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Red spot on penile glands! Please Respond!

Hello Doctor,  first of all, this has been a long term problem for me. I have had this red spot on the right side of my penis glads for about 6 years. It just developed one day, I never was really worried about it because at first it didn't itch or burn or cause me any type of problem. About 2 years ago however, I noticed a red pimple like thing on the side of my penis and I popped. Nothing really came out except some clear liquid. It didn't really hurt. The next day I woke up and found that the bumps had spread. The tip of my penis to the glands itched and burned. This lasted for about a week and I couldn't stand it anymore so I went to see the doctor. I was examined and was told that it could be genital herpes. An appointment was set up for me to be tested for herpes and all of the other common types of stds. I was sent to a clinic to be tested, was examined by a doctor there and told that it was not herpes and didn't look anything like an std at all. They tested me anyway by taking a culture as well as test for all of the other stds. A week later, I was told that all of those test were negative. I went back to my doctor with the results and they told me it was probably a yeast infection. I was treated for that with some anti fungal cream. It helped alot but as soon as the treatment was done, it was still there. Not nearly as bad but there none the less. I went back 4 more times to the doctor and was told it was swollen blood veins and given a cream to take the redness away. It helped a little but still the problem is still there. I have seen a urologist who has assured me it isn't an std but a skin irritation. was given another cream but still the same thing. It itches and burns all of the time but especially after sexual intercourse or any type of sexual activity that involves my penis. Another symptom of this is, I've noticed white discolorations on the tip of my penis and the opening of the penis is often swollen with one small white pimple or bump. I have lived with this for 2 years now and I can't take it anymore. What could this be? What can I do to get rid of it? It has really caused me much emotionally stress and pain. Please doctor, what could this be and how could I get rid of it? I am 26 years old and white if that makes any difference.
5 Responses
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563773 tn?1374246539

I am not sure but photograps are allowed as per the specific rules and regulations of the forums. Unfortunately I not aware of the procedure. Regards.
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Hello, thank you for your quick reply. I have sought medical help from my family doctor as well as a urologist. In fact I have been so many times, they told me I'm taking it to far and its not really that serious. I know if I go back I will hear the same thing so I was wondering, may I submit a photo to you. Is that aloud? If so could it possibly help you to better understand what may be affecting me. Please let me know. Thank you.
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563773 tn?1374246539
Since the bumps are white and flat topped, so the possibility of lichen planus needs to be ruled out. Lichen planus is an inflammatory disease that affects the skin and the oral mucosa, and presents itself in the form of papules (flat spots) or rashes. Treatment is available only on prescription and consists mainly of steroids, retinoids, hydroquinone and phototherapy. My sincere advice would be to consult a doctor.

I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and regards.

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Ok, so as  I said before, I was tested for std's, once all the test came back negative, I was prescribed an anti - fungal cream, which helped a lot but did not get rid of it. I was then prescribed some type of steroid cream, it didn't help at all, I went back to see a urologist and he prescribed me clobetasol propionate usp, 0.05% cream. I was told to use it whenever the problem was worse. I've been using it for at least 8 months now, only when it gets bad. Still though it will not make it go away. What more can I do? Lately it seems to be getting even worse. Especially at the tip of the penis on the opening. It is swollen, has his flat raised white colored bumps right below the opening on the underside of the penis. It itches and stings. The red spot on my penis glads is red colored and stays red for a while and then lightens up then turns red again from day to day. I have also noticed, lately that on the penis head, the skin turns brown in spots, also has white spots and some red. I feel like a freak. Any other advise would be well appreciated.
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563773 tn?1374246539
Since the STD tests have come out all clear, so it looks like some benign skin growth or continuous irritation of the skin. The exact diagnosis can be made by biopsy skin and hence I would suggest you to get it done. Till that time, you can apply some calamine lotion at the rash as it will help in soothing the skin. Also wear cotton undergarments. Application of mild corticosteroid cream and oral antiinflammatories like ibuprofen/acetaminophen are also helpful. If the symptoms are severe then it will be best to consult a dermatologist.

It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your dermatologist. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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