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Hydrocortizone on Penis - Skin Thinning and Discoloration


About 3 weeks ago i developed a rash on the underside of my penis, just beneath the glans.  I already have somewhat thin skin on my penis and I am circumsized.  The rash then flaked and eventually went away.  I saw a dermatologist who said that it was not a yeast infection, but that it might be something like dry skin and general irritation due to sex.  I have never had any irritation like this before during sex, and I have been sexually active for about 16 years.  

The GP I saw before I went to a dermatologist said that I should get some over the counter cream for dermatitis or to try to get some hydrocortizone.  So I basically applied hydrocortizone ointment to my penis for about 7-8 days.  I did put a bit much on the shaft and glans of my penis.  

I stopped putting the ointment on 10 days ago.  My penis has since had a slight loss of pigmentation on the shaft, meaning it is now slighltly "pinker" or ligher in color, AND the skin appears to be thinner.

This was an OTC 1% hydrocortizone cream called Hydrozole.  I only used it for about 7-8 days.  I read that use of hydrocortizone can cause this, but it takes 2-4 weeks of overuse, which I did not do.  Regardless, I have noticed that I developed the side effects of over use.

So, my question is, will my penis skin "toughen" and get back to normal, or am I already looking at permanent damage?  I am very nervous and scared about this.  

I am currently abstaining from sex and masturbation for the next month to see if my skin repairs itself.  PLEASE, anyone with experience with this give me some insight.

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Seems that your penis is looking the same (thin and transparent skin), because you are paying so much attention to it. Just leave it alone, your skin is healing everyday little by little Trust me, it will be the same as before. I understand that you are anxious, but let me tell you, my condition was way worse than yours and now I have a penis that looks healthy and feels healthy. Just relax my friend, you are gonna be ok soon.
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Got it, dude.  I will do just that.  Thanks again for the encouragement; it really helps.  I'll report back in a few weeks of progress.  
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Thanks Ra.  

I appreciate your encouragement.  It helps and today I am feeling less anxious, but still a bit worried.  

I am clearly very unsettled by the following facts:

-I used 1% OTC hydrocortisone products for nearly 2 weeks (14 days tops); 1% is considered a mild-to-moderate strength which can cause skin thinning and hypo-pigmentation if used for 2 - 4 weeks or longer.  

-Research shows that the absorbtion rate in the genital area is 30% compared to other parts of the body where is is about an average of 5%.

-My dermatologist who dismissed my penis rash as nothing more than an irritated rash, (but nothing he had seen before!), and said it was fine to use the OTC Hydrocortisone acetate ointment for up to a full month with no issues at all.  

-The shaft of my penis is STILL, after 13 days of discontinued use, VERY 1) transparent and 2) lightened in color (it used to be a darker skin tone, now it is very nearly white), and 3) the shaft skin is sensitive to the touch, seems almost elastic and very shiny when I get an erection, and 4) not as durable as before...Hence I am not masturbating or having sex for a while until it repairs itself.

I realize that 2 weeks of use of this mild-to-moderate cream (used 2-3 times per day, liberally), may not cause permanent damage, but my penis is definitely not the same currently and this would probably freak any man out.  

THANKFULLY, I searched online and decided to stop using it based on the side effects I'm experiencing and others have experienced as well.  I'm just disturbed that my dermatologist did not make me aware of these possible side effects after telling me to use it for up to a month, when I experienced the side effects after 2 weeks.

Also, I must be dumb for not questioning him when the labels on all the tubes I used said DO NOT use for more than 7 days unless instructed by your doctor.  

I will be less anxious knowing this my penis skin will return to normal, but obviously every day it keeps looking the same, I am feeling that the damage may be permanent.  

I will have to have faith in your experience Ra1234.  Many thanks again.  

I am quite surprised no doctor has chimed in, but oh well.  Thanks all!
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Don't be so concerned, of my own experience I can tell you that your skin will be back to normal very soon.
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Just a quick update.  I contacted Dr. Marvin Rapaort via email.  Dr. Rapaport is a dermatologist out of America who is a vocal opponent of the over prescription of cortisone creams/ointments by dermatologists.

I have read countless threads online where folks were told it was OK to use corticosteriods for extended periods of time by dermatologists.

This is dangerous, in my opinions.  That said, I'm sure it's a case of the good ruining it for the bad.  In my case, the dermatologist I saw could not have been more blase about my condition and encouraged me to stay on the cortisone on my penis for another week.  THANKFULLY, i noticed the Vitiligo and tightening aspect of my shaft.

The skin is still much lighter in color, almost transparent, and also very "thin" in the sense that it is tighter and less "rugged" as before.  

I'm still very concerned, but will see how I go over the next 4 weeks.  I have read that anyone who used a hydrocortisone from anywhere from 2-4 weeks, can develop these symptoms.  

I'm just hoping my penis returns to normal as this is disconcerting.  

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Thanks, Ra!  That helps.  I'll just ride it out and hope that it gets back to normal in the next 4 weeks.  I"ll post an update by then as this may help others in the future.  

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Yes, Thanks for posting all of this. I have the exact same problem.  Used Hydro-cortisone as prescribed by an online doctor I paid for advice from WebMD (or at least that is where I began my research).  I have not healed.  Did use it for about 14 days as it alleviated the discomfort and irritation.  This has been ongoing for 6 months.  Now have problems after master bating or sex. I get the rash and tore up with tiny cuts on the skin, and little red dots on the head.  Do I ride this out? It's already been a while.  Should I completely stop any sexual touch on it?  Thanks for your advice.

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