928257 tn?1296673492

Feline Scabies

This past week I was given the duty of caring for three 4-5 month old kittens by my boss. When I took them to the vet, I found out that amongst the obvious (with the crusty skin, ears, bloated bellies, missing hair, etc.) they have scabies. I used gloves to handle them and did my best not to put them next to me, but it didn't save me. I have the telling red bumps all over my stomach and chest area that itch like crazy. I know this is the feline scabies. I've read all over the internet that this is a temporary condition because animal scabies and human scabies are different and one cannot survive on the other. Also, I've read that there is no treatment needed for feline scabies on a human, mainly for that reason.

I want to confirm that this is indeed the truth and that I shouldn't go running to my doctor just yet.

Needless to say, I'm no longer caring for these kittens since I quit my job yesterday. (Not because of this.) Please help! I'm hoping you can ease my mind.
Best Answer
563773 tn?1374246539
It is true that feline scabies is a self limiting condition and it goes away on its own. Take some antihistaminic like Benadryl and apply some calamine lotion on the itchy sites. if the symptoms persist then please get an evaluation done by a dermatologist.

I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.
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928257 tn?1296673492
Thank you so much! That confirms what I've been doing. I use Benadryl and Caladryl. Wash my bed linens and clothes daily using my regular detergent and adding Borax. I also purchased sulphur soap that I soaped up with every night and left on for ten minutes each time, as well as sulphur cream that I used for spot treatment. I'd read on the internet that the mites hate sulphur. I don't know if that's true, but since the soap has so many uses, I figured it couldn't hurt. I'm in the third week of the "itchies" and it's much better than when it started. In fact, they're nearly gone. Another precaution I took was to keep my cat away from me while they seemed to be active. I would've been pretty upset if I caused him to get these things! Your answer confirmed what I've been reading and I want to thank you for putting my mind at ease!
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