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Odd sores recurring

Over the past 6-9 months I've had these sores that keep recurring.  They are odd...  They seem to just come up suddenly from under the skin - they are small red sores that are not raised.  Almost looks like a cut except that it is always a small round circle.

Several months ago they were recurring (coming and going) in the same places on the back side of my hands (between thumb and first finger) and some on the first finger.  Also there were a few on my arm.  They went away and stopped coming back about the time I was going to go to the doctor.  Today, after at least 6 weeks with none, 2 have appeared - one on my right forearm and one on the side of my nose!!!  (This is not acne, its the same as what is on my arm and was on my hands before).  They do itch, but not badly.

I am currently being tested for neurological problems - I am seeing a Neurologist, and Physiologist.  However, I do not have an appointment for over 30 days, when I am scheduled for an EMG.  The possibilities include MS, a combination of Sciatica and migraines with aura or something related to one of those...  I have the symptoms for each, nothing spectacular on my MRI's except for degenerative disc disease, bulging discs & spina bifida occulta.

With so much going on - vertigo, optic neuritis, nerve pain & numbness, headache, etc.  I am becoming concerned that these sores may be related to everything going on.

34 yr. old female, mother of two, allergies (hay fever type) and asthma.

Any ideas??  Advice?

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If I scratch them, even a little bit they become irritated & do leave a scar.  One bled when I scratched it too much - clear liquid oozed out also before it bled (only because I scratched that one too much, there is no oozing when left alone).

If left alone, there may be perhaps some discoloration from some of them but no scar.

As for bleeding...... lately if I get a cut or something, it is difficult to stop the bleeding.  In December I was tested for anemia (passed out at the end of a very bad sinus infection, was ruled as dehydration & imbalance in my head) & the tests came back good.

My plan will be to mention it at my next doctors appointment.  But, since I do not always have them - they come and go - I may take a few pictures so I can show the doctor what I'm talking about if they're gone then.  I don't want to make a special appointment for this & pay unnecessary money.... I'll see the doc in just over 30 days.

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You have given very good points. As for a vascular or hematologic component, assessment of bleeding parameters such as prothrombin time , aPTT and bleeding time may help rule out underlying hematologic conditions which may also present with red spots or rash in certain areas of the body. This is just another differential given that the spots seem to occur in specific areas.

When the spots resolve, do they leave a discoloration or a scar?

What you have may be an atypical presentation of a hypersensitivity reaction or even a fungal infection. A complete blood count may help rule out an acute infection.

This does not sound like an urgent case. Tests to consider a  localized skin infection may be helpful but considering systemic and more generalized disease will be necessary.
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The sores are usually round or oval shaped, red in color, and not raised off the skin.  Sort of like a cut that is perhaps "under" the skin.  Sometimes the skin surrounding them will peel away, but only a little bit.

They do not appear in clusters.  When I have one, I usually have several more pop up around the same time, but not in the same place.  There may be one on my arm, one on my right finger, one on my left hand, etc. all at the same time.  Right now its one on my arm, one on my face (this is the first time its been on No my face).  It has affected both hands and arms in the past.  The sores seem to recurr in the exact same location where they may have been 6 weeks ago.  The ones that were between my thumb and forefinger left scars because I scratched them when they itched.

I do have allergies, and I am allergic to dust.  I received a private message from someone else suggesting it may be allergic - dust mites perhaps.  But, that does not explain why it would occur in the exact same spot 3 weeks later ???

The only exposure to "chemicals" was bleach when cleaning but it was 4 days ago, so I found that unlikely.

Viral... don't know...... I always have runny nose from allergies... I have vertigo a lot, so I can sometimes feel like I have a cold when I really don't.  I have not felt anything unusual lately to suggest I have caught a virus.  No fever or flu.

Vascular... ??? Wouldn't know what to look for.  I did have my bp checked at a doctor visit this past Monday, and it was higher than usual.  My typical blood pressure is 100 over 60....... sometimes it goes up to 110 over 70, but generally, I have always had very low blood pressure and it stays that way.  At my recent dr. visit it was 130 over 78.  My blood pressure has never been that high......  Even when I had preeclampsia when pregnant it was 120 over 80 (I know thats normally very normal and good, but my dr knew right away something was wrong because my bp is consistently low).

It did concern me at the time..... but it was a new doctor, did not seem odd to him.

Any ideas?
What should I look for or consider?

I'm trying to decide if I should go see a doctor about this or just wait until my next appointment...

God Bless!
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How would you describe these sores?

Are they red, white or skin colored?

Do they occur in clusters or do they appear separately and individually?

At this point we can not tell whether these sores are associated with a possible neurologic condition. Although there are neurologic conditions that may manifest as skin conditions. But for these bumps, one has to treat them as a separate condition until proven other wise.

The bumps seem to prefer the area of the hands. An allergic and dermatitic component has to be ruled out first. Were there any prior exposure to chemicals?

Also a viral or infectious component has to be considered. Were there any associated fever or flulike symptoms that surround the onset of the rash?

A vascular condition also needs to be ruled out.

Are any of these applicable in your case?
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I too am 34 and a mother of two and am getting increasingly worried about what might be going on with my skin. Our similar situation has motivated me to post. My name is Amy too.  Anyway....  
I have a hernitated disc along with nerve pain and tingling.  I also get migraine headaches.  I have had a brain MRI that showed no signs of MS, but have been told that it isn't 100% accurate in detecting it.  My bumps are primarily on my scalp and tend to be painful and burning more than itch. I went to the dermatologist and he didn't have an answer other than an allergy to something I was using.  Possibly a chemical in my shampoo.  I have switched to Nioxin products that are about as sensitive and natural as possible- through a recommendation by many cosmotologists I know.  It had helped a little- I thought.  
The more I read though, the thought of MS keeps popping up with all of these symptoms we are having.  Three months ago I was diagnosed with Bells Palsy which paralyzed the right side of my face for over a month.  I am over it for the most part but occasionally feel a little bit of nerve irritation in my neck and face.  I am hoping it never returns but am again worried why I am still feeling these things.  I have had my thyroid levels checked and they are good with my current dosage of synthroid.  Have had many other things checked with bloodwork and all look good.  I don't even have high cholesteral for goodness sakes!  :)  
I do deal with quite a bit of muscle soreness between my shoulder blades and left shoulder.  Have you felt this at all?  Chiro thinks it is all disc related and thus what is causing the tingling sensations in my arms.  
I really hope that you get an answer soon as to why you are feeling this way.  I know how it feels to just not know!  If you get any answers maybe I will too.  Or at least we both know that we are not the only one who feel this way!  Take care- Amy
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