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Lint bugs that bite me constantly and no one else?

For a week now I have had bugs that look like little fuzzys or lint that bite me constantly.  I live with my brother and he doesn't get bothered at all.  It got so bad that I was at a family picnic type thing and I pretty much started freaking out. I used to have a drug problem and half my family thought I was on meth or something. Whatever they are they are literally driving me crazy. I get them all over me when I'm in bed but if I go outside or go to work I still get the things landing on me and biting. If I say anything to anyone they look at me like I'm crazy but know there real. I've seen them that there barely visible in to almost fly size. Bites from the tiny ones feel the same as the bites from the bugs ones.  
If anyone knows what they are or anyway to deter the things in anyway please let me know before they do drive me completely nuts. Thank you
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Carpet beetles. Reesa vespulae. Their larvae eat cotton, wool, silk, hair, animal fur and dead skin cells, as well as dry foods. You need to call an exterminator. Throw away all clothes and bedsheets that have holes in them. Store all clothes in air-tight containers. Vacuum daily. Iron all clothes. Store all foods in glass jars.  The larvae shed hairs which can get under skin. That is what people think is morgellons. No it' s just carpet beetles.
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Can you have carpet Beatles in a home with no carpet?  Seriously because kinda sounds like my concer
YES, you absolutely can have carpet beetles in your home even if you have no carpeting. My house is currently infested with carpet beetles and rodent mites,  (from rats that was in my attic prior to hurricane Sally) that went undetected for a very long time because most exterminators in my area are not knowledgeable enough about them. They kept telling me I was probably being bitten by baby fleas or something, BUT, I KNEW it was NOT baby fleas! It all began when little fuzzballs kept landing on me and would bite/sting me. I was having severe allergic reactions to whatever this was. Huge welts would appear then big and small sores would be all over my body and scalp. My poor cat started acting very strange. For instance, she started violently trying to jerk her nails out and would wake from a dead sleep,  jump off the couch and would take off running as fast as she could then would slam herself into the back door and she started hiding a lot and started staring at walls for long periods without blinking. Her hair looks very bad. It looks bent, electrocuted and frazzled and has the same black looking things or strands of hair that I do.  She began throwing up a LOT and her stools were sometimes the blackest black I've ever seen. She's been at the vet for about 2 months now because I was not about to let her suffer. They bathed, dipped and cut her hair then applied her regular 3 month Bravecto. I FINALLY found out on my very own what was in the small and big lint balls. It was the carpet beetles, their larvae, their frass and sometimes a few of their eggs. I'm a huge researcher so I spent countless hours researching my symptoms, my cats symptoms and some of my damaged clothing and furniture. I compared my tons of specimens and pictures to the ones on the web and found the answer. I immediately started researching exterminators in my area that deals with carpet beetles and mites and just paid them a hefty price to get rid of them. My home and the inside and out of my body is so severely infested, I fear the exterminator won't be able to get rid of all of them. They're in my ears, eyes, nose, mouth, under my nails, covered in my hair and EVERYWHERE else on me and it literally freaks me out. Its so DISGUSTING!!! It was just recently that I diagnosed the major problems. I shared the MANY  pictures I took along with specimens I caught with clear tape of carpet beetles, the larvae, the eggs, the frass and the weird looking lint mixed with strange looking webbing, other bug parts, such as legs, headless bugs,  etc. with the exterminator and they instantly agreed it was in fact, carpet beetles and mites. THANK YOU GOD for guiding me as I frantically searched for answers because my kids had distanced themselves from me because of the constant stress I created while constantly being tortured by what only looked like  "lint balls" to them. They now know the truth. This past Friday, the exterminators started their first intensive treatment and they told me I'd already see a big difference when I was allowed to return home and they were right. I'm still seeing some here and there in the house, but nothing near like before. Im about to treat my body by soaking in a hot tub with about 2 cups of Borax laundry detergent added to it then I'll  pour a good amount of Apple Cider Vinegar in my hair and let it sit a few minutes then rinse it out. Then I'm adding a little more of said Vinegar to my shampoo and conditioner. The Apple Cider Vinegar kills the larvae on contact, according to many peoples comments I've read, as well as many websites mentioning it. The Borax kills them on your skin. Look at the bottom of the tub after you drain the water out. You'll be shocked at what you're seeing. I've had zero problems using the Borax. I use it about once a week. The exterminators come again in 2 weeks to do another intensive treatment. After that, hopefully I can bring my sweetest cat ever, back home. God, I miss her so very much! Since childhood, I've had clinical depression, PTSD, anxiety with panic attacks, etc and this infestation has amplified all of that. I'm so hoping for a peaceful environment but it will take some time for my PTSD and anxiety with panic attacks to settle down.
We are dealing with this going on 5 months. Any at breaking point. We left our home sold both cars and move moved to Mexico to be treated. No one can tell us what it is. Please I beg you for your help.
Definitely not carpet beetles. The skin is thicker in a branching sort of appearance.  Skin colored maybe a hue of a ton darker. Extra freckles or moles suddenly and without being in the sun. Nose, eyes, mouth nails .Due to the excess buildup on the skin and branching over the nerves and tendons of the limbs is causes tremors when standing. Backs of the knees are swollen . It's been 4 yrs now. It started the day I git entangled with my bf who come to find has narcissistic personality disorder.  So I have hyperthyroidism immune disorder, monocytes which are inflammatory markers, as if I had some sort of infection, pounding heart rate and fast, vit D, potassium deficiencies. I am susceptible to thyroid storm. Extreme overheating, weakness.  I lost my business, and I am determined to figure this out. I have seen 2 dermatologist which both acted unethical one lied about a referral and the other got mad when I explained she didn't have the current lab results. She was adamant about telling me I was wrong. So when I showed her of course her ego was bruised and that was that. My naturopathic doctor is the only one who listens, does thorough testing and now seeing an endocrinologist.  
Look into ear mites, public lice, demodex (they can all gather in your eyes and nose) , else dirofilaria, toxocara, baylisacaris, anyclostoma and capillaria plica can appear hairlike and enter follicles. Angiostrongylous is a lungworm humans can catch. Also - bedbugs can transmit trypanosoma so why wouldn't carpet beetles be able to? Many questions for the doctors without borders about, the parasites without borders.
I feel the mites you are experiencing are demodex. I have gone through the exact same thing as you. It has been a nightmare
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What size are the fuzzys?
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Carpet beetle larvae are pretty easy to identify. If you have other fuzzies probably some kind of moth larvae or nematode, junk bug.
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Do carpet beetle larvae just bite you at night?
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They don't bite.
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I've had the same problem going on 6 years. It's hell on earth!
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No doubt.
Speaking of wolbachia, try this on for size:
Collembola are likely attacking certain people with a roundworm infection and underlying fungus. Termites do the same thing. They're "harmless" to most. But they attack people with toxocara.
I would assume the same for silverfish.
Ongoing trouble for 6 years is probably a fungal infection of some kind.  There are not too many that humans can get, but the one I am thinking of is called Valley Fever.  It comes from soil, so if you live in a rural area, or in Southern USA, you should investigate.  
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They’re definitely carpet beetles. I don’t have carpet either. It was part of the biochemical attack when the Chinese hit us with the Covid in January 2020. If you research the US govt hit Korea with carpet beetles when they first played with the idea of biochemical warfare during the Korean War. So the Chinese just took a chapter from our book and hit us back with it along with Covid.
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I've had it 5years. Definitely remember the day it happened
Do you have companion animals as well? I think it may be wolbachia bacteria causing the larger issue. Making harmless pests and pets - not so harmless. Dirofilaria, Toxocara are common in dogs and cats. Capillaria and Baylisascaris sp. are common in Birds, Skunks, Bats, Raccoons, Rats. So it doesn't necessarily mean it's your pet. It could be a wild animal parasitized with roundworms was bit by the same bug as you. I believe Doxycycline long term is supposed to help although at this point Wolbachia is everywhere. Makes you wonder about all the mysterious autoimmune diseases of unknown etiology as well as the cryptic "delusional" skin disorders. Are they mysterious? delusional? or just part of a complex process involving wolbachia that hasn't been fully described yet?

Interestingly enough, vaccines are made using horseshoe crab (arthropod) blood.... Are the adverse reactions a result of immune response, wolbachia related? If so, immunosuppressive drugs would be the last thing you'd want to use. Most of the anti-itch meds contain steroids. Maybe they've got it all wrong with wolbachia and steroids.
20901864 tn?1609460338
I do understand I have shaved all my hair off I mean every where it hasn't fixed the issue but a lot of relief.
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Hi there.  Do you ever 'see' the bugs?  I don't doubt that something is irritating you regardless if it is a true bug or something else.  Shaving the entire body is a lot but if it helps, then it helps. Have you ever seen a dermatologist? One thing that I've read about is dust mites.  They are pretty harmless and don't bit us. BUT, they leave microscopic feces on the skin that some people, not all, have an allergic reaction to.  I wonder if treating this as an allergy wouldn't resolve it?  Something to talk to your doctor about.  
Yes I have seen 3 dermatologist and 2 skin samples to the lab and they found nothing I'm really thinking my skin is not shedding like its supposed to but I scrapped my skin earlier and all this dead skin just kept coming off plus my skin looks like dust is all over it
Hi I hope this helps get a sealed bucket put extremely hot water put just a days clothes in it put nail Polish remover which is acid tone not a lot just so the water changes colors seal your clothes in it for a hour then pour water and clothes in to machine wash with detergent as normal dry normal take a shower put the clothes on nothing can live through that I have been doing this for a week now I feel so much better I suspect some insect that multiples quickly I got ortho bug spray I plan on cleaning all my clothes all at the same time and cleaning the room just it is acid tone paint thinner I wouldn't get it on you're skin but it kills anything alive in our clothes
Dermatologists have a way of telling the patient that they have not a clue to whats going on. Instead of saying "Sorry Jim. I really don't know what your dealing with.". Their normal response is....  "That's just lint (Whilst she stating this, blood is flying out my ears and scalp lol) Oh that too... Just Lint. You are crazy and need a Psychologist because its in your head."    NO REALLY
That's Demodex mites
Hi I'm a 42 year old woman and I have the exact same thing you do. I actually had to shave my own head. And I'm a pretty girl, whatever this is made me ugly, I have scars all over my body, underneath my eyes and on my face there's like this weird almost looks like broken capillaries it's made me look like I have wrinkles but I know they're not because I use microdermabrasion and broke the skin they come to the surface Brown and eventually just fall off and then it's gone but it hurts. I'm constantly pulling out these tiny thin little black hair things and sometimes White out of my wounds. Just this past week I started feeling like there's hair in the back of my throat and in my eyes. I noticed that I look at my hair follicles they look so different. Instead of being a piece of hair with Steve I'm at the end it's a piece of hair with a big black nodule. Nobody else in my house is suffering from this. Right now I'm getting my masters degree in clinical mental health counseling and my dermatologist told me she thinks I have delusional parasitosis. I don't know what this could be, but something tells me it's environmental because when I bandage my wounds very tightly they get better. When I shave my entire body it's better for a minute, I think it's psychological because I feel like I can get them off better with a razor that I can with just washing. Some of my eyelashes fell out on the bottom, I keep getting these giant welts on my forehead that look like creeping eruption but I don't think they are they're just really gross. Right when one goes away after months another one appears. The only thing I've found that helps is buying a microdermabrasion a good one, and using the big head which sucks the hell out of your skin but it looks horrible at first in the end it looks better. And a much cheaper option is a very good lint brush that's super sticky. I put that b**** over my head and pull off those little black hairs with that, it works on on my skin and everywhere else I guess. I thought it was a threadworm infestation for a long time sometimes they still think it is but it's hard to tell the difference between lint and these things. If I can ask a person a question have you ever done crystal meth? I am in recovery I've been sober for 7 years but I was reading a Reddit post from somebody and a bunch of people replied and all the symptoms you explained and I have to other people are having that claim it's from meth. The claim is from doing nothing it's coming over the skin years later even. I just don't know anymore. Sometimes I wish I wasn't even alive but I have a little boy that needs me so I can't leave. This whole thing has left me so alone and isolated. I look like a monster when I don't have a wig and makeup on. I don't understand why it's happening to me. For a while I thought it was my washer and dryer, then maybe the water, then I even blamed the host because it's old. I don't know when something like this happens it feels like and Alfred Hitchcock movie. Something you never think will happen in real life because this is the United States of America and things like this don't happen here right? The answer is no that's wrong. What exactly do yours look like? Another thing I've noticed is this iridescent or Crystal Lake gleam some of these things have and honestly I bought some different creams that pull it out I can tell you what those are. And the one actually does pull it out and it's like little pieces of glass almost they hurt so bad I've looked at them they're sharp. I captured one of these stupid things and put them in a see-through glass case. Actually forgot all about it. I was cleaning out my jewelry box today and I found it and I looked at it with a light and a magnifying glass and where it was is like crystalized crap on the side of it. It's no longer there just a little crystals going up the side of the glass. I know this message sounds crazy but if you're going through this too then you know it's not. I'm starting to feel like everything is toxic I don't know what should and should not be on my body because of this. I find these little hairs that are not the same as mine. They're different colored. I'm getting patches of white hair and I have dark hair. I get so itchy that I feel like I'm going to freak out. Sometimes it's even after the shower. Today I got out of the shower and about a half an hour later I took the limp brush and put it over my a third of an inch long hair and I looked at the impression was full of those little black hair things they're super duper thin almost invisible. And usually kind of crimped. I found one on my cheek and no s*** it was alive. I put it in a bag and have video of it moving. But at this point I'm scared because I've had so many different doctors and nurse practitioners and dermatologist tell me I'm batshit crazy so it's like even if you bring something like this in with a video to prove it it doesn't matter because nobody's going to help you. I wish somebody would find out what the hell this is. Unless it's something that is just not being talked about or hasn't been researched yet like the effects of meth on your skin later in life cuz that sounds like maybe it could be. I don't know
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Check into mites. I had something invisible biting me like this. It would cause whelps with constant tickling. It would feel like I got stung by ants. Night time was a nightmare, but it was an all day thing.  Finally found someone who listened to me and found out it was mold mites.
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You could have an abundance of Demodex mites on your scalp, face (especially eye lids& lashes), and chest. It's called demodicosis
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Carpet beetles don’t bite humans LMAO
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Right, and demodex mites are a problem, how?  We all have them on our face.  What would cause them to overpopulate?    Carpet beetles and demodex mites...hmm.
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Yes look into demodex mites. This exact thing happened to my family
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look into Valley Fever.  there all kinds of things, shapes, sizes and fuzziness.  it is horrible; i have it too.  hairs that move and lay eggs.  creepy stuff.
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Wolbachia infected male mosquitos are being released worldwide to cull Dengue, zika and chikyunga. Mosquitos don't generally bite twice.

The problem is that not only mosquitos - but 60 % of Arthropods carry it and we're now seeing evidence of horizontal transmission between arthropods, humans, companion animals as well as wild animals.

The bacteria generally isn't harmful to animals or humans alike UNLESS they are bit by the same insect, animal or human that is parasitized by filarial nematodes - like heartworm, onchocerciasis. Thrips, flies and moth and their larvae may be bringing it in with cotton and stored in the same warehouses as beneficial nematodes.

So look for emerging information to come out regarding wolbachia, filarises and hopefully information and diagnostics for humans and companion animals.

Maybe don't buy clothes or cotton products from places that use the distribution warehouses of Amazon. Interestingly enough, the CEO that stepped down in 2019 just opened up medical centers and bought up all the vacuums.

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Take Evening Prim Rose Oil it might help. I know it cleared my eczema but I take it once a day. A friend of mine had the lint issue and the Evening Prim Rose helped with some Benadryl. I'm going off experience though. I hope it helps if you try it.
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i've been dealing with the same horrible thing! i definitely think it's linked to mold, but I still feel like they're bugs or living organisms. I bought a home test kit for mold off Amazon that provides you with Petri dishes to see if mold will grow on it. The plates grew so many colonies! I'm currently awaiting the analysis report from the lab. You should try it too! At least maybe it'll determine whether mold is our issue or a contributing factor! If you'd like, you can email me ***@**** to further discuss!
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We are going through hell for 4 months. How did you treat and get rid of it? Please help
i to wonder if it isn't  a mold or fungus. i been thru everything that everyone has, from stinging bites? to lint balls that seem to shoot off in different directions. i seen a piece of a leaf moving different when i was cieaning my truck and took a close up picture and you can see the black bubble looking stuff. it's  going on 6 yrs for me still fighting em. anyway good luck.
Jassids maybe? On the leaf?
no, from the soil more likely
It is probably a fungal infection from living with mold.  I suffer daily with it.  It is a life wrecker.   It attacks people with immune systems that are comprised; healthy people do both get sick, so it is communicable between immune comprised individuals.  I know this because people are getting the fungus and showing symptoms here in my building.  
I spent 2 years hunting down my parasites names, using pictures to match, and came up with 14 or more.  Then I met a lady on fb groups who showed me I was wrong.  Over and over she corrected my thinking after seeing the pics I sent to her.  After searching  so long, I had picture proof of the fungus that was copying the parasites I thought I had been seeing.
The fungus has a name.  In southern USA, they call it Valley Fever.  The name is coccidioides immitris.  The first symptom is noticing severe tiredness.   That is how I found the others here; I noticed that some were saying they were tired.  Then, a new mole may spring up.  Trust me, it is the cocci doing their look alike thing.  It gets worse.  Doctors do not even know there is a test for it!  In the meantime this fungus is moving around in the population that is already weak.  Think about that for a moment!
20901864 tn?1609460338
Listerine I have been only using it for 2 days am I haven't Itched to much I feel a change do i t constantly throughout the day
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We are dealing with this going on 5 months did you get rid of it and how? Please help
It goes on forever. 5 years here. Treated but not cured
it could be a fungus called Valley Fever.  it has many symptoms and can mimic other parasites and diseases.    it comes from the soil, so if you live in a dry, windy climate, you could breath the spores and get the fungus.  i have been suffering for over 2 years.  

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