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I have over 200 flat warts on my face

I have over 200 warts on my forehead and most recently I found them on the side of my face. I have tried castor oil which used to work but they seem to always come back. I have tried aldera cream, which did not work, and effudex cream that did work on most of them but always came back when I stopped the use of it. These warts are starting to come up every where now, on my chest hands, feet, and neck. I am freaking out and am tired of seeing dermatologist that basically tell me lets try this, like they are unsure if it will work and then it ends up costing me hundreds of dollars on something that doesn't work. I have read that they are supposed to go away but I have had mine for 7 years and they are spreading to all different parts of my body not just my face where it orginally started. I am currently pregnant and I was hoping to find out if there is any hope for treatment of this virus, while pregnant or post pregnancy. I have been thinking about maybe seeing an Acupunturist to see if they can help me,what do you think?

This discussion is related to Flat warts on face.
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Hey there am from Africa with the same issue since i was 6 now am 30+years it makes me feel bad, ugly and useless
Kindly members let's help each other for those cured I know you now know the hustle we going through now trying here and there

Am asking can we have a collective voice create a google group or other easiest media we can connect quickly please we need you in this battle
Anyone will my personal email
Now I want to try 5% imiquimod cream I don't know if its effective
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I’ve been battling the buggers since 2001. I assume I got them from my roommate at the time.  She’s the only person I know who had them.  I also have Lupus so I’m already predisposed to catching things with having a crappy immune system.  I had hundreds of flat warts.  On both of my arms, legs, and then they started to show up on my face.  I did a lot of research and found info on Tagamet and Zinc.  I took 1,200mg of Tagamet a day at a dose of  3-200mg tabs 3 times a day along with Zinc 100mg 3 Times a day.  I only did Zinc for a month because I didn’t want to overdose but I continued with the Tagamet for 2 months and all of my warts disappeared.  This was back in May of 2017 and by the end of June I was free from them.  Its now January 2018 and still no flat warts.  I can’t tell you how happy I am to finally be rid of those nasty bastards!   I went to so many doctors over the years and no one helped.  Found this treatment on my own.   Within two weeks of taking the pills my warts went into spontaneous remission.  They got red and swollen then they started to disappear one by one.  I wish I could download photos on here to show how bad they were.  Trust me this is the best cure I’ve come across.  I’ve tried Thuja and Dulcamara and neither did a thing for me.  If you suffer from them like I have give it a try.  It can’t hurt!  Just be careful if you take the Zinc so you don’t overdose.  
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Thank you for sharing.  I am going through the same thing with flat warts on my face and they are spreading quickly.  I have also done a lot of google research about possible treatments for flat warts.  Like you I am taking 1200 mg Tagemet and 440 mg of zinc sulfate for about 10 days and see no improvements at all.  Actually, I found more warts around my eye areas.  (desperate!)  This is impacting my every life so much as I get more and more flat warts on my face.  My doctor prescribed me with Aldara cream and I have bad skin irritation and blisters.  I only apply the cream 2 times a week now – been using it for 2 weeks.  I will give it another 3 weeks to see what happens.  I really don’t know what to expect and will this be over soon!!!???
Is there improveme
not really.  Had more warts on my other body parts now.  
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I tried tuja for 2 weeks .2 tablets 3 times a day sublingual.
I had it all over my forehead nose and scalp.
it pretty much cleared everything up in 2 weeks.
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It failed on me
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Hi,everone.I am from CHINA, I used to suffer from flat warts for about 6 years. First I Tried laser and frozen treatment, twice, but normally 2weeks after the treatment, it started again. And I don't suggest such treatments if your flat warts are on your face. I know that this illness is due to my poor immune system, so it would takes a little time to cure it. Most ointments can only make the virus under control, but not defeat it . I had tried most
treatment including getting injection of interferon, poly-IC,applying ointment to my face, but it never worked. During that time, I always read some posts in bbs, to my surprise, there are really many people who suffer from the same disease as me, and they shared many effective treatments with us. It is necessary that you should take more than one kind of treatment at the same time if you want them to be effective, but  most of them took the Chinese herbal medicine and it really works! I am really happy to say that I have totally got rid of the flat warts now! Chinese herbal medicine aims to strengthen your immune system,so it works! It takes about 3weeks to 3 months, but be patient, and be positive. Being in a good mood really helps you to strengthen your immune system. I also go to the fitness room to do some exercise regularly, I think this could also bulid up a healthy body. I drank the Chinese herbal for 2 month, and now I am cured. I am not sure if your city has Chinese herbalist, but have a try please, my English is poor,but I hope you can get some good treatment as me.
Best regards
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Can you please let us know the combination of herbs that were used in your treatment or the brand name if its sold in capules? Thank you
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How's your warts now?  I am also suffering from them. I just gave birth and breastfeeding my lo . Any safe way to get rid of them? Any suggestions? My self esteem is so low now. I feel ugly!
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If you have flat warts -
1) Zantac 150mg twice a day (this does work, I got rid of a few)
2) wash, wash, wash your hands to help them not spread
3) soak razors in rubbing alcohol at least 15 mins before use. This helps reduce spreading it to other parts of the body
4) don't use the same towel on your face that you use on your body
5) washcloth - only use once and wash
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If you have flat warts -
1) Zantac 150mg twice a day (this does work, I got rid of a few)
2) wash, wash, wash your hands to help them not spread
3) soak razors in rubbing alcohol at least 15 mins before use. This helps reduce spreading it to other parts of the body
4) don't use the same towel on your face that you use on your body
5) washcloth - only use once and wash
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14998741 tn?1437805235
I had warts for 4 years and within last 3 months it spread massively from 10 warts to 200 in my face.I went to a famous dermatologist and he prescribed me Tretinoin 0.05% and Tretiva capsules for one month and advised me never to touch a wart while itching cuz it spreads.Its been a month after application of the cream and all my warts are cleared and my face is as smooth as it was in teen age.
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Wow, I think I should try the Tretinoin 0.05% too.  But I'm not sure about the Tretiva capsules?
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Hello, I have been using Thuja pills since November, 2014. There would be times (weeks) where I would go without it; I would miss a few days here and there and then go strong for about two weeks... but still, it's July, and there has been little to no improvement. Sometimes they would seem to lessen in severity, not go away - but then they would come back full-force. So I have tried really hard to be consistent about it, but it seems when I am, all it does it keep them at bay - not disappear whatsoever. Like, they will be less pinkish, and more skin-color, or they will lessen in size, but they haven't gone away.
I am getting desperate. Do I need to just be really consistent for like - a month or two? I also have used different brands, too - does that make any difference? And what about the pellet strength, like 30C or 8C or whatever? Which one is best? Is there a cream I should be using, also?

It seems like Thuja is working for everyone but me.. or am I just doing it wrong? I feel like eight months is a really long time to be using these things, even though inconsistently. :(

I am getting really discouraged and really just want these things gone. I used to have such clear skin. I have used the ACV toner, tea tree oil, some type of wart remover cream, and the pills... and nothing. Please help.
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i m using thuja occidentials 1000 twice a day 5 drops is it right way to use it?
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i m using thuja ocidentials its work but i got new warts too.
can u tell me better 1?
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i m using thuja ocidentials its work but i got new warts too.
can u tell me better 1?
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hello! you say Idaho potato for your warts. Can I use any other potatoes for my warts? There is no Idaho potato here in our place. Please help! Thanks!
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Flat warts:  I had a thousand of them for years on my forehead, knees & fingers.  I was 13yrs old.  One day,mI declared ar on my warts!  I scrubbed them morning noon and night for about a week.  In addition, I used an antibacterial soap.  I used my very clean fingernails to scrape and scub, and my fury fueled an exquisite result.  I rid myself of warts, AND my bright pink skin eventually healed.  My new skin was clear & baby soft.  I had dimly deprived those warts of oxygen.  I killed them by scaling them away.  My grandmothers had drilled it into my head that warts wee from dirt.  I never wore bangs again, kept my knees out of the dirt, and kept a sparkling clean complexion.  I do not believe the dorms know a thing about warts. Certainly, they would never tell you to go home and start scrubbing!  There's no $$$ in that for them!

I am now 66 years old with beautiful clear skin.
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Hello all,

I had an outbreak of flathead warts when I was 21 plus and they progressively became worse where they were noticeable which knocked my confidence.

As I well know these are irritating to have on your face for numerous reasons and I also went to seek help from a Dr who advised what has already been mentioned in this post however, I have since been moisturizing more often in the day to keep my skin moist rather than leaving it to dry out and since I've been doing this the flathead warts have vanished in under a remarkable time.

What I use is Nivea Creme which comes in a dark blue tub and Nivea Lotion (light Moisturizing & Cleansing).

I use the Nivea Lotion in the morning (apply a generous amount) and rub gently into the skin. Before I go to bed I use the Nivea Creme (apply a generous amount) ensure that where the effected areas are, that you completely cover them in moisture.

Since I noticed that this has made a huge difference to the point where I had scars where the Flathead Warts decided to take residence, since I have been consistently applying moisture, the Flathead Warts and scars have completely vanished.

I hope this works for others as it has for me.
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Hi, my name is Ana and I'm 20. I've had flat facial warts all over my forehead for about 2 and a half years now. Originally I thought they were pimples, but when I saw a dermatologist she said they were flat facial warts. I immediately started searching for ways to treat them (which brought me here) because she basically told me there was nothing she could do. She did suggest freezing and all that but I have sensitive skin and do not want to risk scarring etc for something that will most likely not cure it.

I've been applying Thuja Occidentalis oil to my forehead for a few months now. At times it seems to work, i.e. the warts would get a bit more irritated, then dry up and flake off, but they always come back. And, it makes the skin of my forehead very leathery and flaky and just plain awful looking, so I have sought other methods to help treat that problem as well. It's a stupid cycle and nothing gets fixed.

For those that have taken Thuja Occidentalis in pill form, what exactly is the dosage per week? Also what brand do you recommend? I am very wary of ingesting something when I don't know how it might affect my body and when most doctors might not even know what it is (and my parents are very against it, unfortunately). But I really want to to try, it seems that is all there is left to do! Have any of you ever experienced side effects or an allergic reaction from the pellets? Thank you and please help!!
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I am so glad I found this feed!  I have been battling flat warts on my forehead for over 4 years, starting from a microdermabrasion session where the tools were not properly sanitized.  I have tried everything my dermatologist has recommended (Imiquomid, Tagamet, repeated chemical peels, retin-A, etc.) plus homeopathic remedies (ACV, tea tree oil, castor oil, frankincense oil, banana peels).  So far nothing has worked.  I'm going to try the Thuja occidentalis pills, and hopefully, that will work for me!  I'll keep looking for suggestions from you all and let you know how the tablets work.  For so long, I have felt like I was suffering all alone with this.  Thanks to you all for your suggestions and advice.
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Please try Thuja Occidentalis pellets which you can buy online on amazon. I have had flat warts on my face for over 6 years and they kept multiplying rapidly. Absolutely none of the creams or prescription wills helped in any way and i was going crazy and super self conscious over this and reserving to my last reserve of having them surgically removed and be left with scars. I didn't even care at that point just to get rid of them. And then i stumbled upon a post by another girl recommending Thuja. I drank the pellets twice a day, 3 pellets each time and in 2 months everything, and i mean EVERY little wart was OFF my body and face. They got worse before they went away, but they are all gone!!!!!!! The pellets are super cheap, but this has honestly been the best miracle in my life!!!!
And now i want to go around and spread it to anyone who is in the same boat as i was two months ago
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Try Thuja Occidentalis by Boiron. THey are little homeopathic pellets which you take 3 times a day. I have had over 100 flat warts on my face and they began to spread to other parts of my body. Within a month of taking these pellets, EVERYTHING is gone. Give it a try and be patient
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Hi Julie
I have over 20 flat warts on my chin, eye lid, and by my mouth area for these past 5 years. I went to 3 different dermatologists.  I used all those treatments listed in this website: ACV, duct tape (I gave up this method because I couldn't go out with tape all over my face), tea tree oil (I got really bad burn because it's too strong).  I tried 3 prescription medications, veregen (made from green tea, very effective) but it's very expensive.  My co-pay for this medication is $350 and if your insurance doesn't cover it would be $1000, but this medication caused lots dark red scarring, they didn't fade until 2 years and warts came back again! A shot on the wart called blemycin (left a huge scar but still came back more warts), imiquimod (very effective, but trigger bad allergic reaction) however, flat warts still came back after few months.  Tretinoin made my skin red, dry and peel like crazy, but wart still won't go away.  I also tried different vitamins and herbal medicine, but none of them gave me noticeable result.  After I almost gave up, I saw someone posted online said his facial flat wart were cure by zinc cream (any cream, lotion that have tons of zinc oxide would work!)  So I bought this zinc cream from Amanzon called "margarita zinc cream" .  It's $10 and you can use as concealer.  Someone also use "Redmond clay" with great result.  So I bought a zinc/sulfer soap to wash face, apply zinc cream as concealer under makeup.  At night, I wash my face with zinc/sulfer soap, rinse with water with some ACV.  Apply Redmond clay mud on flat warts on face then go to sleep.  Zinc would dry your face, so make sure you use facial lotion.  All flat warts became bigger, red, dry then just fell off.  No scar...no pain.  Whole process took about 3 weeks.  
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Hi my name is Julie, I am 16 years old and I have about 10 flat warts spaced out all around my nose area. I've been battling with them for at least a year now and I am so self conscious about them it's just unreal. I've been to the dermatologist once now and she froze them. It didn't work at all. They blistered skabbed and then just went back to how they were. So now I'm trying immune boosters and thuja occidentalis. I'm on my 2nd day and I haven't seen barely any results thus far. I keep trying to be optimistic about it but I feel like I'm never gonna get rid of these things. I am so imbarassed by them because honesty who likes having to say I have warts on my face :/ I keep reading about all these experiences about people who had hundreds all over there face and they found cures and they have perfect skin again, so it's hard to be hopeful and patient when I feel like I'm going no where. So if there is anyone who could possibly help me, please reply.
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How's your warts now? Does thuja pellets works for you?
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Hi Sushy32, I have been suffering from both flat and filliform warts on my face for the last four and half years.  I have been to many doctors, dermatologist and homeopaths. I have also used tea-tree oil, organic apple cider vinegar (which always burnt my skin and gave me bad scars)banana peel, vitamin E oil, clove oil, potato, juice of onion, lemon juice, manuka honey. I have taken multivitamins, fish oil, zinc and vitamin A, vitamin C tablets, garlic tablets. However, nothing has worked, instead the warts are growing. I cannot describe how hopeless and helpless I feel as they are in my face. I was thinking about trying acupuncture and I just came across your post today, which gave me some hope. Could you kindly tell me the name of the Chinese herbal shop,and the address please? Thank you very much.
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There is a solution called DCP, get your doctor to write up a script for .5% solution. Chemists will not have it, it has to be made up. This will bring on one of the worst cases of dermatitus you will ever see. However get a script for diprosene as well to bring down the inflammation. This inflammation will be there for up to 3-5 months but it should clear 90-100% of what yoou have. Best of luck
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My son has warts and needs to be burn every week . Could you please tell me which Vitamin boosters you had ?

Thank you very much.

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