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tiny itchy blisters on arms & legs

Shamefully, for almost 8 years I have been getting very small itchy blisters on various spots on my arms and legs.  The small blisters develop and immediately itch intensely, which is how I know they're there.  They have a clear fluid inside, with no puss.  When I scratch them in my sleep or when they break, they often weep a little  amber colored liquid.  Also, when I scratch them, more tiny blisters will develop around the original blister, signifying an infection.  These broken blisters often leave  (little open sores) which can be difficult and slow to heal.  These outbreaks seem to come in waves, as I'll often go weeks or even a month or two without a sign of blisters, itching, or infection.  I have never had any white puss or swelling redness around these troublesome blisters/vesicles, which isn't like any normal skin infection I've ever had before.  Can anyone help me diagnosis this problem please?
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I have had eruptions come and go but have had full blown attacks 3 times the 2nd one was the worst event because it NEVER let up for over 6 months! I saw every kind of specialist, endocrinologist, to internist, to infectious diseases, and several dermatologists...all took "pieces" of me which have been sent to Bethesda, Cedars Sinai, UCLA Med, even Canada!! NO ONE seemed to really be able to diagnose these little, miserable, burning water blisters that once popped turned itchy and made my skin literally feel as if on fire! That is until a "guest physician" to Kaiser's dermatological dept. saw it and recognized it...even had a name for it....which sadly, in the process of a very messy divorce my ex threw out ALL these accumulation of records. The ONLY relief I got which lasted up until a few short months ago was UVA light treatment. He said it is caused by a  microscopic parasite found in tropical places can lay dormant for years and come out with stress and/or pre/post menopause!
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I have had eruptions come and go but have had full blown attacks 3 times the 2nd one was the worst event because it NEVER let up for over 6 months! I saw every kind of specialist, endocrinologist, to internist, to infectious diseases, and several dermatologists...all took "pieces" of me which have been sent to Bethesda, Cedars Sinai, UCLA Med, even Canada!! NO ONE seemed to really be able to diagnose these little, miserable, burning water blisters that once popped turned itchy and made my skin literally feel as if on fire! That is until a "guest physician" to Kaiser's dermatological dept. saw it and recognized it...even had a name for it....which sadly, in the process of a very messy divorce my ex threw out ALL these accumulation of records. The ONLY relief I got which lasted up until a few short months ago was UVA light treatment. He said it is caused by a  microscopic parasite found in tropical places can lay dormant for years and come out with stress and/or pre/post menopause!
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What’s it called
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I went to school for cosmetology and worked in a dermatologists office for a while. This is typically folliculitis. It can spread if you scratch and it will infect other hair follicles nearby.
Dry skin can make it worse. There are a lot of at home treatments if you can't see a dermatologist and sometimes a good pcp can diagnose this. Google the word folliculits, and see if your symptoms are the same and look at some images of slight, moderate and extreme folliculitis this might help. There are numerous causes for ex. Using certain shampoos for hair thickening, tight clothing, or sitting or resting skin on something for prolonged period of time (that's where bumps would usually show). This condition is caused by blocked/hair follicles causing excess sebum(oil) or sweat  getting trapped inside.
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No actual solution to this or no definite information as to what causes these little bumps that cause so much trouble.. but thought I would chip in info on what I have noticed. I eat a healthy clean vegan diet and I notice that I tend to get these little itchy bumps when I eat more unhealthy foods. Like if I drink too much alcohol or even take pain killers too much oil fried food sugar etc etc.. I know theres a lot of false information out there (particularly about alkaline and acid forming foods) but I believe everyone should know their own body and all that but try eating lots of greens coconut water and just more water in general and see if they calm down or go away.. ? Cause that seems to be a cure for me.
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Been having the small pimples with clear liquid that itch for about 1.5 years. Started only on my feet and ankles the first few times. They come for a couple weeks and go for a few weeks to months sometimes. They are not plenty, about 1 every few hours. The big thing I noticed is that they come almost in pairs; if I got one on the top of the left foot, soon after I would get one on top of the right foot in almost the same spot. They are generally quite small. With each episode they would go a bit higher on the legs, just above the knees, and started on my arms below the elbow. Same thing on the arms, get one on the right, and soon after in the same spot on the left. The second thing I noticed is they would appear above a vein. It was clear to see this on the feet, ankles and wrists. 99% of the time it was like this. This recent episode has lasted a bit longer and for the first time they went above the knees and elbows. And for the first time in these new areas they did not appear in pairs on both sides of the body. In the last two days they have calmed a bit but two on my left arm are not healing quickly and one is infected (looks like a sting with bubbled skin around it, around half inch in diameter). I've been to the doctor the first time it happened. I got the standard "maybe bug bites, poison from walking in fields..." even though I told them I am the only one in the family with it and they apear in pairs. Got the typical cortizone cream that does nothing. I'll likely go back to the clinic Saturday to get something for the infected one. I bet they'll just think it is a bug bite. I'm losing hope that we will figure this out.
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wow. this sounds dead on to whats going on w me...
Same here.  First time I have ever seen a description that is so similar.  I have been able to determine that sunlight and (sadly) beer both make it worse.
Beer contains yeast so the yeast in it could be adding to the problem.  
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I also have itchy spots that turn into blisters. They did biopsies on my legs about 10 years ago when I broke out from head to toe for a year to the day. Antihistamines and steroids I was given until I ballooned up and could not walk. I was told it was a highly allergic reaction to something, but they could not figure out what. I could not go out in the sun. Do anything. I was on a sedative at night that did not help me sleep. A year later I woke up and it was gone like it never happened. I have not had a problem until three months ago and I have them back on the bottom of my feet, ankles and my wrists. All I can think is please, not again. The itching is horrific.
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I've had the shingles Fr two weeks first rash now blisters now blisters are gone but their or lesions that is clearing up but itching if I scratch it will the blisters come back or will it continue to heal
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The exact thing happened to me! I went to the Virgin Islands a few years ago and went swimming in the ocean. That night my lower legs became very itchy. I woke up with a horrid rash on both my lower legs that itched to no end. I tried everything to get rid of it and nothing brought relief. The itching was unbearable! I was also convinced I brought home some kind of foreign illness. But no doctor could tell me what it was or how I got it. It took over a month to go away. I still have scars from where the bumps were. I was shocked to see someone else experienced this as well! Swimmers itch would make sense, and that it was caused by some kind of bacteria.
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Heaven help us! First week of July I went to the virgin islands, went swimming in the ocean on the first day and on second day had a small patch of red, irritated, bump like areas to right inner wrist.  Didn't pay much attention to because I have very sensitive skin and the smallest thing makes it itch and it then becomes red and swollen.  This was the only issue I had for the entire week I was there and there was plenty of swimming.  The day after returning ( 2 months ago) I found myself itching the hell out of my lower legs, and noticed straight lines of blisters, and then the fun began!  Mine start as a small red bump that appears to be a tiny white head which of coarse itches and within a day or 2 it becomes a small blister which itches even more.  Then  once you itch it, and break the blister, it spreads the liquid from the blister causing more which makes this so fun, haha. I was sure I had brought home some weird contagious disease.  It took a month for those few areas I had to go away and that was with babysitting them and making sure I didn't itch them.  But as soon as one patch healed I would find another patch or one or two more blisters somewhere else. Now have scars from the ones that have healed.  I have freaked myself out panicking about scabies and bed bugs and herpes and etc.  My brother informed me that it was probably from the mango tree because it has sumac which is the same liquid in poison ivy, but treatment for that didn't help.  I treated these patches with everything from rubbing alcohol, vinegar, poison ivy remedies, oatmeal, hydrocortisone creams and blah, blah, blah.  I also don't have a lot of stress, no kids, house is paid for, like my job.  Really, no stress.  Also did not and don't spend a great deal of time in sun due to sensitive skin and if I do I wear high spf rated sun screen. Had a biopsy done, no results yet.  Mine are primarily on my lower legs but have an occasional one or two somewhere else on the body.  The only thing that has helped me with my itching is anti-fungal cream like Tinactin and ice for itching.  My dermatologist also prescribed me something called Atarax but you have to take at night because it makes you sleepy but it allows sleep.  But I just came across a possible cause for some that is called swimmer's itch.  It can be from oceans, lakes and pools.  Type of parasite, but according to web-sites, it only lasts for a couple of weeks.  Many different types of rashes and infections related to swimming but I am not certain of anything at this point.  I pray for all of us that there is someone out there that might have an idea or even and glimpse of hope for this insanity. Thanks for reading
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  Oh, and dust. Dust swirls around the electrically charged laptop. It sticks to whatever it finds, like the tv screen attracting dust. Same thing. It gets into the heat-opened pores on your body and clogs 'em up. Then when you sweat, little blisters form. It basic heat rash stuff, aggravated by dust. Vacuum your immediate environment to within an inch of it's life. You might find that helps. And do a quick rinse off of the dust from your body in your shower before you go to bed. Clean sheets every week. It's working for me finally.
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I have been reading all of these sufferer's symptoms. Most symptoms I have, some I don't. For six months I have tried to figure out what causes these blisters on arms legs and torso. I started by eliminating all the things I love to eat. That didn't work. I put lotions on, rubbed salt into the wounds (which kinda helped), and finally saw a dermatologist who treated the symptoms. That gave me some relief. But it kept coming back. Then a PA suggested that it wasn't what I was putting in my body, or touching with my skin, maybe it was something that I wasn't doing, like getting enough vitamin D, or enough protein. Yeah. That didn't work. So maybe it was something I was DOING.  Well, I know what I was doing, all the time (I'm retired), from the get-go.  I was playing World of Warcraft on my laptop for at least 12 hours a day. That little computer really heats up while I am busy fighting monsters, it get's so hot I can't touch the keys.  It rested on my lap.  Under the clothes, I'm hot and sweating. And breaking out in little blisters.  I don't know if there is a name for it, so I'm gonna call it "laptop itch."  It's an elaborate heat rash reserved specially for those of us who like to battle the Horde on laptops. I had to move the computer to a table top and restrict my playing to 2 or 3 hours a day. Real life has returned to normal.
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ok, back from the dermatologists. Actually I saw the PA, but I was happy to get an appt on short notice. She thinks it's either poison ivy or contact dermatitis with an allergic reaction. It's not shingles or other herpes rash. I really don't think it's PI. I did get an antibiotic and steroid ointment to put on it. It's almost over in some spots, but the spot on my thigh is very inflamed and looks like it might ooze. She thinks I have a secondary bacterial infection on that spot, which is why I need the antibiotic ointment.
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I've had this twice now. I've also had shingles, but this is not shingles. But it has a similar cause. Herpes. Shingles is caused by the Herpes Zoster virus (chicken pox). This rash is caused by Herpes Simplex 1. 90% of people have this virus, most get it as a child. However, just like with shingles, the virus stays with you dormant until something brings it out. It can be stress, illness, immune issues, or sunlight exposure.

My first outbreak was last year and at first I thought that it was contact dermatitis from a headband I wore. But It then popped up all over the place and lasted for weeks. Now I have another outbreak that started after I was out all day in the sun. I have it on the inside of my elbow and forearm, on the to of my thigh and at my waist. I do think that it also has a contact element where irritation can bring it out.

I'm going to try some over the counter herpes ointments and also take Lysine to see if that helps. If can, I will go to the dermatologist to confirm.
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I just read that when you have Nickel sensitivity that you need to avoid all the foods that have nickel and there are a lot of really healthy foods that have nickel~ like spinach and kale!! OMG!  I am going to experiment with foods before I stop altogether, kale is hard to let go of and I've been eating it for a long time with no problem, but maybe bc i ate so much pineapple i have made myself sensitive to everything that has it.  So i can give up pineapple but kale will be very hard to do and spinach too.  Look up the list of foods that have nickel.  I also took a bath in dead sea salts which have nickel chromium and cobalt all which cause dishydrosis (blistering skin rash on hands and other places) so that may have kicked it all off and then the foods just aggravate it.
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I Thank you for your post as this is exactly what I have been going through. The Dermatologist think that I have Porphyria cutanea tarda. Sun sensitive most definitely. My outbreaks seem to happen 3 to 5 days after being exposed to sun. I also get sores in my nose and then on my lip.
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My outbreak always happens 3-4 days after excess sunlight too.  I tested negative for porphyria cutanea, but it was discovered I had hypothyroidism.  I started on synthroid and it helped some symptoms (less itchy, smaller bumps) but they were still there.  I also had a vitamin D deficiency which I assume you might also have since I was hiding from the sun for 6 years from when it all started.  The majority of my rash happens on hands, front and back, sometimes on my forearm and the worst outbreaks I have had made it to the sides of my face and a blister or two on my lips.  I have no cure for mine, I just take a daily claratin, synthroid, and now Vitamins D, C, E, and probiotics.  Taking all that alleviated my symptoms by 90% but the outbreaks still occur... but they are much more manageable now.  Best I can tell is I have some sort of autoimmune disease which is caused by anything that causes oxidative stress i.e. excess sunlight, excess alcohol, excess psychological stress... I just try to stay away from the "excess" part and I can now live my life without wanting to end it.  Best of luck, I hope some of my notes make something click in your own problems and lead you to the right doctors and medicines.
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I have been dealing with this as well for about 3 years( give or take) I did find some thing that has worked for me. It is healing and going away. It has been about 2 days and it feels much better.
It is all natural cream. If you are still having issues email me at
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  any good diagnosis for anyone?  I suffer from the same thing, randomly at different times for no reason.. mine seem to start when mosquito bites are apparent, but new tiny scratches which turn into sores, scabs, burning itching appear even when I have no new bites from mosquitos.   thank you
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  any good diagnosis for anyone?  I suffer from the same thing, randomly at different times for no reason.. mine seem to start when mosquito bites are apparent, but new tiny scratches which turn into sores, scabs, burning itching appear even when I have no new bites from mosquitos.   thank you
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Hi, I am a fellow sufferer and really enjoyed what you wrote.  Thank you very much for sharing your findings.  I suddenly came down with the same affliction in Jun 2014 and have been told by my doctor that it's stress related.  I only have sensitive skin, never had eczema although I suffer from mild asthma.  

Unfortunately for me, new tiny blisters keep coming up where the old patches have more or less healed so I have yet to have blister-free days since this problem started.

Best regards
Lily from Singapore
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I have had this twice now. I'm literally going crazy with the itching. It started on my hands, feet, and the back of my neck in the hair line. Then it moved to arms and torso both times. I too went to the doctor and was prescribed prednisone but it didn't help and the medicine made me miserable as well. I have used Cortisone creams and sprays, Sarna lotion and prescribe cream but nothing helps.The first time I also had sores in my nose but didn't think they were related chalking it up to sinuses or allergies. This second time I had the same thing but not as bad as the first but it actually happened a few days before the rash broke out, so now I'm beginning to think they are somehow related. Has anybody else had any issues with their noses? I'm wondering if I'm not breathing in something that is triggering it? Also, the only thing that I have found to give me some temporary relief both times is Gold Bond Medicated Powder and Claritin (taken for several days).
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they are from chiggers, they inject you when bitten to eat skin then they become really itchy, some blister, some scab and there are holes, some can get infected.
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I have found the cure after trying everything....

Triamcilone acetonide.

You can get it OTC in Nasacort nasal spray. Just spray you know where a few times in the evening (when it itched the most fir me). Five days later and everything is gone. Like a miracle.
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my blisters are about the size of a pimple and water filled like a burn and itch like hell I normally scratch them till they bleed which relieves the itching a bit but not altogether I once asked my doctor what this was and he said it was dry skin funniest looking dry skin iv ever seen so I havnt bothered 4 about 6yrs but I would love for them to go away x
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A couple weeks ago my hand itched really bad in one area, but there was nothing there. I woke up the next morning and there was about 6 blisters in one area, the place where it itched and burned the day before. 5 days after it popped up, it was all one huge blister and I went to the dr and they told me it was some kind of insect bite which was wrong. They give me bactrim and it did nothing...my hand got worse. That was two weeks ago, 3 nights ago, 4 more little blisters popped up in the same area and were there when I woke up the next morning. Then the next night another blister came up. I went back to a different dr today who said she thinks it is a viral infection like shingles but I've never in my life had chicken pocs...can someone please help me out!!!!
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