274158 tn?1276347187


I just have to vent. I am so tired of reading these awful posts of dog owners who think its okay to own a dog, watch it suffer, then get mad at us for telling them their dog needs vet care. I have not been reading posts lately because it seems that every post says "my dog is sick/dying and I can't afford to go to the vet. Ugh! Dogs are like kids, **** happens and when it does you need to get medical attention. Dogs can't talk and soley depend on their owners for help. If you can't afford an animal-don't get one until you can. If you already have one, surrender it to someone who will take care of it. It is abuse when you sit and watch your dog suffer and not do anything about it! There are ways if your broke. Payment options (if your vet won't do it-find one who will), care credit, credit cards, sell something!!! Anything, jeez, I can't stand reading about people who say I can't afford it and then get mad at us for telling them they should go to the vet. It makes me so sad that these dogs have to suffer. Come on-if your dog is not eating, lethargic, vomiting blood, tail falling off-whatever, take them to the vet!
19 Responses
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675347 tn?1365460645
Yes a dog or cat is a creature with a soul, not some stuffed toy there for amusement. It's a good thing to plan ahead when we have a dog. I do put my dog first really. Make sure there is some financial arrangement in place, either insurance, savings, or charitable help, for the times when she will get sick....it will definitely, someday or other, happen.
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942557 tn?1272694819
I just wanted to say that it is so nice to see that there are so many people out there that love there furbabies the way all of you do.So many people dont realize that they are a lifelong commitment.I love all my furbabies and i make sure that they are all well taking care of.People get so amused with how cute a puppy or kitten is and dont stop and think that that they will grow up and all the care that it will require and when all the cuteness goes away then they lose interest.That is so wrong.Then you have those who wont get proper vetinarian care for there babies  if they cant afford there shots then they wont be able to pay for whatever they get sick from either or whatever else that may happen.
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646410 tn?1247251853
I have taken to skimming these posts because I can't bear to think about what these poor animals are suffering. I'll admit that I hadn't thought of the owners' perspective. All I know is that my pets are my world. I'm lucky enough that afford to insure my pets. I have one chronically (intermittently) ill cat whose only treatment given by vets is mixing fiber into his food & making sure he has water. I continue to clean up his accidents, mixing his food, giving him baths & taking him to the vet when he seems dehydrated because I love him. When I was a kid, my stepfather got fed up with our cat who always threw up his food & made me go with him to take the cat to the pound where I knew, even @ that age, that the cat was too old to get adopted & that he'd probably get put down. I swore I'd take care of my pets & never give up on them until their suffering is too great. It takes $ & patience. They're worth it.
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460185 tn?1326077772
The story about the kitten having its head bashed in and people watching him/her made me want to bash their heads in.  There are some twisted individuals out there.

A few years ago, there was a "trend" in Toronto to tie rotties to the back of a car and force the rottie to run behind the car.  They ended up being dragged along the street and even the highway.  How do people think of these things?

Maybe only the bad things get publicized while responsible pet owners aren't "news".

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648910 tn?1290663083
You said it so well.  I have 10 dogs, resues, strays, and shelter dogs, all abused with their own set of problems and all very much loved.  One of these dogs is a wheaton terrier, he was scheduled to be euthanized on Thurs.  I found him on Tues.  In 2007 I did a scrapbook page about him.  This is what I wrote:

Mr. Max, February 2007

I love this dog.  He lives with such joy.  Everything is an adventure. He sees no evil.  He holds no grudges.  If only I were more like him.

So yes I totally relate and I believe the world would be a better place if we were all more like our dogs.

Save one until there are none.
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I, too, am horrified by what I have read about people not taking care of their pets.  It is shocking and I cannot understand how people can be so heartless sometimes.  

However, I think we need to be more like our pets when we respond to people that post horror stories.

I just adopted a 5 yr old cruelty rescue dog.  He was abondoned and chained outside.  No food, no water.  I don't know how long he was left like this, but I know when he got to the shelter he was emeciated, had mange, is heartworm positive.  I have found several scars on him.  He is very skittish, jumpy and fearful.  He is afraid of the hair dryer, the remote control, any loud noise.  I cannot imagine what he has been through.

In spite of all of this, he desperately wanted a person.  You could see it.  It has only been one week since I got him, but he clearly has forgiven humans.  He wags his tail when he sees me.  He comes to me for petting and loving.  He is curious and friendly to people he meets when we go walking.  When he is frightened, he comes and leans on me for assurance.

He is a lesson in forgiveness, loving kindness and hope.  I hope I can be more like my dog.
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335728 tn?1331414412
I took my puppy to the vet for her first shots and a check up which by the way came out great and she has a clean bill of health.  While there I noticed a beautiful Cocker Spaniel behind the counter and he jumped on the chair with his right front paw because...he HAD NO LEFT LEG!!  I asked the assistant what had happened and who owns the dog.  She stated that on Halloween a man and his 13 year old daughter came in with the dog and the man stated that he wanted the dog put down because it had been hit by a car.  They took the dog into the back and did an exam on him an decided the leg needed to be amputated but otherwise the dog was healthy  When they explained this to the man with his daugher in her Halloween costume standing next to him he stated that "I told you to put the da** dog down or I will take it and run over it again with my car!  I can't afford what you thieves charge and I am not going to pay for any of it!"  At that the vet asked that he sign over ownership of the dog to the clinic then and they would take all responsibility and he agreed (thank goodness).  They amputated the leg and the dog was up and running in the halls with his 3 legs like nothing happened 3 hours after the surgery and he has not stopped since!!!  He is really a gorgeous dog and would make someone a lovely pet.  After hearing all of this I asked simply if there were any way that they could have put down the man instead of the dog and put everyone out of his misery and they said they wished they could!  I can't imagine what lasting trauma his daughter will have from this experience but at least the dog is fine and at the very least the man did bring in the dog to be looked after... I am sure he could have done much worse!

p.s. sometimes people do have hardships that come along like illness and it is totally unexpected and then if the pet gets ill they are unable to care for it...I don't think putting all people that can't "afford" (either monetarily,physically or mentally) to care for their pets into selfish or uncaring category...yes s*** happens and if you were not able to care for your kids they would go to social services...there is no social services for pets.  If they truly were uncaring they wouldn't be on here, desperate for answers and I don't think it is up to us to pass judgement.  
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143123 tn?1274300825
Well put!  I feel the same way!  Dogs are like children, and in some instances are your children, and if they get sick, then you take care of them, no matter what.  Just like you would your child.  And at my vet they offer financing for people that can't just write a check for their vet health care.
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The worst I read was about the kitten who had his head smashed in the door.   I still think about it most days.  These people were watching the kitten with severe damage.  I couldnt reply because I couldnt have been polite!

But lets face it there are people who neglect their kids as well.
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127124 tn?1326735435
We spent $1200 trying to save a rescued dog. We only had him for 2 months before the vet said enough and we needed to put him down.   Did we have the money?  NO.  It took all of our savings but we had made a commitment to care for him and that's exactly what we did.   I understand things come up and situations change but then people can relinquish the dog if it needs treatment that you can't pay for.  It's not about YOU it's about the animal.  
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172023 tn?1334672284
We've probably spent well over $15K on our dogs in the past 10 years.  You do what you have to do.  If you can't afford it, you don't have a pet.  Thats very simple.
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Amen to that.
My neighbors just got rid of their dog because his medicine cost them $22 a month. $22 a MONTH!!! It makes me furious. I would have given my own blood to fix my dog, but it was just his time. It's not fair at all. I would have done anything for that boy.  

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I agree, but not always can you find someone to take a sick pet. Take them to the pound and they may get put down. My family never had problems with paying vet bills till now. Thats after already spending $1700 in vet bills in the past three months and still no cure. The only reason is the tough times and the diagnoses and treatments of my child suffering from a brain tumor. So let me take away my child pet at this time. I hope to think everybody loves there pets and you are not ones to judge. Over years life changes.
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274158 tn?1276347187
That is so wonderful!!! I know many of us here on this forum are pet lovers.......I love to hear from people who do care! Good for you for putting aside money every month for insurance. Times are tough and I know money is scarce now-so I am so happy to hear that your doing such a great thing. I am not rich-far from it, but I would do anything for my dogs. I wish everyone who owned pets thought like us, but unfortunately we have to hear about very sad dogs whose owners think its okay not to take them to a vet. Its not even that they don't want to take them to the vet-they just say they can't afford it. You know how many times my family & I ate ramen noodles & sandwiches for dinner during those tough times??? But we would do it again if I had too.....
***Thanks everyone for listening to me vent!!!
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127124 tn?1326735435
Nice to know I'm not the only one that feels this way.
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460185 tn?1326077772
I know what you mean but not all of us are like that.  We have three cats and four dogs and very little money.  One thing we do have is pet insurance.  It's worth the $120/mth to have insurance for them.  We don't have much money but we love our pets too much to let them suffer.  They are family members.  I wouldn't sit around and watch my kids suffer from something without doing something about it - the same is true for our pets.

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82861 tn?1333453911
I totally agree.  Some days I wonder why I even bother...  :-(
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605458 tn?1539228808
It is frustrating, and sad.
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462827 tn?1333168952
Thank you Fourpaws...Earlier today I too, wanted to Vent...I even told myself that maybe I should leave this forum as it's hard for me to take....I do like helping people (And creatures) when I can, but I'm not sure it's worth it. Thank you for saying the things that I was thinking......I'm glad to know that it's not just me.........Karla
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