129422 tn?1222699589

Maltese 6 1/2 yrs. old tummy and pain issues intermittent

Our 6 1/2 year-old neutered male Maltese (on the thin side, never been overweight, eating high grade, intestinal friendly food since puppy and rarely given anything other than reg. dog food) has been having intermittent tummy and obscure pain issues for a month and and half and after 10 trips to vet's office and three blood profiles (one comprehensive one), other than initial dx of pancreatitis, vet is stumped as to what might be wrong.  Initially (first week of August), our Maltese did vomit and wouldn't eat (and he always eats voraciously).  Taken to vet around first week in August.  Xrays showed nothing. Blood workup showed mild pancreatis and stool sample did show some minor blood in it.  He was started on mild Rx diet and sent home.  We were told to give him 5 mg. Pepcid 1/2 before each feeding and to try small feedings.  We did this.  He seemed to get better but then would have bouts of what appeared to be severe pain (where he would cry out and tremble uncontrollably), but we couldn't tell where pain was coming from.   Sometimes he acted like he couldn't walk, holding his left foot up, other times he would try to walk but seemed he couldn't.  It is awful to watch this.  Back to the vet's.  Vet thought dog might be dealing with a couple of issues, like maybe intermittent pancreatitis and another maybe cervical issue or pinched nerve or something.   Vet started him on Medcam (?) for pain, small amount every AM, then changed to every other day, etc.  Sometimes he has cried out like in a lot of pain, but this can be done on days when he is eating fine.  And then a few times, he doesn't seem interested at all in food (and he has ALWAYS been interested in food).  He is generally not himself though, even on days without pain episodes and no obvious tummy issue.  Just not himself.   Maybe only one time with very loose stool, and another time with kind of loose stool (but nothing signficant there).  Another stool was checked a couple of weeks ago--no blood in it and negative for parasites.  Blood workup done then completely normal.  Two days ago he mostly dry heaved in the early AM hours (3 AM to 6 AM) about every 10 minutes.  He was at the vet's at 7 AM and observed there all day.  No more dry heaves.  Vet could find nothing wrong with him.  This AM, won't eat, but no dry heaving or other symptoms.   He has been in and out of vet's and hospital about 6 times in last 45 days.  We are worn out.  All blood work shows normal now and they have done very comprehensive blood work profiles.  Vet is stumped.   By time we got him home from last vet appt. 6 PM, he had stopped the dry heaving, and after giving him Pepcid 5 mg., he ate and held it down fine.  We gave him no more pain meds, just Pepcid 5 mg. half hour before each meal.  Now today, Sept. 24th, absolutely won't eat, but no vomiting or dry heaving.  He has been on special Iams Intestinal Low-Residue canned food diet from vet's office since first week of August.  If anyone has a clue, please give me your thoughts.  Most recent blood work shows no signs of pancreatitis, but something has to be going on. Vet now (today) says perhaps we are dealing with a food allergy and wants us to come back in for another blood draw after 12 hours fasting.  Says this blood will be sent for very specific workup to rule out gastro/intestinal issues.  But if anyone has some info that could be helpful, I would sure like to hear it.
28 Responses
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129422 tn?1222699589
Hi Karla.  I know you are out of town.  I am just writing this while it is in my head so I don't forget.  Another thing I find odd is that on the Natures Recipe Lamb & Rice HARD dog food it says guaranteed MIN protein is 20%.  On the SOFT (moist) canned prescription IAMS (Vet Formula) Intestinal (Low-Residue) it says the guaranteed MIN protein is 7%.  I think, however, that the prescription soft food purposely has reduced protein in it as protein is harder for some types of digestive problems (pancreatitis for instance), as I understand it.  I don't think the idea was for me to keep the dog on it indefinitely however.
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129422 tn?1222699589
Baxter seems to be doing a little better.  No vomiting, wretching or pain episodes, but I wouldn't say he is actually totally like his old-self though.  His recent blood draw went to some Texas lab where they specialize in dx gastro-intestinal disorders of all types.  It will take 10-12 days for my vet to get those results.

I am confused about one thing, though, I did look at the canned Iams (Vetertinary Formula) Intestinal Low-Residue my vet put Baxter on after the mild pancreatitis dx initially.  That food label starts out different than the prescription dog food you listed above, which I assume is your research on the Iams I just mentioned.  Anyway, that "label" says "Chicken Broth, Chicken, Whitefish, Brewers Rice, Corn Grits, Chicken Liver, Beef By-Producrts, Chicken By-Products, Dried Egg, Chicken By-product meal, Fish Oil and other suppl. you say don't do a damn thing.  I only mention this because Chicken is #2, Whitefish #3, Chicken Liver #5, Dried Egg #8, I don't see mentioned in your post above.  The can also says "Crude Protein MIN. 7%, Crude Fat MAX 2.8% and Crude Fiber MAX 1%, and gtives min. omega 3, etc. values too, in case that means anything to you.
I just want to make sure your discussion of "The prescription diet" above actually refers to the Iams (Veterinary Formula) Intestinal Low-Residue that Baxter is actually eating currently (with some white rice).  

The vet did say I could give him boiled Chicken that I cooked myself and some white rice---obviously you feel this is much preferable (or egg) to any canned or dry food anyway, right?  I will definitely start boiling some chicken, making egg and/or the cottage cheese and yogurt (in moderation).  I will start out very slowly.

Again, thanks for all your hard work, Karla.  You really went to tremendous trouble for us and it is sincerely appreciated.  Is this something you do for aliving or is pet nutrition your passion?  Just curious.

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129422 tn?1222699589
Wow!  You did do a ton of work on my (our) behalf, and I want you to know how much I appreciate it.  I feel awful I've been feeding him so poorly.  We have a Golden Retriever too (he eats something totally different---he is 9 years old---that is probably starving as well.  He eats Purina One for Seniors (No, I am not asking you to research this...hahahha).  He looks to be in wonderful muscular shape and acts like a puppy still but he does get a lot of hot spots around on his cheeks and by his ears especially in summer when he is in and out of the pool a lot.  Anyway, I digress.  See below for continuation.

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462827 tn?1333168952
Part:3  There is no doubt in my mind that it's his food that's making him sick. You've had everything possible tested. You said your Vet (On your second to last visit) said it's now food allergies. HE'S RIGHT! This isn't food. Baxter's not allergic to Proteins (Meat) cause he's never had any. He however, may be allergic to grains, now. You are going to have to get him something better to eat. There are many good foods available. Well maybe a few!  Also, some good grainfree ones. Since you should mix some of the old food with the new, this might be tough. I wouldn't give him either of these foods again, but you could use a grain that he's use to. While your looking for a better food: Scramble him an egg (Excellent protein source) mixed with rice. Next, boneless, skinless, chichen breast w/rice. Add some fresh parsley.It's wonderful for digestion. Cottage cheese w/rice is another good choice. Snack: Yogurt (Unflavored) Wonderful for the digestive tract. Give tiny portions cause he's not use to this. Alright, I gotta go to bed. I am leaving town tomorrow. Just for the day....If you have any questions, let me know. Good luck to you. And to Baxter:  Happy Eating!  :)  Oh yes, how was the bloodwork yesterday?  Let me know...........Take care....Karla
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462827 tn?1333168952
Part 2:   The Prescription Diet:
1st. - Corn Grits- GRAIN   Means the bulk of this food is corn. I'm going to break Corn down even further because of this...Digestion of Corn causes skin irritations, hair loss, ear infections, kidney and liver disease, obesity, CHRONIC DIGESTIVE problems, bloat, heart disease & thyroid  disease in Dogs. NO Nutrition
2nd. - Brewers Rice - GRAIN - This grain is actually already used. It is used to brew beer. When the brewing process is done, there is no other use for this so it is added to dog food. Yes, as a filler. Brewers Yeast is the same. NO Nutrition here, either.
3rd. - Chicken-By-Product - By-Products of the chicken would include: Feet, Heads, beaks, Viscera (free from fecal content & foreign matter). NO nutrition here! yuck!!!!!!
4th. - Chicken  (Is this a maybe?) In 4th place, probably not.
5th. - Fish Meal - You know what this is..NO Nutrition
6th. - * Chicken Fat  
That's it for this one....
*Now you see #5 in the first food and # 6 in this one? Both Chicken Fat. Know what they do with this? It is sprayed on the outside of the kibble..Know why? (Your not gonna like this)......ANIMAL FATS - Used to encourage a pet to EAT INGREDIENTS they normally would NOT eat! Ingestion can cause GASTROINTESTINAL UPSET & PANCREATITIS!!!
Well, well, well.........Really?????      Bottom Line:  Neither of these foods have anything that a dog requires. There are NO PROTEINS in these. He needs MEAT!!   Not Cereal... I'm surprised that he's not any sicker. I am afraid that he's starving to death, though. His system is trying to tell you this...I bet he's hungry, too.  Note: This is NOT your Vet's fault (Although he sold you both of these!) Vets are schooled in Medicine for years..They have a very short course in Nutrition (8 hrs. or so). Guess who provides the instruction?  THE PRESCRIPTION FOOD COMPANIES!  I guess you see where this is going?
Part 3: Coming......I'm almost done!!!!!!       Be back
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462827 tn?1333168952
Jaylyn, I normally don't do a post like this, but because you have gone above and beyond trying to figure this out, and all his test come back normal, I'm going to. I will have to do this in sections because it will be long. This is not secret information, but it is info. that some would rather you not know. I've spent hours trying to figure your problem out and I think I have it. (And it's simple) Here goes: On Pet food labels, the ingredients are listed in order of amounts inside your bag or can. First ingredient is the most, second is the second most, etc. Let's dissect your food: (The one you've used for years).
1st. Ingredient-LAMB MEAL- The term "meal" means these ingredients are not used fresh, but have been rendered. To render is to process for industrial use: to render livestock CARCASSES & extract oil from fat, blubber, etc. by melting. Raw materials are dumped into vats and boiled for hours. This process seperates fat, removes water & kills bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc. The high temps destroys any natural enzymes & proteins found in the raw material. Therefore, meals are not a source of protein. (OK, NO nutrition in this one).
2nd- RICE - A Grain
3rd- Barley - A Grain
4th- Oatmeal - A Grain
5th- * Chicken Fat
6th - Dried potatoes - A starch that when broke down, turns to sugar.
-Somewhere in this one is "Tomato Pomace"  to promote small, firm, easy to clean stools. (Got that off the bag). What does this mean and how does it work? And why? Tomatoes are toxic to dogs.
Everything else listed (All those vitamins and minerals that look good in print) don't really mean anything. They are destroyed in the cooking process...........
DOGS are carnivores...They have to have PROTEINS to survive....Grains are hard to digest and have NO nutritional value.  They are cheap fillers....So, NO food for your puppy in this bag.  :(    
Part 2: Coming.....We'll look at his prescription diet!
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