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Long Term Rash

Ok here go's i was very sexually active when i was younger and might of had unprotected sex a couple of times. About 7-8 years ago i began to develop these rashes that are usually on the pubic area on both left and right side of mid pelvis area around the penis. I went to many doctors and they all told me it was jock itch for a long time but no way to cure it and that it will go away on its own and it never did. About a year ago i finally had it and went to a Dermatologist he finally diagnosed it as Folliculitus and gave me these creams that i had to mix together and it seemed to have worked for about three weeks and it then it came back but i never went back to the dermatolist so i decided to do some research and found some home treatments here is what i was doing i used a antibacterial on the skin when i showered same red liquid used by surgeons before surgery's after that i used a powder to prevent itching and from there i applied Neosporin twice a day everyday. And that seemed to work till i ran out of stuff the left side was healed completely but the right side came back with vengence it itches constantly it drives me crazy it feels amazing when i spend a couple of minutes just scratching it. It's so sever that i might sometimes use house hold items like combs and plastic caps to scratch it. But just recently i have notcied that it's began to spread up a little through the right side of my penis. I still use neosporin and it seems to stop the itching for a couple of days but it always comes back theres no way to get ride of it. I have been living with this rash/itch long enough i want it gone so bad that i would do anything to get rid of it. Here is a slight discription on what the rash is like there is slight inflamation around the follicules the area seems to turn white and dry after a while but no flaking or cracking just irritation and inflamation and it seems to be spreading. The only thing i know for certain is that its not herpes at least from what the dermatologist said and it does not seem to be an STD but what could it be i have had this for so many years im worried i will never find a cure Doc can you help me?
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That's the first time I hear that would you recomend any over the counter steroid to kill this pityriasis I have been using this lotion called Aquanil HC that seems to have stopes the itch and inflamation but not quit sure if it will kill what I have. Thank you for your post kindd.
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563773 tn?1374246539
The other diagnosis from the description of the rashes can be of pityraisis rosea. Pityriasis rosea is a common human skin disease which presents as numerous patches of pink or red oval rash. The rash may be accompanied by low-grade headache, fever, nausea and fatigue and sometimes by itching.Steroids(topical) are very helpful in such cases.

Hope it helps. Take care and regards.
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I am alomost positive its not Jock itch i have been told its jock itch all my adolescnet life and now as an adult i still have it and i am no longer doing any athletic activities so is there a possibility it could be somthing else besides jock itch please help.
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563773 tn?1374246539
I cannot confirm anything without examination but it can be due to fungal infection or jock itch.

Jock itch shows up in post-adolescent men and hormonal changes during puberty,lifestyle and heredity each play a role.Predisposing fungal disease like tines cruris may also aggravate it.

Wash your groin daily and then dry thoroughly by pat drying,not rubbing. A hairdryer is useful if you have hairy groins.The damp groin is an ideal site for fungi to multiply.Also wear cotton underwears and change them twice a day. and do not share other people’s towels. Most cases of fungal infections respond to over-the-counter products, which contain any of several basic ingredients: miconazole, tolnaftate, terbinafine,ketaconazole and clotrimazole.You can consult a pharmacist and get any cream or lotion containing these ingredients. Some of them are Lamisil, Monistat derm, Mycelex, and Nizoral.

If the symptoms persist then pls consult a dermatologis as oral antifungals may be needed.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing and if you have any additional queries.Kind regards.

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