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Anyone out there with Intertrigo? any helpful advice?

Hi everyone,
I am 28 year old male. I am not obese. My blood sugar is a little high, but i'm not diagnosed as a diabetic.
My dermatologist told me i had a "moist skin fold" (butt crack). he gave me some antifungal cream/steroid and sent me on my way. That was three weeks ago. the rash still looks the same (light brown) Last week, i went to another dermatologist for a second opinion. He told me he didnt see any signs of fungus or yeast, but gave me an antifungal anyways, and told me I have Intertrigo. I am using zeasorb AF powder along with a sparing amount of ciclopirox olamine 0.77% cream  The rash has lightened a little, but isnt really "healing" Has anyone ever had a stubborn case of Intertrigo? I am not obese and have never had any problem like this before in my life. I want to believe this second dermatologist when he says there's no sign of yeast or fungus and that I have Intertrigo and the rash is just "chafing". This rash isnt some STD, and i remember when it began as a ring around my anus a month ago one night when i had diarrhea. I wipe my rear-end well and this is not an issue of poor hygiene either. Does anyone out there have experience similar to mine? any insights on how to combat it? I appreciate anything anyone can offer in terms of help.
Thank you!
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563773 tn?1374246539
An intertrigo is an inflammation (rash) of the body folds. It most commonly occurs due to bacterial,viral or fungal infection. An intertrigo usually appears red and raw-looking, and may also itch, ooze, and be sore.

Please keep the area clean and apply some topical antiseptics. Also wear loose-fitting cotton clothing and use an antibacterial soap or mild soap like dove. Avoid any kind of cosmetics. Topical zinc oxide cream like Sudocrem, Desitin are very helpful(apply with a paper towel and not directly with hands).Application of mild steroid cream like dermacort also helps. For the itching please take some over the counter antihistaminic like Benadryl or Claritin. In case the symptoms persist then antifungals may be needed.

It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your dermatologist. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

Helpful - 0
I have been struggling with this & was diagnosed by my dermatologist with Intertrigo. 4 cream/ointment scripts later none of which worked, I tell her the med just melts & keeps areas moist making it worse. She then changes the Nyastatin cream to powder form which helped but skin became super dry & cracked. You could see the yeast ooze from under my abdomin, there became a slice that bleed, it was so inflamed my C-section scar & stretch marks turned to whelps. It went to inside butt cheeks, under breasts & arms. She put me on an antibiotic. She said if it's this bad now, hates to see it in the summer. I'm wearing 9x5 wound pads between butt cheeks, under each breast abdomin. #miserable #nolife

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