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441382 tn?1452810569

Time For Some Fun!

Our community has had a very sad week, with three members losing beloved canine companions.  We need something to boost our spirits!  

What is the funniest thing that your dog or dogs have ever done?  Don't leave out any details, we need the giggles!

I'll start.  My dog is a purebred rough Collie.  She is sable in color, she looks exactly like Lassie.  Very regal, very pretty, but that's just a front.  She's actually a first-class goofball!

One day when she was about a year old she was out in the back yard.  We had a carport attached to our old house, and rather than park the car in there I had it set up like an outdoor room.  We had comfy chairs out there and all my beautiful plants and a picnic table and our grill.  A little white picket fence separated the "room" from the yard itself.  I loved my old house.  DH, one of our friends, and I were hanging out in our outdoor room, we had dinner on the grill, and Kate was busying herself by my garden.  Something had her attention and she just wasn't going to give up until she got it.  

DH walked over to make sure it wasn't a snake because we have several different types of poisonous snakes around here, and after a couple of minutes of watching the spot that had Kate's attention he saw what she was after.  It was a mole.  At that point he let her just do what she was doing and he came back to the picnic table.

I don't know if you have ever seen the nature shows of foxes hunting for food in the snow, how they kind of rear up and pounce on it with their front paws, but suddenly, that's exactly what Kate did!  DH, our company and I sat and watched her, she finally had her mole!  I guess she figured that if she was going to be at our picnic that it was only proper of her to bring something to contribute, so she started trotting across the yard with the mole in her mouth.  It was still alive and it was quite upset, apparently, because we were sitting about 20-25 feet away from the garden and could easily hear a loud "EEE" with every step.  She was trotting, so we heard "EEE-EEE-EEE-EEE-EEE-EEE-EEE" when suddenly, fairy feet Kate tripped over the garden hose and when she stepped down, she must have stepped hard and her jaws closed with a clack and suddenly there was no more "EEE-EEE-EEE-ing".  She stopped and looked at us, obviously very embarassed, because that loooong collie nose was pointing downward and she was cutting her eyes upward to see us, it was so funny to see her face!  She slowly spit out the now-defunct mole and came over and lay down by my feet.  It was like she was saying "Hey, I am SO SORRY that I killed the appetizer!"  I told her she was a good girl anyway, I knew she had tried.   :D

18 Responses
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675347 tn?1365460645
The first time Misty saw her reflection in a mirror, she growled and barked, threw herself at the little mirror (which fell over) then looked back at me to say "look! I killed it!"
Now she looks at herself in the mirror and looks back at me as if to say "Switch the channel! This is SO boring!"
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Too bad you didn't have a camera!  Funny.  That reminds me of the first time our Great Pyrenees pup stepped into a puddle- he thought his legs had disappeared. He kept staring down at them and then back at us as if he was frozen into the water and couldn't move.  When we encouraged him to come on he patted at the water in front of him to test out the footing ahead, but he just wouldn't budge from that spot- too scared to move! We had to go snatch him up out of that big bad puddle.
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675347 tn?1365460645
The story about Job and the gopher reminds me of "Alien".....(brrrr!!) What a greedy doggy -to swallow a gopher whole! What does he think he is? A crocodile?

About water....when I had my Jack Russell, Toby, we were out walking in a field. He was running, as usual, about 25 miles per hour. Suddenly there was a yelp, a splash!....and Toby was running back to me covered in green weed, looking shocked! I laughed when I saw what had happened. There was a pond which was totally covered with green weed, so it looked like very short grass. He'd run on it thinking it was 'field', but it was really water!
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Here's a baby Chesapeake story.  When she was just a tiny pup she fell off a dock into really cold water.  (We were right there)  She paddled to the surface with her little bright blue eyes wide open in the water, and I snatched her out-  we both carried on about what a good girl she was- really made a loud excited fuss about how pleased we were with her.  From that day forward, this dog has loved to splash into the water- her greatest joy in life- loves the splash, loves to swim  Shortly after the dock incident, we went camping in the mountains by a creek.  We woke up in the middle of the night after hearing a big splash sound every few minutes.  It was our little teeny pup, running and then jumping into the water with a splash, over and over again.  (In the middle of the night, in the dark!!!)  What a girl!
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Here's one from my old dog- his name was Job.  He was a dogs dog. (Great Pyrenees mix).  We had some neighbors over-  our friend Ron reached down to pet Job, and recoiled because something was not right.  Job had a live gopher in his mouth, (tail down his throat, gopher face biting at my neighbors hand from inside Job's open mouth.  Ronny shouted, and Job chomped down the gopher whole.  

Our whole neighborhood, 5 households (we lived in the country) had waterbowls set out for Job.  Job would do "rounds" in which he stopped and visited each neighbor several times a day.  He would almost always leave a momento if the neighbor wasn't home.  Ronny said he could always tell how many times Job had been there by counting the clumps of dirt, or  rocks, or feathers Job had deposited at the door.
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675347 tn?1365460645
No, she was after your credit card .....guess why? To buy more milk bones! She ain't stupid!
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Another one.  Took my dog to the Vet the other day. She was beside herself/did NOT want to be there.  I had put my purse on the seat and then sat down in front of it, (the purse sitting between my back and the seat).  Don't know why I did that.  My dog used her nose to push the purse out from behind me onto the floor, and then came around and pushed it to the door.  She repeated this 2 times. She was trying to tell me she wanted to go, urgently.  (She never did anything like that before- apparently connected my purse to leaving in the car)
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675347 tn?1365460645
Aha!! There is no such thing as a sweet doggie! They are all in it for the milk bones!

That was so funny. I am laughing out loud at a ridiculous time in the morning!!
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One weekend my husband went on a fishing trip, so I couldn't sleep that night.  I tried to sleep on the couch in the living room, same room where my dog sleeps.  I had just bought a big box of milkbones from Costco, and forgot I had left the box open.  My dog quietly snuck into the kitchen, got a bone, quietly laid down, (all the while watching me thinking I was sleeping) and then quietly/slowly ate the milkbone so that I wouldn't hear.  She repeated this process 14 times-  until I finally had to end that adventure, (because she wouldn't).  Very funny, considering she's a teacher's pet type personality-  doesn't want to do anything wrong- always trying to be the perfect dog.
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675347 tn?1365460645
...Come on everyone! There must be some more funny dog-tales out there!...Get posting. We need to laugh right now.
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675347 tn?1365460645
....Yeah, that must be it.... The pond-weed slime he uses for aftershave doesn't help his case either.....
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765775 tn?1366024691
He has to suck her in somehow. His good looks obviously ain't cutting it. He making up for it with brains.
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675347 tn?1365460645
On the subject of farts....
Misty's prudishness about farts (human or canine) never ceases to amuse me. You should see the look on her face whenever anyone lets one rip. (even a very unassuming little quiet one!)

Another thing she does makes me laugh. We have a dog-friend, a black farm dog who sneaks down from a neighboring farm to visit us sometimes. He looks....well....like the Hound from Hell (I am neither kidding nor exaggerating here!) Everyone says how he resembles a black wolf, and 99% of people I know are scared of him because of this. When we had only known him a few weeks, she went up to him, toppled him onto the grass, stood over him (she is about 1/3 of his size) and ever so gently took the massive stick he was carrying, out of his mouth, then trotted off with it dragging on the ground.  It was her attitude that got me laughing, but then I laughed again when he looked up at me beseechingly to 'get him out of this fine mess'!
She does this every time to him, and he just laughs back at her now. I think he likes his girlfriends to be dominant!
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765775 tn?1366024691
We were worried that Bella would be jealous of him but she never felt threatened for a second. LOL
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424675 tn?1260541350
One day when our lab was a pup... she had eaten some table scraps... the next day when I let her out to do her business... she had loud diareah... when she heard the noise, she kept going around in circles trying to figure out what the noise was and where it was coming from!! It was so funny!!!
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441382 tn?1452810569
I was reading along your list, smiling at the cute things that your dogs do, and then when I got to Rocco I almost hooped sweet tea through my nose!  LOL!!!  That's one of the funniest things I've ever heard!  

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765775 tn?1366024691
I decided to just do short list of one paticular thing that each one of my dogs did or still does now.

Prince:(German Shepherd): He would stand up and beg even if I didn't have a treat for him just because he knew it would make me laugh.

Jade: (Great Dane) She would put her big paws up onto my shoulders and dance with me when the radio was on.

Jake: (German Shepherd) He would drop his toy in my lap and when I would reach for it he would grab it back and run away with it. (He would do that for hours if you let him)

Benny: (Belgian Shepherd): They way he can bark out the words "I love you."

Bella:(English Bulldog): She sits patiently at the drive up teller window at the bank because she knows the teller is going to send a treat back when the money drawer opens.

Rocco:(English Bulldog): He jumps up and tries to run away from the smell of his own farts.

There are so many things that they all do or did that it is hard to list them all. I just posted one for each of them, but there are so many more. I don't even think they know that they are being funny they just are being themselves.
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765775 tn?1366024691
This is going to be difficult for me as they have all done so many funny things! I am going to think about it for awhile and then post back.

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