100% accurate), and it was just normal skin flora.  

    Therefore what I had and what I suspect a lot of people actually have is Atypical mild Psoriasis, which makes the hair follicles very red, hot and angry, which in turn makes them become super-infected and pustular.

    Regular steroid cream in the past didn't work(prescribed by Derm's)

    What worked? Enstillar Foam; This stuff is amazing. it's a very powerful Vit D analog with a very advanced vehicle that actually penetrates Vit D deep into the scalp dermis.  It also has a steroid.  But in contrast to the other steroid creams/foams that did not work, this stuff is unbelievably powerful. Overnight, the follicles went from Beat red to white, and in about 3 nightly sprays, they are normal again...  I am flabbergasted, delighted and yelling Amen.
   This stuff is like $1000 a bottle, bc of the advanced technology of the Vehicle, but insurance covers it Thankgod, I only spent $30.00 dollars on the copay with my insurance and this is the best investment I have ever made(I've spent 1000's on natural cures, medicines, etc).  I have tried every natural cure you can think of including Apple cider vinegar for months, Oral Turmeric(very high amounts 3x day), all sorts of vitamins/minerals, etc.  Sulfur scalp masks did seem to help the breakouts a little, but barely.
    Enstillar Foam and being Gluten Free are by far the most effective for me. I can say with confidence that my scalp is amazing 99% perfect for last 2 months.  And if one little red hot bump comes up, I spray the Enstillar Foam.

    So the reason this Enstillar foam works is bc mostly of the active Vit D prevents excessive skin epithielization, which is what causes the Follicle to get red and plugged and infected, like a pimple.    

    Anyways Guys, I have been with essentially a perfect scalp and off Abx for 3 months now. This is amazing stuff.  I only spray the Enstillar foam when I need it, (currently maybe every 3 days and just on the inflamed follicles). Also, something that Ive noticed, I used to use the foam BID, then daily, now every 2-3days.  Maybe going GF and once the Scalp stabilizes, it seems to get much better.  Please try going Gluten Free for 3 months straight and see if you notice improvement.

   On www.psoriasis.org, it talks about how GF diet really helps, bc Gluten is an immuno-active Peptide, so it activate's your immune system. This has really helped me. So I am very very very happy, that finally after 7 years of battling this depressing and frustrating disease, I finally realized what it was.  No more daily antibiotics.  I don't' wake up with blood stains on my pillow anymore. I don’t have pain on my scalp. Im not exhausted bc of scalp pain/infections.  I am very very happy.
  God bless everyone with this.  
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I previously had mild cystic acne. Went through accutane and during my course I developed "folliculitis", which worsened throughout the treatment. The nurses thought it was part of the initial break out, until all of my acne healed and I was left w/ only the "folliculitis"...which spread and worsened as time passed. It's located on  the back of my scalp as well as on my upper arms, stomach, and on one side of my upper back. The bumps are deep, painful sores that repeatedly swell, crust over, do not go away, and spread. They are not like acne in that they are painful, they have red (not white) centers, and the fluid inside them is not thick - it's blood or a combination of blood and clear fluid.

I had a culture and a scoop biopsy done, however neither showed any fungal or bacterial growth. The scoop biopsy led to a diagnosis of ulticaria (hives - allergicic reaction).  After browsing hundreds of  photos of ulticarial reactions I was unable to find even one photo that even somewhat resembles my condition. I have, however, found countless photos and descriptions of folliculitis that mirror my condition. I'm wondering if it's possible to have folliculitis without bacterial or fungal presence?

This has been going on for nearly five months and I'm worried due to the worsening severity of it.

Regardless of my uncertainty re: my diagnosis, I've stopped seeking dermatological  treatment due to being prescribed countless antibiotic and steroid treatments.  After doing endless research, I've come to believe that having been on antibiotics for over 10 yrs straight has led to dysbiosis - an unhealthy imbalance of the good and bad bacteria within my intestines, which leads to gut permeability (aka "leaky gut"), which is the cause of nearly all inflammatory, allergic, and autoimmune issues. Research it!  Hippocrates was ahead of his time and is still ahead  of THIS time.  A very small sector of modern medicine is beginning to use probiotics to treat infections by balancing microbiota flora  (instead of using antibiotics to kill the good with the bad for some temporary relief), and I think this healthier and long-term approach will trend up with time.

I'm attempting to fix my issues from the inside out, instead of continually and unsuccessfully treating the symptoms with prescribed suppressive therapy.  Although the process is lengthy and requires significant ongoing lifestyle changes, I'm hopeful that rebalancing the flora within my microbiome will effectively treat my skin issues while simultaneously improving other things for me.   I got a new water purifier/alkalizer, just bought a shower filter and I'm using Nizoral shampoo, which is sulfate-free. I don't eat dairy, and a little over a week ago I cut out gluten and sugar (aside from fruit).  I realize that only removing those triggers will not improve the permeability issue.  I'm beginning to take supplements to help heal and seal the tight junctions within my guts while restoring the healthy bacteria that keeps the bad bacterial/fungal invaders within my guts in check.  These supplements include pure organic powder forms of: L-glutamine, MSM, and collagen, plus liquid ingestible probiotics.  I'm taking these things on an empty stomach.  I'm also fighting from the outside by using sprayable probiotics that I mist on to the affected areas of my skin. Anti-bacterial/anti-microbial products cannot be used while doing this, because doing so would counterproductively kill the probiotics.

So far, after about a week, I've seen noticeable improvements in all areas that are affected.  This is somewhat relieving, as compared to how I was feeling about the uncontrollable spreading.  Unfortunately, I'm unsure about what exactly is helping since I made various simultaneous changes.

Additionally, I have a hypoactive thyroid and want to avoid prescribed medication to fix that issue.  I want to start supplementing for that as well in hopes of naturally regulating my hormonal imbalances, which likely contribute to my inflammatory skin condition.  In combination,  I definitely need to decrease my very high stress levels, and that job is ALL on me...although the relationship is cyclical in that this condition exacerbates my stress while lowering my self-confidence, which in turn increases both stress and inflammation.  I'd really like to have a food sensitivity test done, but I'm a Kaiser patient and I can only see an allergist for life-threatening allergic reactions...it would be beneficial to know exactly which foods to avoid in order to help decrease these inflammatory symptoms.  I'm also considering visiting a naturopathic MD/Nutritionist down the line to assist me on this frustrating journey, if need be.  I may exit the Kaiser network in the next few months as well...time will tell.

PLEASE share with me any relevant information out may have!

Thank you
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I had this problem!! ONLY thing that finally got rid of it was distilled white vinegar! Not sure how it's supposed to be done, but I mixed in a spray bottle with water and sprayed my scalp, leaving it on 20 min, then wiping with a wet cloth. A guy online soaks a rag in it and leaves it on his head 20 min, but he's bald, so... Anyway, hope it works!
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First of all I warn you this is a very large post but bare with me please.

Hi. I'm a 34 yr old male and I suffered from this condition for 20 years. Tried everything...my dad is an MD so I went to the best dermatologists and took the latest antibios (1 year), antifungals (for months), 6 months of 20mg accutane for 3! rounds, etc...nothing really work. Also I applied everything posted here...topical antibios (all kinds), topical antifungals (all kinds), sulfur, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, lactic acid, propylene glycol, glycolic acid, mandelic acid, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, borax and many others some even for years belive me.

I know everyone is different but this worked for me and cured me for the last 4 years and I know for good:

This problem is a disbiosis or an inbalance between the microorganisms that live inside you and in your skin. This microorganism when in balance serve all kinds of different functions to your body. From regulating your endocrine system to your inmune system (google for "microbiome" don't take my word for it). So to get this ecosystem functioning again you'll need to:


You have to do a fasting. I recommend a water fast for 10 days straigh, just water, the best you can find.

After the fast, start to follow an specific carbohydrate diet or SCD diet (look it up). You can also do the candida diet or go raw vegan for 4 to 6 months. No sugars, no dairy and clean or no meat.

Take a zinc sulfate supplement, 30mg/day. Also take a broad probiotic. You can also include, if you want, vitamin D3 and prebiotics (look it up).


This part is the hardest and most important.

I discover this when I went camping with my girlfriend to a very raw place. We couldn't take a proper shower for two hole months and couldn't use shampoo either because it was not allowed due to the ecology of the place. Anyways I found that after a few weeks of really suffering with my folliculitis condition (big bumps lots of pustules), the condition started to subside by it self (yes really). In fact when it was time to came back to the city after two months my scalp was almost completely clear.

At first I didn't understand this but back in the city I kept away from shampoo and started to use just water to wash my hair, just like when I was camping. Around the second month of doing this I started to get a few spots again but very few (2-3 a week) and they'd disappeared in just one day. I realized then it was because of the water. I need to mention that my hair at first felt very greasy by not using shampoo but within a month or two, my hair began to actually feel normal, not greasy at all.

The thing is that tap water or shower water is full of things that may interfere with your normal skin flora so what I did was to stop washing my hair every day (at first in 3 days intervals) and I got the best water filter I could find. I scrubed my scalp with my hands or sometimes with a back brush and always water only.

Doing this for a few months ( 5 months) and I did not have any new spots. My overall skin started to get to normal, completly clear, no itch, no inflamation, no flakyness. It was then I realized, and after reading a lot of scientific papers about the skin flora and microbiome, that disbiosis was the problem that was causing my folliculitis and decided to made the dietary changes mention above to keep this problem from returning along with my no shampoo water only (every other day) regimen.

I also look at a company that makes a product called AO+Mist that is a product containing live bacteria that should naturally be found on your skin. Look it up, this along with the other things I mentioned above has made my skin clear for the last 4 years. I use to suffer from mild acne too but that clear the firt year completly.

I'm just beginning to post this in folliculitis forums because I wanted to make sure this problem would not came back. Also I have to mention that I keep doing the SCD diet and cleaning my hair water only, but if I want to bend the rules I can do it with no problem. The thing about the diet is that you'll notice other benefits to your health also, so I don't want to quit something that I now know is good for me. Now, I also can use shampoo on my scalp but if I do use some, I make sure it's the most soft organic shampoo and never use it more than once every 2 days. This I do, not because I think that folliculitis will came back, but because I now know that skin problems are a by product of abuse of chemicals on your skin and over washing, that can causes disbiosis and hormonal changes, interfing with your inmune system response and creating these so called "chronic skin conditions".

Hope this can help most of you, because I've been there and because I know what it is to keep trying new meds or going from doctor to doctor, forum to forum and never get completely clear for good. I must say also that prior to finding this cure, I had periods of total remission for up to 1 year with some of the stronger meds I took, but the problem always came back worse and my scalp never really felt normal like it does now....is heaven belive me.

If I had to do it all over again I'd fisrt start with the diet, then changing shampoo to a softer one going water only every other day, then water only every other day and no shampoo, and then stop water for a 2 weeks (I know it sounds gross but is not). And then I'd start water only washing with filtered water every other day scrubing with hands or back brush (is the best). Also don't forget to look for the AO+Mist product to repopulate your skin with good bacteria and not have any other skin problem ever again. I don't know the exact time spaces for each step but I'd recomment that you start slow, taking things one month at the time, meaning you don't want to rush into not washing at all because it would be very dificult to keep up. I did that because I was in another country and I didn't have a choice.

Last advice, stay away from antibiotics, specially broad spectrum and long term. If you really have to use them because of other illness you may have, try to up your probiotic intake along with the meds and watch your diet carefully. Also don't go on accutane it would change your skin and health for good. There are some place in my body that are very dry and I could not made back to normal again....this is not good at all and plus you won't get rid of folliculitis for good.

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Please read my rant below!
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Wow!! It is nice to know that I am not alone in this battle against this weird thing I also have had since the last 8-10 years. Symptoms - little itchy boils on my head, that would build up with pus, and then burst. And any place the pus would touch, in the head, I would start getting more boils.

My approach has been
1) whenever the boils develop, use cotton soaked in dettol to burst them and clean up the pus and blood.
2) wash hair morning and night with J&J baby oil; finish the hair wash with a mug of water with 4-5 drops of dettol
3) blow dry my hair after the wash
4) Come snow or rain, I gotta do the above every single day
5) every time I go for a hair cut, immediately shampoo and wash with dettol.

Some things which aggravate or has been likely to cause the situation
1. too much food rich in cholesterol, very high probability I will get it. Eggs, prawns etc
2. frequent heavy drinking - read like every day for a few days together
3. Hot, humid weather - especially if head gets sweaty
4. Some type of pickles - especially those that could have fennel, mustard, chillies, etc.

Every 6-7 months, I am prone to thinking that I got rid of the problem - you can't blame me cos it will completely disappear - and miss the routine, and bang the buggers will be back. I missed it this time, and have a really bad case. So went and saw a doc this time, and started searching online and landed to this page. So now I realise that this could be a life long condition :(

So no option to continue the battle till my grave I guess.
You might want to try my approach too.
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Hello, just wanted to share what has worked for me in hopes it might help some of you guys as well, it's a terrible affliction and no one deserves to suffer with it... My folliculitis started about 2+ years ago, it started as small bumps and eventually spread to large cystic sores all over the back of my head, crown of my head, hairline and was moving onto the sides. They would burst and ooze puss, it was so painful I couldn't even lay my head on my pillow at night. I tried the dermatologist and various anti fungal shampoos and the standard rounds of antibiotics which, like everyone else, helped until I stopped taking them at which point it would come back with a vengenance. Similar to all of you I turned to the internet and found that I was not alone. Through pure luck one day on a forum site (so far buried in the depths of google search that I could probably never find it again) I found a recommendation from someone who completely saved me. He was doing the same thing I am doing now just spreading the word about something that worked for him. He said to use OXIDERM + PS it is a veterinary shampoo manufactured by the Ceva Corporation (I get mine on amazon). The results came fast, within a couple days I could feel all the bumps and sores completely drying up and flaking off! It was one of the best moments of my life for sure! I get the occasional bump every once in a while but for the most part I don't even consider myself having folliculitis anyomore I never even think about it! I used it everyday for 6+ months and I still use it every other day now. I looked up all the ingredients and they are all normal ingredients in shampoos plus a whole bunch of strong acne medications so as far as I can tell it is completely safe to use. The only thing is that after quite a while of use it will start to turn your skin a bit pink, not like hot pink or anything lol but just pink skin tone, which I have anyways cus I'm Irish so it's a easy trade off! Anyways I hope this helps someone looking for relief because I know firsthand how painful, embarrassing, and life consuming this disease can be!
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Hi OppPenelope.  I have a strong hunch that many of us are battling demodex mites on scalp (could involve face, neck, upper body as well).  I could write several pages on what has led me to this thinking. We live in Nashville but have had limited success finding a knowledgeable dermatologist.  The music/showbiz industry here promotes fairly extreme cosmetic dermatology.  It's easy to find ophthalmologists and dermatologist to do IPL (intense pulsed light) which kills demodex.  Our insurance doesn't cover cosmetic IPL.  In my husband's case, because his "infestation" has gone for so long unattended (we married 5 years ago), he has open lesions and carcinomas.  So for him insurance will cover some of a procedure called PDT (a form of light treatment).  However, I'm 7 years younger, not diabetic or overweight and try not to eat sugar.  My scalp is to yet ulcerate but weird hard lumps are beginning to form (and I can actually feel the demodex bump into hair follicles--which makes me feel like I'm losing my mind). We are currently using permethrin 5% every night.  Last night I used clove leaf extract essential oil with grapeseed oil to dilute (though I did not know what ratio to mix).  I read in a medical research article that clove leaf oil kills demodex.  I really don't know how successful we will be.  HOWEVER, I feel certain that getting rid of any existing fungal infection is critical.  I believe the next step is treating the bacteria that live on the mites.  I've read that oral metronidazole works.  Unfortunately, that requires a prescription.  But maybe with a diagnosis of folliculitis, a doctor would prescribe some antifungal medication.  I'm betting the longer a person has been battling this, an oral medication may be the only thing to work against the fungus that feeds the mite and the bacteria that keeps the mite healthy.  I hope someone out there with sincere motives (not selling a product) can shed light for us all.  In the meantime, fight the good fight. Stay strong.  Best wishes.
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Hello! Well, same as dancer4j. I too have seen several doctors, biopsy with same outcome, several wigs, and I watch my blood sugar levels carefully. I've poured anything from bleach to facial peel acid. This is the first time in a long time I've researched my scalp condition on the internet in a long time. I scare the crap out of me with diagnosis like pemphigus vulgaris, schlerderma, and that list is a mile long. The reason today....stuff coming off my scalp and researching the products which caused some fantastic results. Undecylenic acid (fungicare) and salicylic acid 20%. I still don't know anything yet but I dint care if I melt what little hair is left, I love my wigs! I just want the itch, burn, and sores to stop. Wishing all suffering good luck during this battle! Hope to update with phenomenal results soon.
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Hi OppPenelope.  I have a strong hunch that many of us are battling demodex mites on scalp (could involve face, neck, upper body as well).  I could write several pages on what has led me to this thinking. We live in Nashville but have had limited success finding a knowledgeable dermatologist.  The music/showbiz industry here promotes fairly extreme cosmetic dermatology.  It's easy to find ophthalmologists and dermatologist to do IPL (intense pulsed light) which kills demodex.  Our insurance doesn't cover cosmetic IPL.  In my husband's case, because his "infestation" has gone for so long unattended (we married 5 years ago), he has open lesions and carcinomas.  So for him insurance will cover some of a procedure called PDT (a form of light treatment).  However, I'm 7 years younger, not diabetic or overweight and try not to eat sugar.  My scalp is to yet ulcerate but weird hard lumps are beginning to form (and I can actually feel the demodex bump into hair follicles--which makes me feel like I'm losing my mind). We are currently using permethrin 5% every night.  Last night I used clove leaf extract essential oil with grapeseed oil to dilute (though I did not know what ratio to mix).  I read in a medical research article that clove leaf oil kills demodex.  I really don't know how successful we will be.  HOWEVER, I feel certain that getting rid of any existing fungal infection is critical.  I believe the next step is treating the bacteria that live on the mites.  I've read that oral metronidazole works.  Unfortunately, that requires a prescription.  But maybe with a diagnosis of folliculitis, a doctor would prescribe some antifungal medication.  I'm betting the longer a person has been battling this, an oral medication may be the only thing to work against the fungus that feeds the mite and the bacteria that keeps the mite healthy.  I hope someone out there with sincere motives (not selling a product) can shed light for us all.  In the meantime, fight the good fight. Stay strong.  Best wishes.
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I have had folliculities on my scalp for over 20 year seen over 20 Dr and specialist, the infection are getting worse to a point where it is attacking my immune system. I am trying to eat no sugar whether refined or non refined or substitute I have lost over 40 lb trying to kill the bacteria by cutting over it is main source of sugar supply and trying to eat only what naturally exist in nature, it is my last hope.
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I have experience having scalp foliculitis too. I have read plenty of forum but found nothing that can help it at bay. I did visited dermatologist but could not provide permanent solution. one day, I met a person and told me at it could be because of my blood sugar so I decided to have FBS and found out I am prediabetic. now I eat less sugary food and less sweets and that cures my foliculitis. it only comes back whenever I eat too much sweets. you guys better check your blood sugar too, you might be prediabetic too and that causes your foliculitis.
let me hear if it helps.thanks.

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Probably you eat different type of food. I notice the same when I travel to South America.
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Hi all...

I have the same issue... but not always. I have outbursts that are normally related to the consumption of bread and pasta. But not all types.

If I avoid it, I have no issues.
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I have had the same issue for about 3 years now..It started with acne on my face for which I tried all possible medications (Clindamycin, minocycline, doxy...you name it..) . Nothing helped and then my derm switched me to acutance for 6 months which got rid of my facial acne but a few months after I developed chronic scalp folliculitis. Over the last three years I have tried everything from shampoos to different medications. The only thing that keeps my scalp clear is 100mg capsules of minocycline (mind you that I have been on it for the last 2 years. Everyday at night time right before bed). The only problem is if I stop the Minocycline, the folliculitis appears back within 2-3 days. I have also tried pus samples, cultures, biopsies etc. and everything was normal.
I live in Canada and this problem may be climatic (as far as I believe). Every few years I travel to India for a month or so and for the entire duration I am there (~1 month) my scalp heals and remains free of folliculitis even when I am on NO Medication whatsoever!.
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I was suffering from recurring scalp folliculitis for almost 15 years.  I’m 39, female, Asian w/natural hair, over weight, pre diabetic, have Hashimoto’s disease (hypothyroid).  Like everyone else I’ve tried acne meds, antibiotics, anti fungals, steroids, diet changes, spices, colloidal silver, etc... also tested for staph, biopsies, A1C (blood sugar) - and nothing special happened or was found.  One thing I have never tried are the stronger medications like Accutane.  My recurring folliculitis was mainly small puss filled spots; however, I had a few boils(?) that were so large and painful, it hurt to move my eyebrows and left small bald spots; mercifully, my hair grew back. My scalp felt like a crusty decorative autumn squash. Due to embarrassment, I’d get my hair cut only once a year.

About 2 months ago I found my solution, oddly, back at square one: 3% benzoyl peroxide.

Take it for what it’s worth, but this is how my solution came about.

At 39, I started getting adult acne fairly badly on my face and started using Retin-A and salicylic acid; however, neither were helping.  I read online that while SA & Retin A can help keep pores clear and skin rejuvenated, it’s benzoyl peroxide that actually kills the acne bacteria.  I was reticent about using benzoyl peroxide because in the way back, I used the 10% max strength bp and it bleached my hairline, pillow cases, clothes - everything it came in contact with - so I stopped using it.

One day at Walmart I started looking for a lower concentrate bp, and decided to try the AcneFree for Sensitive Skin kit (blue/white kit).  After about a week, my face started clearing up but more interestingly, my hairline was not bleaching.  Since I work from home, I took that as a cue to throw caution to the wind and slap it all over my scalp. After a week or so there was significant improvement on my head (and face).

Flash forward 2 months, and my scalp is clear.  About every other day or so I part my hair in sections and try to cover my entire scalp with the lotion.  Every now and again the 3% bp will make my head itch, but i’ll take the itch over the lesions any day.  I’m hoping as time progresses I can eventually stop using the goo, but we’ll see.

Anywho, I imagine many of you scour the internet looking for remedies, and you’re probably aware that folliculitis has many many modalities and what works for some may not work for others… I sincerely hope this post helps someone out there.

Take care!
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I have recurrent chronic folliculitis for 30 years. My follicultis return in the same places. I have tried every thing, ani-fungal, antibacterial, different shampoos. I tried to shave my hair, different moisturizing
No thing work
One of the dermatologist culture my nose and find staff and gave me antibiotic for one month. The follicultis disappeared for one week during which I felt I'm different person then recur
They are painful, itchy and I feel carrying block on my head.
Sometime I can not sleep, I have to wahs my head 3-4 times each day to feel relive
Any advice
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I have recurrent chronic folliculitis for 30 years. My follicultis return in the same places. I have tried every thing, ani-fungal, antibacterial, different shampoos. I tried to shave my hair, different moisturizing
No thing work
One of the dermatologist culture my nose and find staff and gave me antibiotic for one month. The follicultis disappeared for one week during which I felt I'm different person then recur
They are painful, itchy and I feel carrying block on my head.
Sometime I can not sleep, I have to wahs my head 3-4 times each day to feel relive
Any advice
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I have had scalp fulliculitis for 4 years.  My history is pretty much similar to the other you'll find here.  I have done every possible antibiotic there is including bactrim. This one works and after exactly 10 days My folliculitis was back.  I did accurane and after 6 months it was back.  Also my sugar blood levels came elevated so I decided to stop eating all kind of sugar ( bread, fruits, pasta, artificial sweeteners, starches) ( except stevia which is healthier) and I have been able to control it this way. I found out through the saliva test I have an over production of candida yeast.  Now I am trying to get rid of it. Not easy but is possible.  NOTE. MOST DOCTOR WILL NOT AGREE WITH YOU ON THIS. THEY WILL NOT EVEN AKNOWLEDGE THIS IS THE PROBLEM, SO YOU HAVE TO DO IT BY YOUR SELF. GO ONLINE AND DO YOUR RESEARCH.
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I too have it used isotretinoin want q cure
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I have battling scalp folliculitis for 4 years, doxycycline, Bactrim (works but after 10 days it come back again), acutane etc.....
I have found that when I stop eating sugar I get better and I control the disease.  So NO CARBS, NO PROCESSED FOOD, NO DAIRY, NO BREAD NO PASTA.   Only eat salad and meat and fish and poultry.
Must probably it is candida (fungus) in your guts and you must get rid of it by mainly cutting on ALL carbs.  
Also run a lot, by losing weight you ll be cutting the sugar levels in you body and this will help.

Trust me it works  good luck
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