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When ringworm heals, is it supposed to be itchy and form yellow crusts?

The lesion is drying up and it's been severely itchy. I know that when scrapes heal, they itch and form a scab. Is this the same with ringworm?

I've been using ketoconazole (see my previous questions here: http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Dermatology/Ringworm-Treatment/show/1233815?personal_page_id=1360499#post_5644868 ) four times a day.  First it oozes a little bit, a clear/yellow liquid. Then it forms a yellowish crust, as shown in the picture. When it gets to this stage, it itches intensely. Claritin does not help the itch, either.

Please help! My doctor's office is closed and I don't know what to do with the itch! Should I clean the crust off or leave it?
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I've had a ringworm before on my arm.  Scratching only made it a lot worse because it made dozens of little cuts, which resulted in a larger diameter of the worm.

What you should be doing now is allow the small cuts to heal up first then apply your ringworm cream until it's gone.   The oozing then the yellow crust forming is normal part of the healing process.  Just let it do its thing, and in time it will fall off on its own.

Healing Cuts should take 3-5 days~ depending on how deep and big the cuts are.
The Ringworm should take 2-6 weeks~  

Hope this answers your questions.

ps: Do NOT scratch it anymore!

Good luck.

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Thanks for posting. I do not scratch it, I just viciously shake my hand and blow on it to relieve the itch.

When your ringworm healed, did it start to shrink or fade away? How long did it take? Was it bigger than mine?

All in all, it's been a month using Ketoconazole and there's no reduction in size. It's still red and incredibly itchy. Sometimes when I apply the Ketoconazole, it feels like it burns the lesion. Is it possible that I'm allergic to the cream??
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563773 tn?1374246539

Please do not scratch it as it may cause superimposed infection of the area. Apply the antifungal cream that your doctor has prescribed and consult your doctor to get oral antifungals prescribed. In the last post I had asked you to discuss the possibility of nummular dermatitis with your doctor. Please discuss this possibility along with granuloma annulare because the lesion is not responding inspite of topical antifungals.

It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your dermatologist. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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my son's ringworm did enlarge. The oozing had stopped , healthier lighter pink skin is appearing among the scabbed areas. The ring is smooth yet red outer circle. The otc fungal cream didn't appear to work and he is using clorox with q tip on area 3 times aday. Does this sound like it's healing?
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The old "clorox treatment" doesn't actually kill the fungus, it only kills any germs/bacteria on the skin. Your son needs to use something with anti-fungal properties (prescribed or OTC creams/ointments or liquids. Or if you're more into alternative medicine, try tea tree oil, black walnut tea, garlic, etc).
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I would highly recommend that you do not use tea tree oil. It does not kill fungi or bacteria in a petri dish, and has low estrogen properties that cause precocious puberty symptoms in boys and girls. I speak from personal experience.
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I have ringworm on my arm and its super itchy! I've been using antifungal cream on it for 3 days and its starting to have mini blisters and its seems to have yellow ***** stuff coming out of it! Its very pink and about the size of a 50c coin! I keep a dressing on it all the time because its contagious but i was wonder how long it will take to heal? Will an oral prescription make it go away quicker?

Someone please help!
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I have ringworm on my forehead and it doesn't itch. The doctor prescribed anti fungal cream, but it dosent show results so i looked up treatments I Saw clear nail polish. I tried last night, but me being impatient I expected to see results right away I did see results but not a drastic change ..... So i tried nail polish twice this morning and when i tried to take it off this morning skin from the ringworm came off ( my ringworm is black with my skin color dots around it. Is that healthy?) Anyway... Skin came off underneath it looked pinkish and reddish so I tried again same thing happened except this time i didnt use my hand to take it off i used a cotton ball with warm water, but skin still came off (sad face). Pinkish red again now im left wondering if that's apart of the healing process?
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I have ringworm on my chest. I've had it for a while a it grew to the size of a quarter. I've been to the drs. And they gave me pills and creme. I apply the creme. Nope doesn't work. Pills i don't know. I've devopled bruises from the rashes ringworm comes with. Scrathing the back on my leg to find another ringworm. I want this gone its spreading. And its been 2 months. Please any help. My body itches
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I don't have ringworm but my cat has it..looks the same and using similar medications. He is receiving oral medication, fungus cream 2 x a day and I have to give him a bath 3 times a week. All 3 combined are helping. It's starts to heal. I was told it takes about 8 to 14 days to clear. I check myself and my other cat too in case we get it.
I suggest continue with the oral medication and cream but also get a medicated shower gel. Check with you doctor.
In addition wash towels and bedding every day. I also use Lysol to spray down everything.
I hope this helps.
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I one got ring worm on my leg when i was around 12 and my healthy vibrant immune system back them made it go away on its own. Last summer some time my back started itching intensely and I thought maybe I'd apply lavender oil and tea tree oil but I think doing this actually spread it I had one small dime sized circle then i had three! I tired so many natural things and creams from walgreens nothing . I finally read something somewhere about pyrithione zinc and I am now using head and shoulders classic clean shampoo only (not 2 in 1) I love the smell and the almost instant relief it brings is amazing especially after I've been sweating or wearing clothes with annoying tags. I use it on my hair and body as a body wash. I first shake the bottle and apply it directly where the spots are as I would a lotion, leave it there for like 10 mins while I wash my other areas and it stops the itching right away. I briefly tried selsum blue and a generic dandruff shampoo I felt like the things were starting to gain momentum again so I went back to head and shoulders and they are drying up it looks kind of grayish. Hope this helps a health guy at a natural shop also mentioned that the fungus feed on sugar so trying to stop eating and drinking overly sugary stuff. I will always continue to use head and shoulders classic clean even after these buggers are gone :)
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I have/had ringworm... I went the doctor and prescribed a pill that I had to take plus some anti fungal cream. This seemed to work but now it has turned all white where the ring is and it doesn't itch. Does this mean it is still active?
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i have a ringwrom on my face, its already like a 50 cents. so i used an antifungal cream. its been 2 weeks and 3 days and the color of the affected area is brown there is no swelling it is not itchy. is it already cure? should i stop using the antifungal cream? another problem is that the color of the affected are, how can i return to my original color? it is very disgusting, it looks like i have a birthmark on my face. please help me :)
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Hi. How was the ringworm now? Did your skin grow back to its original state or it left scars?
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