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Red burning scrotum

For 5 months now I've had a what i think is a fungal skin infection of the groin which started in my groin where my scrotum touches my inner leg the skin became dark and irritable so i started applying Lymarin cream....after a few days the skin looked clearer so i kept using cream but my skin the turned back to the way it was and seemed to get worse and also my scrotum became very red and hot felt like it was burning no itching just irritated and red.So over the weeks i have tried all creams on the market and they all seem to work in the 1st few days then whatever it is in my skin just keep coming back.I have been to see a Dermatologist 4 times and each time they give me creams and powders and say try that they have given me no diagnosis or explanation.So the latest things i have tried is a 2 week course of Itraconazole tablets of 200 mg a day and i'm using Kenacomb cream a Nystatin combo cream and again it worked fine at 1st but now today my scrotum feels very hot and is very red and there is also a red streak going up the shaft of my penis now from my scrotum the streak starts thick and thins out as it goes up.I'm at a total loss on what it is or how i can treat it any help or advice anyone.
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Also i forgot to add goldbond powder while on antidepressants and new hobby. Took the rubbing feel away just feels cold for few minutes tho.
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Hey man Ive had this for over a year and I still havent beaten it completely, some days it will flare up and I can feel it when I walk around, feels like I'll never be able to live a normal life again. Do you feel 100 percent back to normal?
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So this is kinda a update to this question cause i said if i ever beat this i would write how i did it. Yes i had burning balls and white line down the center. been to every doctor and urologest i could and tryed every fungle cream and hydro cream which all made it worst. I had this for 8 months slight burning on penis as well. I even tryed doxycyline or how ever you spell that. I bought everything off amazon and epson salt baths and sulfur baths and nothing worked. Finally what worked was i got on antidepressant and started playing clash of clans 24/7 to keep my mind busy and every time i though my balls were burning i would plau this game for hours im 28 years old and it finally worked im here to tell you its mentle if every doctor is telling you nothing is wrong listen to them and move on find something to take your mind off of it. Im writing this in hooes it helps someone cause i already spent the money and the time. If anything antidepressant and a hobby and stop looking at your self move on. No this isnt a joke either this is the truth 100% mentle forget what has happended or what you did that brought this on including guilt.
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No disrespect to the docs on here but I have dealt with this and know EXACTLY how you are feeling and what you are going through..

I put up with it for about 4-5 months before I found someone that knew how to treat it.  I was clear for about 5 years then it came back and I have been clear for about 2 months after treatment.  Here is the deal...

I had this in 2007 and got rid of it.  Now I sit here in 2012 with it again, and FAR worse than before... Its my fault this last breakout occurred, I stopped being diligent about what is written below…  I know how you all feel, it *****, however there is hope.  Here is what I have learned.

How many of you thought this was jock itch or something along those lines and you started using anti-fungals and hydrocortesone when this all began?
I have tried antibiotics, anti fungals, tea tree oil, lavendar, rosemary oils, coconut oil, lemongrass, iodine, peroxide, all kinds of prescriptions, you name it!   How many posts do you see with "try this or that"  and you do...


This condition is called Lichens Simplex Chronicus.  Its a form of neuro-dermatitis caused by cycles of irritation (scratching and chemical irritation) it itches, you scratch it or blast it with god knows what.  That leads to a stronger itch so you scratch it more or put more "cure" on it and it goes on and on and on.  It becomes habitual, you are scratching your junk and you dont even realize it.  You do it in your sleep.

When you are desperate you try anything, I know.  I once poured pure tea tree oil over my sack, talk about pain!

You have a serious problem now, your scrotum is sensitive to anything and everything.  It is some of the most delicate skin on your body.  Because you are where you are now, what is OK for most other guys IS NOT OK FOR YOU anymore so you have to think differently and smartly.

Remember the goofy kid in elementary school that got picked on because he couldn’t go outside,couldn’t eat normal food, had to take medication, and was sick all the time...  thats now your scrotum.

If you have a fungal issue, it will be in your groin, not on your sack or penis.  you may get a little of it on the back side where your sack meets your body but thats it.  DO NOT PUT ANTI-FUNGALS ON YOUR SACK.  Over the counter antifungals should NOT BE USED EVER... you have a severe sensitivity now and those things are harsh, lotrimin ultra is the WORST.  

If you suspect jock itch go to a doctor and have a scraping done and they can tell if there is yeast there or not.  If you do need one, use it sparingly and apply 1 or 2 times a day, slathering more and more on doesn’t make the fungus go away any faster but it will irritate your skin more.  Follow your doctors directions, and ask if he doesn’t explain how to use it to you.

Often we try anti-fungals and when they don’t work, we immediately assume it has to be bacterial and start applying things like crazy.  Also as a point of interest, do you know what one of the most common skin allergens is?  Bacitracin, its one of the components of neosporin and triple antibiotic.  look it up.

Yeast/fungus and bacteria live on your skin and keep each other in balance.  If you go crazy with antifungals, you are inviting a bacteria over growth condition, want an infection or some other crud on your junk?  If you do, just keep applying antifungals.  

Over treat with anti-bacterials, youre asking for a yeast or fungal issue.  Yes, this includes antibacterial soaps, stop using them in the shower.

Did you get the last 2 paragraphs?  understand that if nothing else, you are causing your own problem!

SO… on we go, now we start getting red, inflamed, burning so we reach for the hydro-cortisone creme, guess what, now you’re allergic to it or damn near.  its a NO-NO now and it wont work anymore.

Get rid of any non-hypoallergenic soaps, lotion, laundry detergent, etc.  Your time for using that stuff is over.  Stop scratching and moisturize like a fiend.  Cerave, eucerine, cetaphil are all of your choices now.  Stop using regular soap, basic dove is the only option.

LEAVE YOUR SACK ALONE, stop scratching it, touching it, rubbing it, etc.  Its a battle of the mind now my friend... Cut your nails, file them, pat the area if you have to touch it.  I know the best thing about this condition is how good it feels when you scratch it, sometimes you think you will have an orgasm while scratching.  If you have this, you know exactly what I mean.  

As many of you know by experience, the skin will eventually begin to crack and peel… not scratching is the hardest thing in the world to do!

Stop taking hot showers, and soak in a warm (not hot) salt bath (real mineral salts not table salt) once a week.

When it itches really bad, put cold wet compresses on it.  Frozen bags of vegetables work well too but don’t over expose to cold.  If you use something frozen, put a dish towel between you and the frozen item.  You will see that your color almost goes back to normal after a few minutes of cold being applied, and as it heats back up the red comes back.  Thats not infection or fungus, its irritation and over stimulated nerves.

Moderation is key, no extremes of temperature, chemical applications, etc...

If you can find a good derm or if your GP is useful, get s script for desoximetasone .25% and mix it 50% with aquaphor (available at most drug stores) apply 2x a day.  also get a strong antihistimine - one that will make you sleep and keep you from scratching in your sleep like hydroxizine. Use the desox for 10 days no more, it will thin your skin and thats a BAD thing.  

That’s what works for me.  

As a point of interest, this last time my sack was so inflamed it was the size of a softball and on day 3 of using the above and my sack was about 90% back to normal.  Your skin will peel, like a sunburn, its part of the healing process DO NOT PICK OFF THE SKIN, let it slough off naturally, when its ready.  

Here is a link to an actual MDs post on the treatment, similar to what I have used…


Print this out and the info on the link ant take it with you to your doctor.  

Keep moisturizing with cerave (my recommended lotion) and if you have to go out and cant do it every few hours, use aquaphor right out of the jar.  its sort of like vaseline and will stay put for a long time and do its job.

This can take 2,4,6,8,10 weeks to fully resolve, but stay the course.  I have found vitamine A, E, C, zinc, and sea kelp to be helpful in support.  Gaba is also good to sooth your nerves a bit.

Once you are back to normal be extremely paranoid about putting anything but water on your sack.  Keep it covered with nice cotton clothing.underware.  Take cool showers.  

You have a delicate issue with your scrotal skin and it won’t ever go away completely so be extremely careful with what you do and what you apply down there.
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563773 tn?1374246539

There are a few possibilities for this kind of rash.It can be a fungal infection(Tinea cruris)
Wash your groin daily and then dry thoroughly by pat drying,not rubbing. A hairdryer is useful if you have hairy groins.The damp groin is an ideal site for fungi to multiply.Also wear cotton underwears and change them twice a day and do not share other people’s towels.Application of local antifungal cream(terbinafine, clotrimazole, econazole, ketoconazole, miconazole) and oral antifungal drugs are the mainstay of treatment.

But if the rash is not responding to the antifungals then other possibilities have to be probed. Other possibilities are xerotic eczema,senile pruritis,atopic dermatitis,contact dermatitis,parasitic infestations,diabetes and liver or kidney pathologies.

Treatment for all is entirely different.I feel that you should consult a dermatologist and get this rash assessed so that specific treatment(antifungals,antihistaminics or corticosteroids) can be started.

I hope that helps. Please do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional queries. Kind regards.

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