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Ongoing Anal Itch

For three years now I've been dealing with a very bothersome anal itch. It doesn't bother me during the day.  Only in the evening.  It wakes me up every night approx 15  minutes to a 1/2 hour after falling asleep.  I've tried all the remedies I can find.  Various cream,s sprays, natural ointments, zinc oxide etc.  I've tried cold application, washing before bed with phisoex.  It's not pinworm.  I've taken this medication with no affect. I've been been examined by specialists in this problem and they haven't been able to help  Nothing has been working.  I don't sleep well and am feeling the affects of this. The only way to make it go away is to scratch.  I'm desperate for a solution. I haven't seen a dermatologist yet. Would this be a good idea.  Can you suggest anything else to try.

Thanks for responding

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I feel the same way.  It is so embarrassing.  By family don't understand.  I will ask my dermatologist about eczema and psoriasis.  They have given me a steroid and that helped for about 3 months. I call for one next week.  It is bad again
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Hows the itch going, has it ever come back, do you still recommend clearasil?
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It's the Cottonelle wipes!! I used them for the past six months and was using a different brand years prior. The past six months I've had the most severe itching burning and bleeding! I thought it was a severe complication from having HSV2 but I was wrong. The MCI in Cottonelle wipes is my worst enemy!
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I had the same problem for about 2 years and tried everything under the sun...my wife kept telling to stop using the Cottonelle moist wipes because it was probably irritating my skin.  I insisted that was not the problem and kept using them.  Finally, to get her to stop bugging me I took a break from them and Bam!  Problem solved!  I switched to the Charmin wipes which use different "ingredients" and I haven't had a problem since.  I can't believe I didn't figure it out sooner.  The problem is that you have to get rid of the itch, because the constant scratching will lead to fissures which are excruciatingly painful.  Now that I have solved the issue, i find that if I use the Cottonelle brand even once, the problem comes back immediately.  That's weird, because I had used that brand for a couple years without any problem before...not sure why I suddenly had a reaction to it.  But who cares...I'm all set now!
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i am free from suffering now, however it is not cured and i have to use natural gel from oak bark+aloe vera+allantoin after bowel movement in the morning and before sleep. do not use soap when washin anal area. most of uknown causer of anal itch is from using too much soap on anal area, which change the sensitive mucous membrane. from time to time (once in two months) when it get worst i use cream from Carbonis detergens tinctura. it is also use for psoriasis and is very helpful on itching and inflammation. but i do not want to use medicamations with side effects all my life so after few days i am back to using gel from oak bark+aloe vera+allantoin, which is said to be to cure hemmorhoids, but it also relief my itching for 99 %. and it is natural so it should be okay for using in long periods. i hope i help someone, who could not find anal stop itcher so far.
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The Clearasil pads have continued to work!  I do not itch at all, the skin is back to normal.  I think that the methol makes the area feel cool and a bit tingly (and the alcohol hurts if you have broken skin) so you feel something else other than the itch. The aloe helps heal the skin.  The salicylic acid exfoliates the flaky skin and lightens it.  I am not a doctor, and I know that this product is intended for facial use, but it worked for me.  I do not use it a couple of times a day anymore.  Now I use it a couple of times a week.  I will continue to use it, and will buy my third container of Clearasil.  I no longer use cottonelle wet wipes.  I feel great and I am even using thongs again!  I remember how horrible my bottom felt, it was SO embarrasing and frustrating.  I hope this helps you.
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I've suffered from anal itching for 4 years!!! Now, you say Clearasil pads have helped you? You posted in October, now it's early December...is this still working for you?  Certainly hope so!!!
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I had a similar problem that lasted a couple of months. It was a horrible and embarrasing experience! I think it might have been a reaction to Cotonelle Wipes or pinworms. I was extremely itchy and sore.  I would scratch and it would feel good but then I would tear the skin.  The area became dark, tender, rough and flaky.  I tried washing after going to the restroom, putting lavander oil, and rash ointment.  Nothing worked.  OK, bear with me......Then I heard something about using Clearasil on your flaky feet and a thick lotion and wearing socks at nite on Oprah. So I bought some and tried it on my flaky feet.  It worked great!  Then I really paid attention to the small print "DUAL ACTION PADS DEEP CLEAN AND EXFOLIATE TO CLEANSE AWAY DIRT, OIL, AND BACTERIA".  So one desperate nite I used it on my bottom and it really Burned (due to scratches) but stopped the itching.  I continued use after going to the restroom.  After about a week my bottom healed, two weeks no more flaking and 3 weeks later no more itching!  I continue to use the pads after using the restroom but not as often.  I know it sounds really strange but it worked for me.  It's been a couple of weeks now and I am doing great!  HOPE THIS HELPS.
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I hate to be a downer, but I have suffered with anal itch, bleeding and discomfort for about 15 years. I have drawers full of hundreds of creams, prescription and over-the-counter, that I've tried to no avail. I've been checked and treated for parasties, yeast and hemorrhoids, even though none were found. I've changed my underwear to white cotton, my soaps, shampoos, laundry detergent, toilet paper and lotions all to non-allergenic, dermatologist suggested. I take a sitz bath after every bowell movement. I tried antidepressants and counseling after it was suggested that it might be psychological. I've seen close to a hundred dermatologists and G.I. physicians as well as general practitioners. No one can give me answers and no one seems to understand how disruptive it is to my life unless they too suffer from it. Lack of sleep is torturous and it's always worse at night. It's difficult to be a lady when you constantly want to wiggle.
My docs now say that it could be inverse psoriasis but they don't know how to confirm the diagnosis and don't know how to treat it. Has anyone received a diagnosis of psoriasis. If so, how are they treating you?
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I feel your pain!!!! I thought I was alone in the world, but apparently, we are not! I also have been suffering with severe anal itching for over a year now. Definitely see a dermatologist - I've seen more of my derm more than I would like, but he says it is eczema (atopic dermatitis). My itching, when really bad - like now, extends beyond the anal area to vaginal/labia. What I think happens is when we scratch the skin too much, it becomes infected - with fungus, etc. In my case, I think I have another fungal infection, so I am headed back to Dr. tomorrow.

I've also been to an Allergy specialist and had allergy testing - which didn't come up with any flags, but it's worth checking out. That doctor even suggested seeing a neurologist!?  My dermatologist says to stop eating dairy, which has helped, but I'm not convinced it's the only solution. I've been taking Doxepin (pills) at night since March to try and curb the urge to itch at night when, like you, it is the WORST! The allergist told me that Doxepin is 300 times stronger than Benadryl! WOW! But I'm not sure it's working anymore??!! My itching actually starts around 9:30/10pm when I'm just relaxing on the couch watching TV. It has been very frustrating and tiring, to say the least. Still trying to find a solution and cope!

Talk to a dermatologist and possibly allergist! Good luck!
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563773 tn?1374246539
Anal itching is also called pruritis ani. Causes of itchy anal rash include moisture(due to sweating or frequent washing), the abrasion caused by clothing,the pressure of sitting, chemical irritants like laundry soaps, colognes and scented toilet paper, certain food irritants, medicines like some antibiotics and laxatives, infections like STD’s and pinworms, anal abrasions and fissures and skin problems such as psoriasis, seborrhea and eczema. Sometimes hemorrhoids will start off as red rash and anal itching.

Treatment of anal itching depends on the cause of the problem. It may include self-care measures, changes to your diet, treatment of infections or, rarely, surgery to correct an underlying problem. So please get an examination done by a surgeon/dermatologist to confirm the diagnosis. Till that time, try an over-the-counter (OTC) cream or ointment containing hydrocortisone (Cortaid, Preparation H),but it is to be applied sparingly to the affected area. A protective ointment that contains zinc oxide (Desitin, Balmex) also may help. If your symptoms are worse at night, please take an antihistamine like Benadryl to reduce itching until topical treatments take effect.

Hope it helps. Take care and do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional queries. Warm regards.

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